
Leader McConnell Pays Tribute to Senator Jon Kyl

‘If Jon had planned on a relaxing, undisturbed post-Senate career, then his biggest mistake was leaving a record as one of the most earnest and effective legislators this body had seen in recent memory. Because, when the people of Arizona needed someone to step in and honor the towering legacy of our dear friend, John McCain, through the end of this Congress, his counterpart of 18 years was the natural choice.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the retirement of friend and colleague, Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ):  

“To the untrained eye, it might seem that I’ve completed my thanks and farewells to all my Republican colleagues who will depart at the end of this Congress. But I would be remiss if I did not also mention the junior Senator from Arizona – our good friend, Jon Kyl. When Senator Kyl bid farewell to this body in 2012, it took me quite a while to come to terms with the prospect that we’d cast our final votes together. I went through the stages of grief. Eventually, I came to acceptance. But as it turned out, the great state of Arizona was not quite finished with this distinguished leader after all.

“If Jon had planned on a relaxing, undisturbed post-Senate career, then his biggest mistake was leaving a record as one of the most earnest and effective legislators this body had seen in recent memory. Because, when the people of Arizona needed someone to step in and honor the towering legacy of our dear friend, John McCain, through the end of this Congress, his counterpart of 18 years was the natural choice.

“As the entire nation mourned the loss of a decorated hero and statesman, Jon Kyl volunteered his even keel and sound judgment to fill the void. And while the Senate may have changed in some small ways in the six years since Jon left us, he’s likely noticed over the past few months that some things never do. This floor remains the stage for the most important policy challenges facing our country. There is still an urgent need for hardworking public servants with expertise to enter the fray. And he’s still the junior senator from Arizona.

“From his first day back, Jon has smoothly continued Senator McCain’s habit of making an outsized impact for his state. He’s cast his vote to confirm a well-qualified Supreme Court nominee. He’s joined in advancing major legislation. And he’s continued his advocacy for improving America’s military readiness. As we say goodbye one more time, I know every member of this body will join me in gratitude that Jon answered the call when his experience and talents were needed. Like the others who have been lucky enough to spend eighteen years serving with Jon already, I am especially grateful for this second opportunity to work alongside such a dear friend. So I thank Jon for his abiding commitment to service. We wish him and his wonderful wife Caryll much health and happiness in the years to come.”

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