
Senate Continues Timely Confirmation of Nominees After Democrat Obstruction

‘As I’ve been discussing, the Senate’s continuing to make better progress filling vacancies in the executive branch and the federal judiciary. After last month’s action to restore a more functional, straightforward system for considering lower-level nominations, we’ve begun the process of clearing the executive calendar backlog left by years of partisan obstruction.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to confirm more of the president’s well-qualified nominees:  

“As I’ve been discussing, the Senate’s continuing to make better progress filling vacancies in the executive branch and the federal judiciary. After last month’s action to restore a more functional, straightforward system for considering lower-level nominations, we’ve begun the process of clearing the executive calendar backlog left by years of partisan obstruction.

“This morning, we’ll vote to confirm three qualified individuals the president nominated for the Export-Import Bank: Kimberly Reed of West Virginia to serve as President, and Spencer Bachus of Alabama and Judith Pryor of Ohio to serve on the Board of Directors. Combined, they have spent years waiting for confirmation. Now, thanks to last month’s action, we’re considering them on the floor this week.

“We’ll also vote to confirm Joseph Bianco of New York as U.S. Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit. Mr. Bianco is a graduate of Georgetown University and the Columbia University School of Law. He’s contributed years of distinguished service as an Assistant U.S. Attorney and now U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York. The Senate confirmed him to that last role by a voice vote back in 2005. So I hope we can muster another strong, bipartisan vote of confidence in this exceptionally well-qualified jurist.

“Finally, the Senate will consider Janet Dhillon of Pennsylvania to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Michael Park of New York to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit. I’m proud that, even amid partisan distractions, this body will continue fulfilling one of its key constitutional responsibilities.”


Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Judicial Nominations, Nominations