
Senate Continues Work on Remaining Priorities

‘We need to make a substantial investment in the integrity of our border and the safety of American families. And we need to close out the year’s appropriations process and reach a bipartisan agreement to supply the 25% of the federal government for which we haven’t already passed funding legislation. I hope the same bipartisan, collaborative spirit that has carried us this far will enable the Senate and the House to complete this business without undue delay.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the remaining business to be completed in the Senate before the end of the year:

“In recent days, I’ve spoken about the Senate’s agenda for the remainder of the 115th Congress. As was the case at this time last week, there are important items that have yet to be addressed. But thanks to the bipartisan progress we made last week, we are significantly closer to the finish line.

“Together, guided by Chairman Blunt and Senator Klobuchar, the Senate met the need to revise how Congress handles claims of sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and other workplace violations. Under the leadership of Chairman Roberts and Senator Stabenow, we cleared the conference report for the 2018 farm bill, sending my industrial hemp legislation – and other critical provisions for America’s farming communities – to the president’s desk to become law. And to cap off a year of historic progress on judicial nominations, the Senate voted to confirm the 30th federal circuit judge of this Congress, and this administration.

“Now we will turn our attention to the remaining priorities and completing the American people’s business. Last week, I announced that -- at the request of the president and following improvements that were secured by several members -- the Senate would take up criminal justice legislation here on the floor. Later this afternoon, we’ll vote on advancing the legislation. 

“I know the proponents of this bill have spent a great deal of time and energy drafting their proposal. At the same time, there are a number of members with outstanding concerns that they feel are still unresolved. So, if cloture is invoked later today, the Senate will be considering amendments before we vote on final passage later this week.

“Of course, the most high-profile items still before us are border security and government funding. We need to make a substantial investment in the integrity of our border and the safety of American families. And we need to close out the year’s appropriations process and reach a bipartisan agreement to supply the 25% of the federal government for which we haven’t already passed funding legislation. I hope the same bipartisan, collaborative spirit that has carried us this far will enable the Senate and the House to complete this business without undue delay.”

Related Issues: Law Enforcement, Appropriations, Farm Bill, Homeland Security