
McConnell on ‘Your World’ with Neil Cavuto

‘My redline going forward on this bill is we need to provide protection, litigation protection, for those who have been on the frontline.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Neil Cavuto today to discuss ongoing COVID-19 relief proposals and reopening the economy. See below for highlights or click here to listen to the full interview.

On Litigation Protection for Frontline Workers:

“My redline going forward on this bill is we need to provide protection, litigation protection, for those who have been on the frontline. Hospitals, doctors, nurses. Imagine you are a businessman thinking about reopening, and you've heard that the trial lawyers all over the country are sharpening their pencils getting ready to sue you, claiming that you didn't engage in proper distancing or other issues related to health and safety.

“Look, we can't pass another bill unless we have liability protections. That's the only way we're going to be able to get past this and that is to begin to open up the economy again. We have to have businesses brave enough to open up again and employees brave enough to go back to work. And I'm glad to see that some of the states are beginning to move in the direction of reopening.”


On Testing and Treatment:

“One of the reasons we put $25 billion in the additional bill over and above the CARES bill that we passed last week for testing is, we are not there yet on testing. Not only what kind of test but how many of them actually will tell you something other than you don't have it at the moment. And we don't yet have treatment.

“And we don't yet have a vaccine. We've allocated $25 billion at that whole area of testing and treatment and vaccine in the bill that we just passed last week. That's all part of reassuring everyone that they can safely go back to work.”


On Reopening the Economy:

“We are in a place we have never been before where we are all hoping for a rapid recovery. I think that we get a more rapid recovery if we have liability reform. If we have testing that reassures people, because the economy will not truly be open unless everyone is willing to participate in the economy again. I’m not an expert on these things. This is an experience we have not had before.

“It is hard to figure out what may happen. We do know that we need to move ahead. And I am pleased that a number of states are beginning to move in the direction of opening up the economy consistent with the phase 1 recommendations of the White House and the coronavirus task force.”

Related Issues: Health Care, COVID-19, Economy