
McConnell Comments On Border Security Negotiations

‘Addressing the border crisis here at home is a fundamental part of legislation that will help America meet each of the most glaring national security challenges we face around the world. And there are a number of significant issues our colleagues are still working to resolve.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding border security negotiations:

“Over the weekend, our colleagues continued to make progress toward an agreement on border security.

“I’m especially grateful to Senator Lankford for stewarding Senate Republicans’ efforts to produce meaningful policy changes, fix our broken asylum system, and secure the southern border.

“Addressing the border crisis at home is a fundamental part of legislation that will help America meet each of the most glaring national security challenges we face around the world. And there are a number of significant issues our colleagues are still working to resolve.

“The effects of years of failed border enforcement are compounded. Border security policy is complex. And our colleagues at the negotiating table are clear-eyed about the fact that getting this agreement right – and producing legislative text – is going to require some time.

“Senate Republicans will not make up for others showing up late to the table by waiving our responsibility to carefully negotiate and review any agreement before voting on it.

“And I am encouraged by our colleagues’ commitment to keep making steady progress in their negotiations over the coming week and beyond.

“America is facing a never-before-seen border crisis. An imperialist thug is trying to redraw the map of Europe. A repressive authoritarian state is preparing to put more of the Indo-Pacific under its control. And the world’s largest state sponsor of terror is showing us it’s as determined as ever to kill American servicemembers and disrupt global commerce.

“There is simply no room for falling short, here. We cannot afford to get this wrong.”


Related Issues: Border Security