
‘A Tax Code That's Pro-Family’

IVANKA TRUMP: ‘Today, In The Vast Majority Of American Homes, All Parents Work. Our Tax Code Has To Recognize And Support… This Reality’

“Ivanka Trump scores win with Senate plan to double child tax credit: Ivanka Trump notched a policy victory late Tuesday night when the latest revisions to the Senate tax bill proposed doubling the child tax credit.” (“Ivanka Trump Scores Win With Senate Plan To Double Child Tax Credit,” Politico, 11/15/2017)

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): “…I welcome news from the Finance Committee that the child tax credit will be expanded to $2000.” (Sen. Heller, Press Release, 11/17/2017)

SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT): “I am thrilled to hear that the revised Senate tax reform proposal will double the child tax credit to $2,000 per child. …this could provide unprecedented tax relief for working moms and dads, and a great victory for American families.” (Sen. Lee, Press Release, 11/17/2017)

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): ‘I Truly Can't Overstate How Important These Dollars Will Be For Parents Across The Country’

SEN. DEAN HELLER (R-NV): ‘An Enhanced Child Tax Credit Is So Important To Helping Families In Nevada And Around This Country’

IVANKA TRUMP, Senior Advisor to the President: “Today, in the vast majority of American homes, all parents work. Our tax code has to recognize and support… this reality and support our dual values of work and a family.” (Ivanka Trump & Members Of Congress, Press Conference, 10/25/2017)

  • TRUMP: “A few statistics that I think are helpful to put this in perspective. The typical American family spends 29 percent of after-tax income on child care costs. The average annual cost of providing center- based care for two children exceeds annual median rent in every state, and is the highest single household expense in both the Northeast and the Midwest. And the cost of full-time infant care outstrips the cost of in-state tuition in public four-year universities in two thirds of states, and exceeds average food spent -- spending in every single state. So, over the years, as wages have stagnated, the costs of raising a family have grown exponentially. It is a priority of this administration, and it is a legislative priority, to ensure that American families can thrive and that we deliver real and meaningful tax relief to middle-income Americans.” (Ivanka Trump & Members Of Congress, Press Conference, 10/25/2017)

SEN. DEAN HELLER (R-NV): “Giving middle-class families the biggest tax cut possible has been my first priority in tax reform, and an enhanced child tax credit is a significant way to deliver this much-needed and overdue relief to thousands of Nevada families… I’m pleased the U.S. Senate Finance Committee has adopted my and Senator Scott’s amendment to increase the credit to $2,000 per child, an increase of $1,000 over current law. This change will quite literally put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of hardworking Nevadans and represents yet another step forward in making the American dream possible again for so many people.” (Sen. Heller, Press Release, 11/17/2017)

  • SEN. HELLER (R-NV): “Whether it’s the single mother from Gardnerville who doesn’t receive child support and works full-time…or Andrew in Las Vegas who worries about how he’ll be able to afford daycare for his daughters next year, I continue to hear that families in my state are struggling to cover their expenses. That’s in part because for too long – Americans have faced stagnant wages and slow economic growth. … At the same time, childcare expenses have skyrocketed. In fact, my state is the least affordable in the country when it comes to licensed care for infants. In fact, a single mom living in Clark County would have to spend more than half of her income to send her infant and preschooler to a licensed day care center.  This is why an enhanced child tax credit is so important to helping families in Nevada and around this country begin to confront the rising costs of raising their children.” (Sen. Heller, Press Release, 10/25/2017)

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): “We set out to ensure that tax reform would help hardworking American families, and an increased child tax credit will do just that… As the child of a single mother, I truly can't overstate how important these dollars will be for parents across the country, be it to help buy school supplies, a new pair of sneakers or just have a night out as a family. I want to thank my colleagues for their important work on this issue.” (Sen. Heller, Press Release, 11/17/2017)

  • SEN. SCOTT (R-SC): “…from a home perspective, thinking about the single mothers just like mine… back in South Carolina, I spoke with one right before we had our first press conference on tax reform, a young lady named Sherry. In her mid-30s, two sons, starting a new business… all of her savings and apart of her parents' savings into the hope of achieving the American Dream beyond homeownership, but business ownership. I could only imagine the power and the importance of this tax credit being expanded beyond the $1,000 level, and going closer and closer to $2,000 -- what that means for her, her family and the prospect of her business success. So once again, Ivanka, thank you for championing this issue across this country. Your commitment and your dedication is much appreciated.” (Ivanka Trump & Members Of Congress, Press Conference, 10/25/2017)

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): “…we have to specifically target some assistance to [working families] as well in the tax code, because the most important institution in all of society is the family, and the most important job that any of us will ever do is to raise children and be parents. I don't care what title you have or what organization you run, the most influential and important job you will ever have is the raising of your children. And we know that today, from an economic standpoint, it costs more money than ever to raise a child. … this is designed to say that we're going to have a tax code that's pro-family. We're going to grow our economy, we're going to help America become globally competitive. But we are going to help working families in the 21st century. They are the only group in this debate that does not have a professional corps of lobbyists that are fighting in the back halls to make sure that they are accounted for in the tax code. That's going to be our job, and we will get that job done.” (Ivanka Trump & Members Of Congress, Press Conference, 10/25/2017)

SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT): “Most American who pay attention to the tax code are familiar with … the parent tax penalty, the fact that we … penalize people for having children. This is not something we ought to be penalizing. … Take, for example, Adam and Jenny Karanto. They live in Salt Lake City. They just had their sixth child a few weeks ago. Each of these six children will be loved, will be raised, and ultimately will be contributing members of society, paying into the tax code, paying into our senior entitlement programs. Now, Adam and Jenny, in raising these children, will end up paying on average, according to the low ball investments provided by the Department of Agriculture, about $1.4 million in raising those children. We're not suggesting that the tax code ought to completely offset those costs; nowhere near it. But what we are saying is that the current Child Tax Credit needs to be at least doubled and raised up to about $2,000... That would go a long way toward undoing the parent tax penalty. … This would go a long way toward helping Adam and Jenny and others like them, those with more children, those with fewer children, to make sure that they are not punished. We need to get this done. And in the coming weeks, I expect that we will. And I want to thank Ivanka Trump for being here and for her leadership.” (Ivanka Trump & Members Of Congress, Press Conference, 10/25/2017)


Related Issues: Tax Reform, Taxes, Middle Class, Economy