
Senate to Vote on Iran Sanctions

‘The authorities extended by this legislation give us some of the tools needed to, if necessary, impose sanctions to hold the regime to account and to keep the American people safer.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today on the Senate’s upcoming vote on the Iran sanctions extension legislation:

“Later today, we’ll have a chance to pass the Iran sanctions extension legislation that passed the House by a large margin.

“Given Iran’s continued pattern of aggression and the country’s persistent efforts to expand its sphere of influence across the region, preserving these sanctions is critical.

“This is even more important given how the current Administration has been held hostage by Tehran’s threats to withdraw from the nuclear agreement and how it has ignored Iran’s overall efforts to upset the balance of power in the greater Middle East.

“The authorities extended by this legislation give us some of the tools needed to, if necessary, impose sanctions to hold the regime to account and to keep the American people safer.

“Next year, I expect that the new Administration and new Congress will undertake a review of our overall Iran policy.

“These authorities should remain in place as we address how best to deal with Iranian missile tests, support to Hezbollah and the Syrian regime.

“I urge all Senators to support this legislation today.”

Related Issues: Iran