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OP-ED: Obama takes his reckless energy plan to the United Nations

by Mitch McConnell

It would obviously be irresponsible for an outgoing president to purport to sign the American people up to international commitments based on a domestic energy plan that is likely illegal, that half the states have sued to halt, that Congress has voted to reject and that his successor could do away with in a few months' time. But that's just what President Obama is proposing to do at a U.N. climate conference in Paris starting Monday. The president's international negotiating partners at that c… Continue Reading


OP-ED: EPA climate rule a disaster worth fighting against

by Mitch McConnell

The Herald-Leader's recent attempt to equate those who work in the Kentucky coal fields - along with those of us who support and defend their way of life - with the Southern plantation owners who once enriched themselves off the backs of slaves is a depressing new low. It's no secret that liberal progressives have a hard time moderating their passions or prioritizing outrage. But drawing a moral equivalence between America's original sin of slavery and the fight for Kentucky coal reveals a prof… Continue Reading

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