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Senate Has Responsibility To Invest In American Strength And Credibility

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Four months ago, Senate Republicans asked our colleague from Oklahoma, Senator Lankford, to take on a pretty tall order - negotiate serious border security policy with an Administration that had shown no interest in actually securing the border. “He put in an enormous amount of work, and I’m very grateful for the persistence … Continue Reading


America’s Adversaries Continue To Show They’re Undeterred

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Yesterday, Iran-backed terrorists carried out another deadly attack on a base that houses U.S. personnel in Syria. “The Iran-backed Houthis continue to threaten U.S. vessels and international shipping in the Red Sea. “Three days after President Biden directed strikes in response to the killing of three U.S. soldiers in Jorda… Continue Reading


Supplemental Will Address Security Challenges Directly

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Four years ago, as a candidate for the Democratic nomination, President Biden promised his base functionally open borders. Quote: ‘I would in fact make sure that… we immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum.’ That was President Biden as he took office. “Three years ago, as people surged to the … Continue Reading


McConnell: America, Allies Cannot Give In To Distraction, Division, Self-Deterrence

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “The People’s Republic of China is the single greatest strategic challenge facing the United States. It poses a potentially existential threat to our friends in the region, and a growing threat to allies in Europe, as well. “The PRC is working to undermine the prevailing order that has maintained major power peace for eight de… Continue Reading


McConnell: Russian Defeat In Ukraine In Direct U.S. Interest

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Vladimir Putin’s re-election campaign is employing a slogan that the Russian people - and the rest of the world - have actually heard before. “Here’s what it is: ‘Russia’s borders do not end anywhere.’ “The map of Europe illustrates what he means by this in the starkest possible terms. “A brazen war of conquest is headed to… Continue Reading


McConnell: Senate Has Opportunity To Answer National Security Challenges With American Strength

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “This week, Senator Lankford and several colleagues will continue their work to finalize the most substantial border security policy in thirty years.  “This agreement would come not a moment too soon. Over the past three years, we’ve watched the flood of illegal immigration tick past 6.7 million encounters. “6.7 million since… Continue Reading


National Security Challenges Are Test Of America’s Credibility, Senate Must Not Fail

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “As I noted earlier this week, the Senate’s first major business of the year is addressing an historic array of national security challenges. “For the first time since 1945, there’s a land war in Europe. “A Russian imperialist is deploying North Korean and Iranian weapons in his assault on Ukraine, with additional support fro… Continue Reading


McConnell On National Security Threats: Weakness and Timidity Are Contagious

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Here on the floor yesterday, I warned that the Administration’s efforts to deter Iranian-backed Houthi threats to international shipping and American credibility were grossly insufficient. “Just hours later, the Houthis proved my point with a significant escalation in the Red Sea. “Tehran’s proxies fired more than 18 suicide… Continue Reading


McConnell: Growing National Security Challenges Will Not Solve Themselves

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding government funding and national security: “I’d like to begin by wishing our colleagues a very happy new year and welcoming everyone back to begin a new session. “There’s a tremendous amount on the Senate’s plate, beginning with the unfinished business of the year that just ended. “Yesterday, negotiators announced they had agreed on a path to completing fu… Continue Reading


McConnell: America Needs To Show We Haven’t Forgotten How To Lead

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Negotiations on border security continue to make headway. I’m grateful to Senator Lankford for his uninterrupted focus on the task at hand: meaningful policy changes. “Our colleagues at the negotiating table are under no illusions about how difficult it is to fix our nation’s broken asylum and parole system. “They’re working… Continue Reading


Senate Cannot Claim To Address National Security Without Restoring Border Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security: “It’s been nearly eight weeks since President Biden submitted his supplemental funding request and identified four key national security priorities. “For eight weeks, Senate Republicans have been working hard to produce legislation that takes appropriate action on all four fronts - helping Ukraine defeat Putin in Europe, helping Israel f… Continue Reading


NDAA Marks Step Toward Addressing National Security Challenges

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Today, Senate Republicans are still working in good faith on border policy changes that will allow the Senate to pass a national security supplemental. “I’m hopeful that Democrats - both here and at the White House - are beginning to recognize how committed we are to addressing the crisis at our southern border. “I’m hopeful… Continue Reading


Republicans Recognize Scope of National Security Threats

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “This morning, the Senate welcomed Ukraine’s inspirational and determined President Zelensky to the Capitol. “For nearly two years, the people of Ukraine have defied the world’s expectations. They’ve ground down the world’s second most powerful military. And they’ve confounded Putin’s aggressive imperialist aspirations. “At e… Continue Reading


Time To Deliver On National Security Priorities At Home And Abroad

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Yesterday, every single Senate Republican rejected the Democratic Leader’s attempt to separate border security from national security. As we’ve said for weeks, that was a futile effort that was doomed to fail from the very beginning. “Hopefully, the Senate can now seize a new opportunity to make real progress on legislation t… Continue Reading


Ignoring Border Crisis Undermines National Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Later today, Senate Republicans are going to deny cloture on a bill that fails to address America’s top national security priorities in a serious way. As we’ve said for weeks, legislation that doesn’t include policy changes to secure our borders will not pass the Senate. “The situation unfolding at our southern border on Pres… Continue Reading


National Security Threats Not Waiting For Democrats To Get Serious

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “The Senate has spent months considering supplemental action to meet serious, connected threats to America’s national security. “As I’ve said from the outset, our work needs to address four urgent challenges: Putin’s war on a sovereign democracy in Europe, the terror campaign against Israel and U.S. forces in the Middle East, … Continue Reading


National Security, Step One: Secure The Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “The Senate has less than two weeks to pass supplemental legislation on urgent national security priorities. “As I’ve said for months, that means addressing both grave threats to America’s interests overseas and a glaring border security crisis here at home. “Senate Republicans know that national security begins with border s… Continue Reading


Sovereign Borders Matter At Home And Abroad

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “A good way to size up leaders - at home and abroad - is to look at how they treat borders. “Good leaders recognize sovereignty as the bedrock of national security. As a result, peaceful nations both respect the inviolability of other nations’ borders as well as vigorously defend their own. “The world is awash in examples of … Continue Reading


Border Security Essential, Not Extraneous, To National Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding national security priorities: “Border security is national security. That’s not just a statement of legislative priorities or partisan politics. It’s a fact of human history. “The Senate has little more than two weeks to deliver supplemental legislation on four urgent national security priorities. And each one of them deals directly with questions of borde… Continue Reading


McConnell: Time To Address Critical National Security Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding legislative priorities: “Before the Senate adjourned for Thanksgiving, we voted to extend federal government funding into the new year. “I’m glad there was no appetite in the Capitol for saddling the nation with a harmful and unnecessary government shutdown. “The short-term funding legislation produced by the Speaker of the House was an important step tow… Continue Reading

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