
As More Troubling Facts About Adeel Mangi’s Associations Come To Light, Key Democrats Refuse To Say Whether They’ll Oppose His Nomination

Senate Republicans Have Expressed Alarm At 3rd Circuit Nominee Adeel Mangi’s Associations With Radical Groups That Supported Terrorists And Cop-Killers, Leading Multiple Jewish And Law Enforcement Organizations To Oppose His Confirmation


SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “I’ve spoken repeatedly about the nomination of Adeel Mangi to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Notwithstanding his anti-Semitic affiliations, it seems every week a new law enforcement organization announces its opposition to this nominee for his record of associating with the most radical type of anti-police activist: those who support cop killers. Apparently, some Democrats are finally listening to law enforcement and the Jewish groups sounding the alarm. Last week, a number of Democratic Senators reportedly told the White House that they don’t think Mr. Mangi has the votes. This has produced panic on the left…. “Just yesterday, the White House called opposition to Mr. Mangi’s nomination a ‘smear campaign solely because he would make history as the first Muslim to serve as a federal appellate judge.’ How insulting. What self-respecting attorney wants to hear that a President cares more about their demographic tick-boxes than their life’s work? Besides, in the case of Mr. Mangi, Senate Republicans’ opposition has nothing to do with his Muslim faith. Rather, it has everything to do with his longstanding sympathy for, and association with, some of the most radical elements in society.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 3/21/2024)

SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER LINDSAY GRAHAM (R-SC): “[I]t is clear to me that concerns about this nomination are widespread, not just among Republicans in the Senate. I urge President Biden to seriously listen to these concerns and withdraw Mr. Mangi’s nomination.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member, Press Release, 3/20/2024)

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX), Senate Judiciary Committee Member: “[T]o me, the best evidence of who somebody is, is what they did, and what they did not do in the past, before they were nominated to the federal bench. And I think the questions about [Adeel Mangi’s] service on the advisory board, the financial support, the … fundraising, and the fact he never repudiated these radical views are facts that bear on his fitness to serve.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Markup, 1/18/2024)

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA), Senate Judiciary Committee Member:Pres. Biden has sent the Senate some awful nominations, but his pick of Adeel Mangi to the Court of Appeals is one of the worst.” (Sen. Kennedy, @SenJohnKennedy, Twitter, 2/15/2024)

·         SEN. KENNEDY: “Bottom line: Adeel Mangi sat on the advisory board of a group that marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with an event featuring speakers with ties to actual terrorists. Mangi stayed on the board, and Pres. Biden wants to give him a lifetime seat on an appeals court.” (Sen. Kennedy, @SenJohnKennedy, Twitter, 12/28/2023)

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously against Adeel Mangi’s nomination to be a circuit judge for the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. (CQ Committee Coverage, Mangi Nomination/Vote to Report, Ordered reported favorably to the full Senate 11-10: R 0-10; D 11-0, 1/18/2024)


Mangi Was On The Advisory Board For Rutgers Law School’s Center for Security, Race And Rights While The Center Hosted Events And Speakers Expressing Solidarity With Terrorist Groups

“[M]any criticizing him for his role as an adviser to the director of Rutgers University’s Center for Security, Race and Rights, which GOP critics said brought antisemitic speakers to campus.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

“Mangi’s recent advisory board role for Rutgers Law School’s Center for Security, Race and Rights, an anti-Israel research office that has platformed a convicted terrorist fundraiser, has become a flashpoint in the Senate Judiciary Committee and prompted at least one GOP-led investigation.” (“Pressure Mounts Over Biden Judicial Pick’s Role At Anti-Israel Group Propping Up Terrorism,” Washington Examiner, 2/13/2024)

A Founding Director Of The Center ‘Signed An Open Letter From Rutgers Faculty Members That Stated: “We Are In Awe Of The Palestinian Struggle To Resist Violent Occupation, Removal, Erasure, And The Expansion Of Israeli Settler Colonialism.”’

“Rutgers law professor Sahar Aziz is the founding director of the Center. Mangi acknowledges that it was Aziz who invited him to join the Center’s advisory board.” (“Third Circuit Nominee Refuses to Repudiate Rhetoric of ‘Israeli Settler Colonialism,’” National Review, 1/13/2024)

·         “In 2021, Aziz signed an open letter from Rutgers faculty members that stated: ‘We are in awe of the Palestinian struggle to resist violent occupation, removal, erasure, and the expansion of Israeli settler colonialism.’” (“Third Circuit Nominee Refuses to Repudiate Rhetoric of ‘Israeli Settler Colonialism,’” National Review, 1/13/2024)

·         “At his confirmation hearing and in post-hearing written questions, senators repeatedly asked Mangi whether he repudiated the concept of ‘Israeli settler colonialism’ that Aziz embraced. Mangi repeatedly declined to do so (as this exchange with Senator Hawley illustrates). Such matter, he said, is beyond his expertise.” (“Third Circuit Nominee Refuses to Repudiate Rhetoric of ‘Israeli Settler Colonialism,’” National Review, 1/13/2024)

The Center Hosted An Event With A Professor ‘Who Described A Sense Of ‘Jubilation And Awe’ At Hamas’ Attack On Israel

“On Dec. 4 of last year, the center hosted an event titled ‘The West, Israel and Settler Colonization of Palestine’ with Columbia University professor Joseph Massad, who described a sense of ‘jubilation and awe’ at witnessing ‘Palestinian fighters from Gaza breaking through Israel’s prison fence or gliding over it by air’ on Oct. 6. A student petition at Columbia to remove Massad based on his praise of Hamas has received more than 78,700 signatures, records show.” (“Biden Judicial Pick Hobnobbed With Anti-Israel Activists At Event Sponsored By Terrorism-Tied Group,” Washington Examiner, 3/7/2024)

“A federal judicial nominee issued an apology over the weekend to senators for failing to disclose his participation at a conference with anti-Israel activists that was first reported on by the Washington Examiner.” (“Biden Judicial Nominee Apologizes To Senate For Not Disclosing Role At Event With Anti-Israel Activists,” Washington Examiner, 3/11/2024)

·         “Adeel Mangi, who is President Joe Biden‘s pick for the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, wrote in a letter on Saturday to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he ‘inadvertently omitted one responsive item’ from his questionnaire in November 2023. The letter was addressed to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) and the panel’s ranking member, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).” (“Biden Judicial Nominee Apologizes To Senate For Not Disclosing Role At Event With Anti-Israel Activists,” Washington Examiner, 3/11/2024)

The Center Sponsored An Event That Featured A Professor Who Pled Guilty To Aiding A Palestinian Terrorist Organization

“On September 11, 2021—the 20th anniversary of 9/11—the Center co-sponsored an event (‘Whose Narrative? 20 Years since September 11’) that featured ‘speakers with terrorist affiliations,’ including an individual who pled guilty to conspiracy to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” (“Third Circuit Nominee Refuses to Repudiate Rhetoric of ‘Israeli Settler Colonialism,’” National Review, 1/13/2024)

“The lawmakers noted that the center sponsored an event with scholar Sami Al-Arian as one of 10 panelists.” (The Bergen Record, 2/27/2024)

·         “Speakers with terrorist affiliations or those who have expressed support for terrorism will be featured at a 9/11 event sponsored by Rutgers University and San Francisco State University on Saturday [September 2021]. The panel, ‘Whose Narrative? 20 Years since September 11, 2001,’ will serve as a launching point for a semsester-long event that will explore, among other topics, challenging the ‘exceptionalization of 9/11/2001’ and ‘legitimization of “war on terror.”’ Speakers on Saturday will include Dr. Sami Al-Arian and Dr. Rabab Abulhadi, academics who have in the past courted controversy in their engagement with terrorists and terrorist organizations.” (“September 11 Event To Feature Speakers Affiliated With Terrorists,” The Jerusalem Post, 9/11/2021)

·         “Al-Arian, the director of CIGA at the Istanbul Zaim University, was indicted and struck a plea deal in 2003 over his alleged affiliation with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).” (“September 11 Event To Feature Speakers Affiliated With Terrorists,” The Jerusalem Post, 9/11/2021)

·         “According to the Tampa Bay Times, Al-Arian admitted to conspiracy to aid a relative with PIJ links to obtain immigration benefits. In 2006, Al-Arian refused to testify on his ties to a charity suspected of terrorism financing, the Washington Post reported at the time. Due to his civil contempt and the terms of his plea deal he was deported to Turkey in 2015.” (“September 11 Event To Feature Speakers Affiliated With Terrorists,” The Jerusalem Post, 9/11/2021)

Congressman Josh Gottheimer, a Democrat from New Jersey, condemned the Center for sponsoring the event: ‘At an event marking the twentieth anniversary of September 11, Rutgers’ Center for Security, Race and Rights held an event with several controversial speakers, including those who have ties to terrorist organizations. It is unconscionable that a day meant to reflect on the deadliest attack on United States soil was used to provide a platform to those affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad — a foreign terrorist organization designated by the United States. There is simply no reason why those with ties to militant terrorist organizations, groups who have killed civilians, deserve a podium to students here at Rutgers. With domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists often being inspired by propaganda from foreign terrorists, we must castigate and alienate these groups and their associates wherever they are, especially at New Jersey’s flagship public university.’” (“Third Circuit Nominee Refuses to Repudiate Rhetoric of ‘Israeli Settler Colonialism,’” National Review, 1/13/2024)

The Center ‘Equated Condemnation Of Hamas To Attempts To “Ignore Over 75 Years Of Colonial Violence”’

“The Rutgers center, which after the [October 7] massacre equated condemnation of Hamas to attempts to ‘ignore over 75 years of colonial violence and the horrific consequences born out of these decades of oppression and attempted erasure,’ counted Mangi on its advisory board from 2019 to 2023.” (“Pressure Mounts Over Biden Judicial Pick’s Role At Anti-Israel Group Propping Up Terrorism,” Washington Examiner, 2/13/2024)


Major Jewish Groups Have Announced Their Opposition To Mangi’s Nomination

COALITION FOR JEWISH VALUES: “Mr. Mangi’s alliance with the Center raises genuine concerns about his judgment and his commitment to American principles. Those concerns have nothing to do with his religious background or faith. We believe these concerns to be sufficiently grave that we urge the committee to await a more suitable candidate, untainted by associations with antisemitic organizations, especially at a time when antisemitic hatred is openly displayed in a fashion which Americans have not seen since the Nazi era.” (Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Letter To Senate Judiciary Committee, 1/16/2024)

ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA, AMERICANS AGAINST ANTISEMITISM, STOPANTISEMITISM AND STUDENTS SUPPORTING ISRAEL: “Especially at this difficult time, affiliations with organizations that spew antisemitism and host terrorists and terror supporters should disqualify judicial nominees.  We thus strongly OPPOSE confirming Adeel Abdullah Mangi to be a Third Circuit Court of Appeals judge – a top post that it is just one step below the United States Supreme Court.” ( Zionist Organization For America, Press Release 1/17/2024)

·         “After examining Mangi’s evasive testimony on these issues, we are extremely concerned about Mangi’s ability to render fair, knowledgeable, impartial justice to Jewish and other victims of Israel-related antisemitism and Hamas and Palestinian terrorism.” (Zionist Organization For America, Press Release, 1/17/2024)


Mangi Also Served On The Boards Of Groups That Supported Cop-Killers And Advocated For Defunding Police

Alliance of Families for Justice: An Organization With Ties To A Notorious Weather Underground Member That Has Advocated For Infamous Cop-Killers

“President Joe Biden’s latest judicial nominee, whom the White House is hailing as ‘historic’ due to his Muslim faith, serves on the advisory board of a left-wing group with extensive ties to convicted cop killers, the Washington Free Beacon has found.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “Adeel Abdullah Mangi, whom Biden tapped to serve on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, is an advisory board member of Alliance of Families for Justice. The organization, which works to end ‘mass incarceration,’ was formed in 2016 with Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin as a founding director.”  (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “Boudin pleaded guilty to the murder of two police officers and a security guard during an armored truck robbery in 1981. The FBI named Weather Underground a domestic terrorist organization following a string of bombings and robberies in the 1970s and ‘80s.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

“The Alliance of Families for Justice, where Mangi has served since 2019, organized an event in 2021 to urge the release of six Black Panther and Black Liberation Army members serving life in prison for murdering police officers.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “The Alliance referred to the cop killers—including Black Panther members Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Rap Brown, and others—as ‘freedom fighters’ and claimed they were illegally targeted by the FBI.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

Legal Aid Society Of New York: A Group ‘Behind Campaigns To Defund Police And Shut Down U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement’

“A Biden judicial nominee under fire for his work with an anti-Israel think tank has another radical left-wing group on his resume. Adeel Mangi, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, served on the board of the Legal Aid Society of New York from 2017 to 2021. The organization is best known for representing indigent clients in New York City, but it has also been behind campaigns to defund police and shut down U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Helped Lead Anti-Police Nonprofit,” Washington Free Beacon, 1/24/2024)

·         In June 2020, the Legal Aid Society urged supporters to ‘join the movement to #DefundNYPD,’ and promoted a ‘March to Defund the NYPD’ rally. In 2021, the Legal Aid Society called on the Biden administration to ‘end immigration detention’ and for a ‘moratorium’ on all deportations for one year. The group helped free hundreds of prisoners from Rikers Island because of the coronavirus pandemic, including a career criminal charged with murdering his girlfriend, and another man who was charged with attempted rape 10 days after the Legal Aid Society secured his release.” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Helped Lead Anti-Police Nonprofit,” Washington Free Beacon, 1/24/2024)


Multiple Influential Police Groups Wrote To Senators Urging Them To Reject Mangi’s Nomination

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS: “[Mangi’s] work as a Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice should be disqualifying.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

·         “The fact that the Alliance of Families for Justice, of which Mr. Mangi is an Advisory Board member, raises these cop-killers as leaders to follow and is calling for their release is an affront to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities as law enforcement officers.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

·         “Above all, it is an insult to the victims of their heinous crimes and similar crimes against law enforcement: the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

“The National Association of Police Organizations, which represents 241,000 police officers, said Mangi had ‘made his choice’ to associate with a group that ‘exalt[s] unrepentant killers who were convicted following legal trials in courts of law.’” (“Police Groups Slam Biden Judicial Pick for Ties to Group That Celebrated Cop Killers as Freedom Fighters,” Washington Free Beacon, 2/28/2024)

NATIONAL SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION: “The fact that Mr. Mangi, as an Advisory Board member, aligns himself with an organization advocating for the release of convicted cop-killers is seriously disturbing. This stance is not only tone-deaf to the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers, but also disrespectful to the victims of heinous crimes, as well as the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (Jonathan Thompson, Letter To Sens. Schumer and McConnell, 1/26/2024)

POLICE CONFERENCE OF NEW YORK: “The fact that the Alliance [of Families for Justice], with Mr. Mangi’s support, praises these cop-killers as leaders to follow and is calling for their release is an affront to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities. Above all, it is an insult to the survivors of their heinous crimes and similar crimes against law enforcement: the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice…” (Michael O'Meara, Letter To Sen. Schumer, 3/07/2024)

ROCKLAND COUNTY PATROLMEN’S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC.: “[We] have very serious concerns regarding his position as an advisory Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice. A founding board member of the Alliance was Kathy Boudin, who pled guilty to felony murder for her role in the 1981 Brink’s robbery by members of the Weather Underground, a crime which was carried out to provide monetary funds for the group’s Political activities. The Police Officers that were executed by Boudin and her fellow terrorist in Nyack in 1981 were members of the RCPBA; these were our members!” (Larry Ayers, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, Graham, Menendez, and Booker, 2024)


While Some Democrats Have Begun Expressing Concerns Over Mangi’s Nomination …

‘Multiple Democratic Senators And Their Staff Have Privately Warned The White House In Recent Days That There Does Not Appear To Be Enough Votes In The Senate’

“Multiple Democratic senators and their staff have privately warned the White House in recent days that there does not appear to be enough votes in the Senate to confirm Adeel Mangi, President Joe Biden’s Muslim-American judicial nominee, sources familiar with the conversations tell CNN – appearing to suggest that the confirmation of one of Biden’s top-priority judicial picks is in peril.” (“Democratic Senators Have Privately Warned White House That Votes Aren’t There To Confirm Biden’s Muslim Judicial Nominee,” CNN, 3/14/2024)

“President Joe Biden's appeals court pick Adeel Mangi's nomination is in peril in the Senate, with a key Democratic senator coming out against the nomination on Tuesday evening. The opposition of Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) may mean Democrats need to hold the rest of its caucus together to confirm Mangi. In a statement on Tuesday she said ‘I cannot support this nominee.’”  (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

·         “‘Mr. Mangi’s affiliation with the Alliance of Families for Justice is deeply concerning. This organization has sponsored a fellowship in the name of Kathy Boudin, a member of the domestic terrorist organization Weather Underground, and advocated for the release of individuals convicted of killing police officers,’ Cortez Masto said.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

·         “In interviews, two other Democrats expressed reservations with the nomination of Mangi for a seat on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

“The White House and Senate Democrats said Tuesday they weren't giving up Mangi's nomination but it's clear they have a ton of work to do.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)


… Other Key Democrats Have Ducked And Dodged, Refusing To Say If They’d Support Mangi’s Nomination

“Without GOP support, and with Cortez Masto's opposition, Mangi now needs 50 of the 51 Senate Democratic-caucusing members to support him, a tough task in an election year in which Democratic incumbents are defending seats in purple and red states.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

“[Pennsylvania Sen. Bob] Casey, who has not said how he’ll vote, has been of particular interest given Mangi would have jurisdiction over federal cases in Pennsylvania if confirmed.” (“‘Deeply Concerning’: Democratic Senator Opposes Biden Judicial Nominee Over Anti-Police Ties,” Washington Free Beacon, 3/20/2024)

·         SEN. BOB CASEY (D-PA): “I'm looking at it. Still looking at it.” (Burgess Everett, @burgessev, Twitter, 3/20/2024)

“Democratic Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) also declined to say they’d back the pick in interviews Tuesday. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), another swing vote on judicial picks, said he was not aware of Mangi.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): “We’re still taking input and I have not developed a position yet…” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

FLASHBACK: Tester Spent Months ‘Taking Input’ On The Deeply Flawed Nomination Of Julie Su Without Ever Announcing A Decision

“Biden’s nominee to be Labor secretary, Julie Su, is an extreme long shot to be confirmed by the Senate. Su’s nomination faces unified Senate GOP opposition while several moderates on the Democratic side of the aisle won’t say whether they back her. Biden hasn’t given up on the nomination, yet there’s no momentum either — and no sense the White House can do anything to break the months-long deadlock.” (“Punchbowl News AM,” Punchbowl News, 7/05/2023)

SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): “‘I’m still looking. Still taking input,’ Tester said before wondering if a vote will ever take place.” (The Hill, 6/07/2023)

·         “Tester said he’s ‘still taking input’ on Su and that the White House has not contacted him about the nominee.” (“Biden's Labor Secretary Pick May Not Have The Votes. She Also May Not Need Them,” NBC News, 7/13/2023)

·         TESTER: “Tester says he’s still undecided on Julie Su. ‘We’re still taking input…’” (Huffington Post’s Igor Bobic, @igorbobic, 7/18/2023)



Related Issues: Nominations, Senate Democrats, Judicial Nominations