
Flashback: Sen. Wyden’s Plan To Tax The Poor

SEN. RON WYDEN (D-OR): “…big thanks to Mark [Mazur] and the [Tax Policy C]enter for their usual professional job of making sure that we have a real debate and have a real discussion.” (Sen. Wyden, Remarks To The Tax Policy Center, 11/7/2017)


Liberal Tax Policy Center: Under Sen. Wyden’s 2010 Tax Bill ‘Close To A Fifth Of Those In The Bottom Two Quintiles Experience A Tax Increase’

“The Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act of 2010 (“Wyden-Gregg,” introduced as S. 3018) is a broad reform of the federal income tax system. … This paper presents the Tax Policy Center’s estimates of the revenue and distributional effects of the income and payroll tax provisions in Wyden-Gregg.” (Tax Policy Center, “Preliminary Revenue Estimates And Distributional Analysis Of The Tax Provisions In The Bipartisan Tax Fairness And Simplification Act Of 2010,” Pg.1, 5/24/2010)

 Wyden tax increases

(Tax Policy Center, “Preliminary Revenue Estimates…” Pg.8 Table 2, 5/24/2010)


‘Middle Class Biggest Winners In Senate Tax Plan, [Joint Committee On Taxation] Study Says’

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): “[W]e have been laser-focused… on reducing taxes for the middle class. And that is exactly what this bill will do.” (Sen. Hatch, Press Release, 11/10/2017)

RYAN ELLIS, Forbes: “Virtually All Middle Class Taxpayers to See Tax Cut in Senate Tax Plan” (Ryan Ellis, Op-Ed, “Virtually All Middle Class Taxpayers to See Tax Cut in Senate Tax Plan,” Forbes, 11/13/2017)

The Hill: “All income groups on average would see their taxes go down under Senate Republicans' tax bill, according to Congress's tax scorekeeper. The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) found that every income group would on average see tax cuts under the Senate GOP plan in 2019, 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027.” (“Analysis: All Income Groups Would See Tax Cuts Under Senate Bill,” The Hill, 11/12/2017)

Politico: “The Senate's plan to rewrite the tax code would go much further… toward making good on Republican promises to focus on the middle class, a new report shows. Moderate-income people would consistently see the largest percentage declines in their tax bills, according to an analysis released late Saturday by the official, nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.” (“Middle Class Biggest Winners In Senate Tax Plan, Study Says,” Politico, 11/12/2017)

 Middle class tax cuts

(“Distribution Effects Of The Chairman's Mark Of The ‘Tax Cuts And Jobs Act,’” Joint Committee On Taxation 11/11/2017)


Related Issues: Taxes, Senate Democrats, Middle Class, Jobs, Tax Reform, Economy