
More Prosperity, Opportunity, Raises and Bonuses for Working Families in America

‘For years, Democratic policies like high taxes and runaway regulations put a headwind in the faces of American job creators. Now, historic tax reform, regulatory relief, and the rest of our opportunity agenda mean the wind is once again at their backs. Republicans understand that American workers don’t win when American businesses lose. Our economy isn’t a zero-sum game.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-worker agenda:

“Less than 16 months into this Republican government, our policies are helping create a sea change in the economic climate in this country. The Washington Post recently reported on new data from the National Federation of Independent Business. Forty-three percent of small business owners say they’re already investing in new equipment. More than half of manufacturing firms and construction firms expect demand to keep growing. And the percentage of small businesses who’ve raised worker compensation is the highest it’s been since the year 2000.

“For years, Democratic policies like high taxes and runaway regulations put a headwind in the faces of American job creators. Now, historic tax reform, regulatory relief, and the rest of our opportunity agenda mean the wind is once again at their backs. Republicans understand that American workers don’t win when American businesses lose. Our economy isn’t a zero-sum game.

“If we want middle-class families to thrive, we need the American businesses that compete to employ them and pay them to thrive, too. And sure enough, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the amount employers spend on worker pay and benefits grew more in 2017 than it did in any calendar year under President Obama. More prosperity, more opportunity, more raises and bonuses for working families. This is just the start of what the American people can accomplish when Republicans get Washington out of their way.”

Related Issues: Middle Class, Taxes, Economy, Tax Reform