
Republican Pro-Growth, Pro-Opportunity Agenda Continues to Pay Off for Americans

‘In my home state of Kentucky, the unemployment rate has reached its lowest level on record. Communities across the country are tapping into new opportunities for growth. And families and job creators nationwide are benefiting. So Republicans will continue working hard, laying the groundwork for American free enterprise to seize on this extraordinary moment.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-growth agenda:

“Yesterday, I talked about leaving the ‘outrage industrial complex’ behind and returning focus to the issues that impact the everyday lives of the American people. That’s what my Republican colleagues and I have been focused on all along. And we’re continuing to see that focus pay off.

“For the better part of the last two years, the Labor Department’s monthly jobs report has regularly pointed to an economy that’s opening new doors for millions of Americans. It’s reinforced what we knew to be the case: the pro-growth, pro-opportunity agenda enacted by Republicans is helping America’s working families, job creators, and entrepreneurs write a remarkable new chapter of prosperity.

“Here are just a few of the headlines to emerge following last Friday’s jobs report:

“‘Real gains in the paychecks of average workers.’

“‘Torrent of job offers, bigger salaries offer more proof U.S. labor market is still red-hot’

“‘U.S. unemployment fell to 3.6%, lowest since December 1969.’

“And yet, there appears to be plenty of disbelief among Washington Democrats that things like rising wages, consumer confidence, and fierce competition for skilled American workers are causes for celebration. At least, that’s what their recent policy proposals have left us to assume.  From a massive federal experiment in one-size-fits-all health insurance to a Washington-dictated ‘green’ overhaul of American homes, cars, and jobs, Democrats seem determined to make the current wave of prosperity and economic opportunity short-lived.

“They’re peddling a wholesale shift away from the free enterprise tradition that has unleashed prosperity and opportunity throughout American history -- and they’re doing so at the very time that daily headlines confirm those principles are still working to lift up American families. In my home state of Kentucky, the unemployment rate has reached its lowest level on record. Communities across the country are tapping into new opportunities for growth. And families and job creators nationwide are benefiting. So Republicans will continue working hard, laying the groundwork for American free enterprise to seize on this extraordinary moment.”

Related Issues: Economy, Taxes, Labor, Jobs