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As NATO Meets In DC, Senate Democrats Prioritize Show Votes Over NDAA

Instead Of Demonstrating That The United States Is Ready To Step Up And Bolster Its Defense And Deterrence Against Aggressors Like China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran, Senate Democrats Are Allowing This Year’s Bipartisan Defense Authorization Bill To Languish, Wasting Time On Yet More Election Year Show Votes   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This week, the Senate convenes with important business to address. America’s closest allies are in town. The eyes of the world are on … Continue Reading


Three Years Of Joe Biden’s Failures Leaves The State Of Our Union Weaker And Americans Deeply Unsatisfied

Tonight, @POTUS is going to tell the American people that the state of our union is strong. But his historic inflation, violent crime, open borders, and weakness on the world stage say otherwise. — Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) March 7, 2024   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Tonight, President Biden will deliver the last State of the Union address of his term. For the past three years, these speeches have served as mile markers,… Continue Reading


Keeping Pace With Russian And Chinese Military Buildups And Defending American Interests Requires Congress To Urgently Approve Crucial Security Funding

As Russia Re-Arms And Continues Its Assault On Ukraine And China Boosts Weapons Production, America’s Ability To Respond To Threats And Protect Ourselves And Our Allies Depends On Congress Appropriating More Funding For National Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Here’s the truth: threats to U.S. national security are growing, and the Biden Administration’s habit of proposing real-dollar cuts to defense funding is a streak that must end at three. With its forthcoming bud… Continue Reading


Congress Must Pass This Year’s NDAA So America Can Confront Worldwide Security Challenges

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘The NDAA Is Our Most Significant Opportunity To Set Priorities For Competition With Adversaries Like China And Russia … It’s Our Time To Lay The Groundwork For Robust Investments In Hard Power’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The NDAA is our most significant opportunity to set priorities for competition with adversaries like China and Russia. It’s our chance to keep the Biden Administration focused on critical missions like rebuilding America’s defense indus… Continue Reading


A Strong, Comprehensive Security Supplemental Invests In American Defense And American Jobs

A National Security Supplemental Supporting America’s Partners In Ukraine, Israel, And Asia Not Only Helps Those Countries, It Strengthens The United States Defense Industrial Base, Which Enhances American Security While Creating Jobs And Revitalizing Communities Across The Country SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over and over again, history has taught us that the costs of disengaging from the world are far higher than the costs of engaging. And just as the threats we face are… Continue Reading


Biden’s Weakness On Iran Cannot Continue

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘Ultimately, President Biden Must Also Accept That The Fundamental Assumptions Of His Administration’s Iran Policy Were Morally And Practically Bankrupt…. The Biden Administration’s Previous Iran Policy Is Now History. The President Must Go Back To The Drawing Board’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he United States must continue to provide maximum support to Israel’s counter-terrorist operation, as long as it takes. And just as importantly, we have to re-e… Continue Reading


American Military Strength And Continued Support For Ukraine Are Imperative To Deter ‘A New Axis Of Autocrats’ Centered On Beijing And Moscow

Leader McConnell: ‘We Must Not Ignore This Contest For Power.… Now, With Russia And China’s ‘Friendship Without Limits’ And Putin’s Embrace Of Iran And North Korea, Is Not The Time For America To Step Back…. Let’s Just Be Absolutely Clear About A Few Things: Helping Ukraine Retake Its Territory Means Weakening One Of America’s Biggest Strategic Adversaries Without Firing A Shot… And Deterring Another One In The Process.’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Russia and China have bo… Continue Reading


American Leadership In Supporting Ukraine Is Making A Difference In Europe

Together, The United States And Its NATO Allies Are Providing Crucial Assistance To Ukraine While Once-Reluctant European Countries Are Stepping Up To Boost Their Defense Budgets And Recognize The Threats Posed By Both Russia And China SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he fate of Ukraine's resistance continues to depend on Western support. Western allies should use this week's summit to commit even more critical capabilities to tip the balance of forces in Ukraine's favor.… Continue Reading


America’s East Asia Partners Agree That Supporting Ukraine Is Essential For Deterring China

Supporting Ukraine Is An Investment In 'Taiwan's Survival' And International Security Against Chinese Aggression Across Asia, While The Conflict Also Provides A Wakeup Call For America's Defense Posture SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As I've discussed repeatedly, Vladimir Putin's brutal escalation in Ukraine has prompted America's European allies to take their commitments to collective defense more seriously. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Russia's authoritaria… Continue Reading

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