
Currently showing results related to Restoring the Senate

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OP-ED: Democrats reap what they have sown

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

The day after Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court was announced, I wrote about his sterling credentials, record of independence and long history of bipartisan support - and predicted they would matter little to hard-left special interests that invariably oppose the Supreme Court nominees of any Republican president. I asked Democrats to ignore those extreme voices and their attacks and join us instead in giving Gorsuch fair consideration and an up-or-down vote, as we did for the first… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Back To Work For The American People

by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

When the American people elected a new Republican majority in 2014, they called for the Senate to get back to work. From day one, that's what this majority has set out to accomplish - and we've gotten a lot done as a result. Consider what we were able to achieve for the American people last year alone. Enacting permanent tax relief for families and small businesses. Bringing an end to a job-killing energy embargo from the 1970s. Rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure with the most si… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Bipartisanship, Progress Up to Obama

by Mitch McConnell

Last week, members of the 114th Congress took the oath of office and ushered in a new Republican majority. It's a fresh beginning for our country that I'm optimistic about. And I was honored and humbled to be elected unanimously by my Republican colleagues as Senate majority leader - only the second Senate majority leader from Kentucky in history. The first was Alben Barkley, who led the Democrats from 1937 to 1949. His portrait hangs on the wall in my Capitol office. So does a portrait of Kent… Continue Reading


OP-ED: How Congress, President Obama can get things done

by Mitch McConnell

Yesterday, members of the 114th Congress took the oath of office and ushered in a new Republican majority. It's a fresh beginning for our country, and I'm optimistic. A lot can be achieved if President Obama and his party work with us to advance common-sense jobs ideas for the middle class. In the Senate, we welcome many new senators determined to achieve serious results. These men and women share my party's resolve to end Washington's dysfunction and get things done for the middle class again.… Continue Reading

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