
Senate to Vote on 21st Century Cures

‘Last week, the House overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan 21st Century Cures medical innovation bill. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to move this bill forward and send it to the president’s desk for signature.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Senate’s upcoming vote on the 21st Century Cures Bill:

“Last week, the House overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan 21st Century Cures medical innovation bill. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to move this bill forward and send it to the president’s desk for signature.

“This legislation has earned wide support from both sides of the aisle and is one of the most important bills we’ll pass this year — it’s not hard to see why.

“It will encourage investment in biomedical research to help deliver treatments and cures to patients.

“It will cut through red tape and burdensome regulations while also protecting safety.

“And it will build upon progress to support regenerative medicine and other innovative therapies.

“Cures also includes provisions to strengthen mental health programs and to provide much-needed resources to help combat the opioid epidemic.

“It’s legislation that can have an impact on each of our states, and on each of our constituents.

“Later today, Senators will take the next step in advancing 21st Century Cures. With continued cooperation, we can pass this bipartisan bill soon.

“The Cures legislation is just one key area where the Senate has been working to complete its work before the holidays.

“Negotiations are ongoing on the continuing resolution, which we will consider later this week.

“This week we will also pass the defense authorization conference report, and work continues to finalize other outstanding conference reports including for the water resources development bill and the energy policy modernization bill.

“As those efforts continue, I want to thank all those who’ve been working around the clock to reach a conclusion on these important issues.

“So we’ve got a busy week ahead. Let’s keep working together to get it done.”

Related Issues: Health Care, Energy, Budget, Infrastructure, NDAA