
Leader McConnell Statement on Alex Azar

‘Alex brings a wealth of private and public sector knowledge that will prepare him well for this crucial role.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement regarding President Trump’s intention to nominate Alex Azar for Secretary of Health and Human Services:

“Alex brings a wealth of private and public sector knowledge that will prepare him well for this crucial role. The Secretary of HHS oversees some of the nation's most important programs, including Medicare and Medicaid in addition to safeguarding public health at the Centers for Disease Control, advancing cures at The National Institutes of Health, and working through the Food and Drug Administration to get those cures to patients.

“I look forward to meeting with him soon to discuss his outlook and vision for the department, particularly the opioid epidemic that has hurt so many Kentuckians and so many Americans across the country.”

Background: The Senate will consider this nomination in a timely manner. Additional details regarding a confirmation hearing will be forthcoming from the committees of jurisdiction. 

Related Issues: Health Care, Nominations