
McConnell: Haspel is the Right Woman at the Right Time

‘Her nomination has support from national security leaders and senators in both parties. There is no reason why her confirmation should be delayed -- and I look forward to advancing it expeditiously following the committee’s action.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for Director of the CIA, Gina Haspel:

“Yesterday, the Senate confirmed two more superbly-qualified circuit court nominees. Joel Carson and John Nalbandian are the 20th and 21st circuit judges we’ve confirmed this Congress.

“This morning, our colleagues on the Intelligence Committee finished their consideration of Gina Haspel’s nomination to be CIA director and reported her nomination favorably with bipartisan support.

“Senators heard about her thirty-plus years of CIA experience, spanning sensitive operations from the Cold War to the Global War on Terror. That background makes Ms. Haspel an ideal pick at this particular moment, when Secretary Mattis has explained that counterterrorism and a renewed great-power competition are two of the key challenges facing our nation.

“No wonder James Clapper, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, said -- quote -- ‘I think the world of Gina; she is capable, smart, very experienced, well-respected by the Agency rank and file, and a great person.’

“Just yesterday, our current DNI, Dan Coats, wrote in USA Today that ‘she is a person of high integrity with valuable frontline and executive experience… who is willing to speak truth to power when required on behalf of our nation.’

“Gina Haspel is the right woman at the right time. Her nomination has support from national security leaders and senators in both parties. There is no reason why her confirmation should be delayed -- and I look forward to advancing it expeditiously following the committee’s action.”

Related Issues: Nominations, National Security