
Republican-Led Senate Makes Progress to Pass Bipartisan FAA Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization and airport security bill:

“Americans continue to see the difference a Republican-led Senate can make on behalf of our country — we’ve passed legislation to combat the prescription opioid and heroin epidemic, to provide a long-term highway funding solution, and to advance many other important issues.

“Today I’m hopeful we’ll be able to add to that record of achievement with the FAA Reauthorization and airport security bill, which aims to keep Americans safe in our airports and in the sky.

“Recent terror attacks across the world emphasize the importance of ensuring our airports are secure. I’m pleased this bill includes a number of provisions that will help do so. From increasing security in pre-screening areas, to securing international flights arriving in the U.S., to ramping up measures aimed at deterring cybersecurity attacks — this legislation contains the most comprehensive aviation security reforms in years.

“It also includes a number of passenger-friendly provisions, like refunds for lost or delayed bags and efforts to improve travel for those with disabilities. The bill accomplishes all of this without raising fees or taxes on passengers, and without imposing heavy-handed regulations that threaten consumer choice.

“The FAA Reauthorization bill is the product of hard work and deliberation from members on both sides of the aisle. It wouldn’t have been possible without the leadership of Senator Thune, our Commerce Committee Chairman, and Senator Ayotte, our Aviation Subcommittee Chair.

“They worked to consider amendments — from both Republicans and Democrats — that members thought would make this good bill an even better one. I also want to thank their Ranking Member counterparts, Senators Nelson and Cantwell, for their efforts to advance this legislation. 

“So let’s continue that bipartisan progress today and move the FAA Reauthorization and airport security bill across the finish line. It’s a win for passengers. It’s a win for national security. It’s another example of commonsense legislating under Republican leadership — leadership that’s getting the Senate back to work.”

Related Issues: Back to Work, FAA, War on Terror