
ICYMI: Leader McConnell on ‘Kudlow’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business’ ‘Kudlow’ this afternoon. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview.

On Infrastructure Negotiations:

“I think we all agree an infrastructure package done correctly is a plus for the country. President Trump and the administration you were a part of was trying to figure a way to do that. President Obama talked about it as well.”


On the Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spending Spree:

“I can tell you there will be two separate efforts here and all Republicans are going to oppose the reckless taxing and spending spree, which amounts to at least -- they claim -- $3.5 trillion. You claim -- and you're probably more accurate -- a lot more than that.”


“This isn't good for the country. You could say the same thing about the $1.9 trillion so-called rescue package. They already passed on a straight party-line vote earlier this year. You remember Larry Summers said we're flooding the economy with money and we’re going to create rampant inflation.

“Well, we have created rampant inflation already. We sent down to state and local governments huge amounts of money that they're not quite sure what to do with. And that is something that is already in the pipeline. And now they want to add $3.5 to $5 trillion more on top of it? It is wildly inappropriate for the country, completely out of sync with what this recovering economy needs right now.”


On Far-Left Policies Hurting Kentuckians:

“I’ve done lots and lots of meetings with enterprises of all sizes. They’re all seeing two things: number one, the cost of everything is skyrocketing; and number two, the difficulty of getting people back to work. We have a Democratic governor in Kentucky who has said they’re going to keep on paying the $300-a-week federal supplement all the way until it expires in September. I’ve got people in my state who also run businesses in Indiana. One of them is really interesting. She said as soon as the Indiana governor said ‘we're not going to take the $300 dollar per week bonus anymore,’ the next day they got 200 job applications.”

On the Importance of Vaccines:

“The one thing we know that works is the vaccine, and honestly Larry, as a polio survivor myself, I’ve paid a lot of attention to that particular disease. It took 70 years to develop two vaccines. Here we developed three highly effective vaccines in under one year. Honestly, it never occurred to me we would have difficulty getting people to take the vaccine. So clearly we've got a job to do to try to convince reluctant Americans of all types who seem to be holding back, unconvinced that this is the right thing to do. There is one statistic that proves it. 97% of people in the hospital right now with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Total conclusive case for vaccination.”