
McConnell on Obamacare: We Must Act Quickly to Bring Relief to the American People

‘Too many have been personally hurt by this law. Too many feel they’re worse off than they were before Obamacare.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Senate’s upcoming vote on Obamacare: 

“When Obamacare’s supporters forced their partisan law on our country, they promised an easy-to-use system; one that would lower premiums and out-of-pocket health care costs; one that would foster choice and allow families to keep the plans and doctors they liked.

“But it didn’t take long for the American people to discover the truth about Obamacare.

“Too many have been personally hurt by this law. Too many feel they’re worse off than they were before Obamacare.

“Listening to their stories helps explain why they might feel this way.

“For instance…                                                                    

“Too many Americans say their Obamacare plans are too expensive to actually use.

“Too many say their Obamacare premiums have gone up and up though their options have diminished.

“Too many say their choices on Obamacare have deteriorated to just one or two insurers.

“These are some of the realities of Obamacare for too many families in Kentucky and across the country. These are some inconvenient realities that those who continue to defend this failed law must finally face up to.


“Even former President Clinton has called Obamacare ‘the craziest thing in the world.’  This is Bill Clinton on Obamacare.

“So it’s little wonder that about 8 in 10 favor changing Obamacare significantly or replacing it altogether.

“We must act quickly to bring relief to the American people.

“I hope Democrats will work with us as we take the next steps toward repealing and replacing this failing law.

“Tonight, Senators from both sides will have an important opportunity to take a vote on the legislative tools necessary to repeal Obamacare.

“Then we can send it to the House and begin taking the next steps to finally move away from Obamacare while we move ahead with smarter health care policies.

“This is what the American people have called for us to do. It’s the best way forward for our country and the people we represent.”

Related Issues: Obamacare