
Biden Courts Pro-Hamas Campus Radicals With His Administration’s Outrageously Politicized Treatment Of Israel

Desperate To Appeal To The Angry Anti-Israel Left Flank Of His Party, President Biden Has Spent Months Incepting A Feud With America’s Ally To The Point Where Now He’s Even Denying Israel The Weapons It Needs To Defend Itself


SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The attacks of October 7th brought the world face-to-face with the savage terrorists who have tried to destroy the Jewish state for decades. They forced us all to take a sober look at what our ally, Israel, has to defend against every single day. In the months since, I’ve insisted repeatedly that America should provide Israel the time, space, and support it needs to defeat Iran-backed terrorists and restore its security. And I’ve made it clear that the consensus of Israel’s national unity war cabinet – that lasting security can only come after Hamas is defeated – ought to be our position here in America as well. Early on, there was reason to believe that President Biden shared this view. I was encouraged by his initial willingness to move quickly to transfer needed munitions to Israel, by his request for an emergency national security supplemental including urgent security assistance to Israel, and by what he called his Administration’s ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel’s security.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 5/08/2024)

·       LEADER McCONNELL:Unfortunately, we’ve seen then that iron bend under the heat of domestic political pressure from his party’s anti-Israel base and the campus communists who decided to wrap themselves in the flags of Hamas and Hizballah. We’ve seen his Administration cave to growing demands to condition and limit assistance to our democratic ally. We’ve seen public attempts to micromanage Israel’s self-defense. To constrain Israel’s freedom of action. And a few days ago, we saw reports that the President was delaying weapons shipments to Israel, creating daylight between America and a close ally. As it turns out, these reports were true. And the decision to pause these shipments was withheld from Congress – we still don’t know key facts.… For the Administration to withhold assistance from Israel is devastating in its own right. At home, it will only whet the appetite of the anti-Israel Left. And abroad, it will embolden Iran and its terrorist proxies…. It’s time for the President to stop letting domestic political demands of the far left determine his foreign policy. And it’s time to stop doubting the will of Israel’s unity government and the overwhelming view of the Israeli people. A future of peace for Israelis and Palestinians is one in which Iran-backed terrorists play no part.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 5/08/2024)

·       LEADER McCONNELL: “I had a chance to talk to the Defense Minister of Israel yesterday and Jake Sullivan this morning, and I continue to express my concern to the administration that the delay of shipment of weapons to Israel is just another way of trying to tell an ally how to conduct the war. This is obviously an extremely challenging situation. I think the last thing we ought to be doing is telling our democratic allies, you ought to have an election, or you ought not to conduct this war in a certain way.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 5/08/2024)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “President Biden had the right words for Holocaust Remembrance Day. ‘“Never again,” simply translated for me, means never forget,’ he said Tuesday. ‘Here we are, not 75 years later, but just seven-and-a-half months’ since Oct. 7, ‘and people are already forgetting.’ Detailing Hamas’s crimes and responsibility for the war, the president concluded, ‘I have not forgotten.’ Has he really? On the same day, Politico reported, ‘The Biden administration is holding up shipments of two types of Boeing-made precision bombs to send a political message to Israel, according to a U.S. official and six other people with knowledge of the deliberations.’ The Administration ‘is essentially taking action through inaction’ to deprive Israel of the means to defeat the perpetrators of Oct. 7.” (Editorial, “How Not to Remember the Holocaust,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “Small Diameter Bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munitions ‘were ready to be shipped to Israel when word of the hold came down,’ Politico writes, adding to Wall Street Journal and Axios reporting. The holdup was political. The Journal reports that stalled weapons deals also include tank ammo and mortar rounds. Words are cheap. What does it mean for Mr. Biden to say, ‘We must give hate no safe harbor,’ to polite applause for Holocaust Remembrance Day, while insisting that Israel give Hamas safe harbor in Rafah?” (Editorial, “How Not to Remember the Holocaust,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “The Biden team has been blasting Israel for not taking a more surgical approach in Gaza. But in denying Israel precision weapons, it makes clear that its goal isn’t to change how Israel fights. It seeks to stop Israel from fighting Hamas. The sad result may be to force Israel to rely more on unguided bombs that would do more harm to non-combatants. This would be only the latest sign of the confused Biden policy abroad.” (Editorial, “How Not to Remember the Holocaust,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)


Democrats Tell The Press Over And Over That They’re Terrified That The Loudly Anti-Israel Part Of Their Base Will Desert Biden In November

“President Joe Biden is facing more critical moments this week that will test his fraught relationship with his base over Israel’s war in Gaza…” (“Biden Faces Widening Partisan Split Over Israel,” CNN, 5/07/2024)

·       “The White House is staring down a spring of unrest, with Democrats growing ever fearful that the tensions flaring on college campuses could spiral into political poison for the president.” (“Biden Enters His Spring Of (Potential) Unrest,” Politico, 4/30/2024)

·       “[O]utside of Washington, Biden has come under significant criticism … from rank-and-file Democrats, including Arab American voters in key swing states … and Biden has been met with jeers and howls from pro-Palestinian protesters at numerous campaign events.” (“U.S. Paused Shipment Of Thousands Of Bombs To Israel Amid Rafah Rift,” The Washington Post, 5/07/2024)

“Democrats are fearful that Israel’s war in Gaza is turning into a major political liability for President Biden and candidates down the ballot…” (“Democrats Fear Israel-Hamas War Could Cost Them In November,” The Hill, 4/03/2024)

·       “Some of Biden’s senior aides are becoming increasingly worried that his support for Israel’s war in Gaza risks damaging his re-election prospects amid cratering support from young voters.” (“Biden-Netanyahu Relationship at Boiling Point as Rafah Invasion Looms,” The Wall Street Journal, 2/15/2024)

“A persistent bloc of voters in multiple primaries continues to choose ‘uncommitted’ or a variant to protest Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, sometimes far surpassing Biden’s margin of victory in those same states in the 2020 general election.” (“Bernie Sanders Says Gaza May Be Joe Biden’s Vietnam. But He’s Ready To Battle For Biden Over Trump,” The Associated Press, 5/07/2024)

“[J]ust last week, [Sen. Bernie] Sanders was bluntly warning that the crisis in Gaza could be Biden’s ‘Vietnam’ and invoking President Lyndon B. Johnson’s decision not to run for reelection as the nation was in an uproar over his support of that war.” (“Bernie Sanders Says Gaza May Be Joe Biden’s Vietnam. But He’s Ready To Battle For Biden Over Trump,” The Associated Press, 5/07/2024)

·       “Yet some Democrats are worried that anger among progressives over Gaza is so deep that not even Sanders can persuade them to support Biden.” (“Bernie Sanders Says Gaza May Be Joe Biden’s Vietnam. But He’s Ready To Battle For Biden Over Trump,” The Associated Press, 5/07/2024)

·       “Privately, Sanders has felt less enthusiastic in recent days about making the political case on Biden’s behalf as the Gaza crisis worsened, according to a person familiar with Sanders’ sentiments.” (“Bernie Sanders Says Gaza May Be Joe Biden’s Vietnam. But He’s Ready To Battle For Biden Over Trump,” The Associated Press, 5/07/2024)

·       “‘This campaign is in trouble. And Sen. Sanders will do everything — again, everything — that he can to try to pull this man over the finish line,’ said Nina Turner, who was a national co-chair of Sanders’ 2020 campaign. ‘I’m not so sure it’s going to work this time.’” (“Bernie Sanders Says Gaza May Be Joe Biden’s Vietnam. But He’s Ready To Battle For Biden Over Trump,” The Associated Press, 5/07/2024)

“John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, said polls and other research he’s conducted underscore the challenges Biden faces in this environment … While the situation in Gaza may not be high on the list of topics identified by young voters as priorities, Della Volpe compared it to an issue like climate change where if a candidate doesn’t share their view, voters won’t engage with them on other issues. ‘One of the first things that a young person tells me is that they don’t feel understood,’ Della Volpe said.” (“Biden Officials Will Have A Minimal Presence At College Graduations As Campuses Erupt In Protests,” NBC News, 4/27/2024)


With One Eye On The November Election, The Biden Administration Keeps Subjecting Israel To Outrageous Treatment That No Other Allied Democratic Nation Would Face

The Biden Administration Has Started Withholding Arms Shipments, ‘To Send A Political Message To Israel’

The Biden administration is holding up shipments of two types of Boeing-made precision bombs to send a political message to Israel, according to a U.S. official and six other people with knowledge of the deliberations…. While the Biden administration has not formally denied the potential sale, it is essentially taking action through inaction — holding off on approvals and other aspects of the weapons transfer process — to send a message to Israel, a U.S. administration official familiar with the process told POLITICO.” (“US Concerns Over Israel’s Gaza Policy Led To Weapons Holdup,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

·       “A second U.S. official … described the move as a ‘shot across the bow’ intended to underscore to Israeli leaders the seriousness of U.S. concerns about the offensive in Rafah …” (“U.S. Paused Shipment Of Thousands Of Bombs To Israel Amid Rafah Rift,” The Washington Post, 5/07/2024)

“This appears to be the first time the U.S. administration has delayed a potential weapons sale for Israel since Hamas attacked the country on Oct. 7. President Joe Biden has been under pressure from some in his party to set conditions on aid to Israel …” (“US Concerns Over Israel’s Gaza Policy Led To Weapons Holdup,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

The Biden administration has delayed the sale of thousands of precision weapons to Israel, raising questions about whether the U.S. is deliberating slowing the delivery of weapons to its top Middle East ally amid growing domestic political pressure.” (“U.S. Delays Sending Precision Weapons to Israel,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/06/2024)

·       “At issue is the sale of up to 6,500 Joint Direct Attack Munitions—kits that enable unguided bombs to be steered to a target—according to officials familiar with the proposed deal. Congress first learned in January about the proposed sale, which is worth as much as $260 million, but the Biden administration since that time hasn’t moved forward with the deal.” (“U.S. Delays Sending Precision Weapons to Israel,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/06/2024)

·       “The United States paused a shipment of bombs to Israel amid concerns over their potential use in a Rafah incursion, according to a US official. The shipment, which was held back last week, includes 1,800 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds and 1,700 bombs weighing 500 pounds.” (“US Paused Shipment Of Bombs To Israel Amid Concerns Over Potential Use In Rafah Incursion, US Official Says,” CNN, 5/08/2024)

·       “The State Department is required to notify Congress when the U.S. plans to sell weapons to other countries when the deal rises above specific dollar thresholds. The State Department typically provides information to the House foreign affairs and Senate foreign relations committees ahead of those potential arms sales, followed by the formal congressional notification. In the case of the JDAMs, however, the administration never followed up with the official notification about the sale, triggering an effective pause in the deal, according to current and former U.S. officials. ‘It’s unusual, especially for Israel, especially during a war,’ said a congressional official familiar with the arms sales process.” (“U.S. Delays Sending Precision Weapons to Israel,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/06/2024)

“The Biden administration has been considering suspending weapons shipments to Israel or conditioning the use of specific U.S. weapons systems if it goes on a major operation in Rafah, U.S. officials said. The Biden administration last week put a hold on a shipment of U.S.-made ammunition to Israel, Axios first reported. It was the first time since the Oct. 7 attack that the U.S. stopped a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military and Israeli officials saw it as a warning signal from the White House.” (“Israel Hasn't Crossed ‘Red Line’ With Current Rafah Operation, U.S. Officials Say,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

·       “The munitions were ready to be shipped to Israel when word of the hold came down, said one senior congressional aide and two other people familiar with the incident. A third person, an industry official, said the administration told Boeing to halt the shipment since the approval was held up for ‘political reasons,’ and not because of supply chain strain.” (“US Concerns Over Israel’s Gaza Policy Led To Weapons Holdup,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

·       “The pausing of the aid shipment is the most striking manifestation of the growing daylight between Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and the administration of President Joe Biden …” (“US Paused Bomb Shipment To Israel To Signal Concerns Over Rafah Invasion, Official Says,” The Associated Press, 5/08/2024)

This Action Followed Weeks Of Threats To Israeli Leaders That Biden Would Withhold Or Condition Military Aid To Israel

“Biden’s administration in April began reviewing future transfers of military assistance as Netanyahu’s government appeared to move closer toward an invasion of Rafah, despite months of opposition from the White House.” (“US Paused Bomb Shipment To Israel To Signal Concerns Over Rafah Invasion, Official Says,” The Associated Press, 5/08/2024)

·       “In a phone call with Netanyahu on [April 4th], Biden strongly implied that Washington was prepared to condition military assistance to Israel over how it addresses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and cease-fire talks, according to two U.S. officials.” (NBC News, 4/05/2024)

“Mounting tensions with the Biden administration are limiting Israel’s options over the final battle for Rafah, the Gazan city that borders Egypt and where Israel says Hamas has four remaining battalions.” (“In Six Months, Everything Has Changed for Israel,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/07/2024)

·       VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: “We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake … Let me tell you something. I have studied the maps.” (“Kamala Harris Is Noncommittal On Gaza, The Border And Tiktok,” The New York Times, 3/24/2024)

“Pressure from Democrats in Congress could lead the administration to possibly delay the delivery of certain offensive weapons or military assistance, congressional aides said.” (NBC News, 4/05/2024)

Under Pressure From Democrats In Congress, The Biden Administration Is Preparing To Decide Whether They’ll Further Restrict Weapons Shipments

“Facing heat over its military support for Israel’s war, the Biden administration is due to deliver a first-of-its-kind formal verdict this week on whether the airstrikes on Gaza and restrictions on delivery of aid have violated international and U.S. laws … The administration agreed in February at the insistence of Democrats in Congress to a negotiated agreement mandating it look at whether Israeli forces in Gaza have used U.S.-provided weapons and other military assistance in a lawful manner. Additionally, under the agreement, it must tell Congress whether it deems that Israel has acted to ‘arbitrarily deny, restrict, or otherwise impede, directly or indirectly,’ delivery of any U.S.-supported humanitarian aid into Gaza for starving civilians there.” (“US Paused Bomb Shipment To Israel To Signal Concerns Over Rafah Invasion, Official Says,” The Associated Press, 5/08/2024)

Increasingly Unhinged Democrats In Congress Have Been Pressuring The White House To Do This For Some Time

“The administration is under pressure from a growing number of Democrats in Congress to cut back weapons supplies to pressure Israel … The JDAMs delay comes also amid nationwide protests at college campuses about the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza, including weapons sales.” (“U.S. Delays Sending Precision Weapons to Israel,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/06/2024)

“A group of nearly 90 House Democrats is urging President Biden to consider halting sales of offensive weaponry to Israel over concerns about continued restrictions on the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.” (“Biden Faces New Democratic Pressure To Rein In Israel,” Axios, 5/03/2024)

·       “The lawmakers said the State Department should consider a ‘variety of tools’ to force Israel's compliance ‘from refreshing the assurances to withholding specific arms transfer.’” (“Biden Faces New Democratic Pressure To Rein In Israel,” Axios, 5/03/2024)

·       “It comes as increasingly intense pro-Palestinian protests have rocked college campuses across the country, alarming many Democrats.” (“Biden Faces New Democratic Pressure To Rein In Israel,” Axios, 5/03/2024)

“Democrats in Congress are furious as Israel moves into the southern Gaza city of Rafah after they and President Biden spent months trying to prevent such an operation.” (“Rafah Assault Threatens To Be Israel Breaking Point For Democrats,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

·       “Groups of Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly called for the Biden administration to consider restricting weapons transfers to Gaza to either head off or punish a Rafah invasion.” (“Rafah Assault Threatens To Be Israel Breaking Point For Democrats,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

·       “One House Democrat who has pushed for Biden to condition military aid to Israel said the Rafah assault ‘has the potential of making our case for us.’” (“Rafah Assault Threatens To Be Israel Breaking Point For Democrats,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

SEN. MARK KELLY (D-AZ): “They have to do a better job. I want to see some changes here, and I've talked to the ambassador – the Israeli ambassador, Michael Herzog – about this specifically: That if we don't see some changes, I think it is appropriate to put conditions on some of this aid.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 5/05/2024)

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): “I think it is clear that Congress has a responsibility to act. We have legal tools here. And as I said, we cannot approve the sale of arms to a country that is in violation of our own laws on this.” (“Warren Says She Would Move To Block Sale Of F-15s To Israel,” The Hill, 4/04/2024)

·       Sen. Elizabeth Warren believes international officials could find that Israel’s assault on Gaza legally constitutes a genocide, she said during an event at a local mosque last week. ‘If you want to do it as an application of law, I believe that they’ll find that it is genocide, and they have ample evidence to do so,’ Warren (D-Mass.) said Friday while taking audience questions during an event at the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland, Massachusetts.” (“Elizabeth Warren Says She Believes Israel’s War In Gaza Will Legally Be Considered A Genocide,” Politico, 4/08/2024)

·       WARREN: “When it comes to military aid to Israel, the U.S. cannot write a blank check for a right-wing government that's demonstrated an appalling disregard for Palestinian lives. The U.S. should use all the tools at its disposal to condition aid & move the parties toward a lasting peace.” (Sen. Warren, @SenWarren, Twitter, 1/04/2024)

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT): “To my mind, Israel should not be getting another nickel in military aid until these policies are fundamentally changed…” (“US Awaits Netanyahu’s Response After Biden’s Ultimatum,” CNN, 4/05/2024)

·       “Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on Congress [January 2nd] to hold back more than $10 billion in military funding for Israel, warning it would be used to fund the Israeli government’s ‘grossly disproportionate’ and ‘immoral’ war in Gaza.” (The Hill, 1/02/2024)

·       SANDERS PRESS RELEASE: ‘Senator Bernie Sanders Calls For NO MORE U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s Illegal And Immoral War Against The Palestinian People’ (Sen. Sanders, Press Release, 1/02/2024)

·       SANDERS: “Congress is working to pass a supplemental funding bill that includes $10 billion of unconditional military aid for the right-wing Netanyahu government to continue its brutal war against the Palestinian people. Enough is enough. Congress must reject that funding. The taxpayers of the United States must no longer be complicit in destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza.” (Sen. Sanders, Press Release, 1/02/2024)

SEN. PETER WELCH (D-VT): “[H]e’s [President Biden] moved from quiet discussion with Prime Minister Netanyahu to public statements of disapproval … The next step is explicit action.” (NBC News, 4/05/2024)

SEN. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN (D-MD): “I think what the president is saying now is, ‘no more blank check’ … A lot of these conversations have happened behind closed doors … But I think elevating these to the public domain would be important.” (Politico’s “Playbook,” 4/05/2024)

·       “Sen. Chris Van Hollen is mulling legislation to potentially block the sale of F-15 jets and munitions to Israel in order to hold it accountable for its actions in Gaza. ‘It means making sure we are ready to proceed with that option should we decide to use it,’ Van Hollen (D-Md.) said in an interview Tuesday.” (“Van Hollen Considering Move To Block Sale Of F-15s To Israel,” Politico Pro, 4/09/2024)

·       “More than a dozen Senate Democrats are pushing to condition U.S. military aid for Israel … Progressive senators led by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) introduced an amendment to the Israel-Ukraine-Taiwan supplemental funding bill that imposes these conditions. The proposal requires a report to Congress on each country’s use of U.S.-supplied weapons.” (Punchbowl News AM, 12/08/2023)

Tim Kaine, Democrats' vice presidential nominee in 2016 and a leading voice in the party on foreign policy, delivered a rare rebuke of the Biden administration's approach to Israel on Friday…” (“Kaine, Sanders Push Biden To Get Tougher With Israel,” Politico, 4/05/2024)

·       “Kaine praised President Joe Biden for nudging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘to open another border crossing from Israel to allow robust delivery of humanitarian aid. But this was an obvious solution that should have happened months ago.’ He added that the Biden administration should prioritize giving Israel defensive weapons while ‘withholding bombs and other offensive weapons that can kill and wound civilians and humanitarian aid workers.’” (“Kaine, Sanders Push Biden To Get Tougher With Israel,” Politico, 4/05/2024)

·       “Biden’s ‘current approach,’ Kaine added, ‘is not working.’” (“Democrats Fear Netanyahu May Have Undermined Biden’s Image Among Voters,” Politico, 4/07/2024)


Egged On By Far-Left Democrats And Pro-Hamas Protesters Around The Country, Biden Has Spent Months Escalating His Administration’s Antagonism Of Israel

The Biden Administration Has Talked Of Setting ‘Red Lines’ For Israel’s Prosecution Of Its War Against Hamas

“In an interview on [March 9th], Biden was asked whether an Israeli military operation in Rafah was a red line for the administration. ‘Yes it is,’ Biden replied. Biden had earlier raised concerns about an Israeli operation in the city and demanded Netanyahu present a credible and implementable plan for protecting civilians there, but this was the first time he referred to an invasion as a red line.” (“Biden And Bibi ‘Red Lines’ For Rafah Put Them On A Collision Course,” Axios, 3/12/2024)

“The White House thinks the Israeli operation to capture the Rafah crossing doesn't cross President Biden's ‘red line’ that could lead to a shift in U.S. policy towards the Gaza war, two U.S. officials said…. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week that ‘a major operation’ in Rafah will harm U.S.-Israeli relations. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said at a Financial Times conference in Washington on Saturday that the Biden administration made clear to Israel that the way it conducts an operation in Rafah will influence U.S. policy towards the Gaza war.” (“Israel Hasn't Crossed ‘Red Line’ With Current Rafah Operation, U.S. Officials Say,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

·       “The two U.S. officials said Biden doesn't see the current Israeli operation as ‘a breaking point’ in relations with Israel. But they warned that if it broadens or gets out of control and Israeli forces go into the city of Rafah itself, it will be a breaking point.” (“Israel Hasn't Crossed ‘Red Line’ With Current Rafah Operation, U.S. Officials Say,” Axios, 5/07/2024)

Last Month, President Biden Was Publicly Demanding The Israelis Institute An Unconditional Ceasefire

“President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when they spoke on Thursday that ‘an immediate ceasefire’ is needed to ‘protect innocent civilians’ in Gaza and improve the humanitarian situation, the White House said…. Biden is making his strongest push for an end to the fighting in Gaza in six months of war, and warning for the first time that U.S. policy on the war will depend on Israel's adherence to his demands.” (“Biden's Ultimatum To Bibi: Change Gaza Policy Or We Will,” Axios, 4/04/2024)

·       “Biden’s warning was followed by pointed demands for immediate changes in Israel’s conduct of the war by other administration officials. ‘If we don’t see the changes that we need to see, there will be changes in our own policy,’ Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a press conference in Brussels.” (“Biden Ties Support for Israel to Civilian Protection in Gaza,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/04/2024)

“The statement represented the Biden administration’s toughest verbal pressure on Netanyahu since the war began in October and one of the biggest public ruptures between a U.S. administration and Israel in decades.” (“Biden Ties Support for Israel to Civilian Protection in Gaza,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/04/2024)

And The State Department Shockingly Floated Sanctioning An IDF Unit

“Israeli leaders on Sunday harshly criticized an expected decision by the U.S. to impose sanctions on a unit of ultra-Orthodox soldiers in the Israeli military. The decision … would mark the first time the U.S. has imposed sanctions on a unit inside the Israeli military and would further strain relations between the two allies, which have grown increasingly tense during Israel’s war in Gaza…. Israeli leaders condemned the anticipated decision as unfair, especially at a time when Israel is at war, and vowed to oppose it.” (“Israeli Leaders Criticize Expected Us Sanctions Against Military Unit That Could Further Strain Ties,” The Associated Press, 4/21/2024)

·       “Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday that he had made a decision on reviews of allegations that several Israeli military units had violated conditions for receiving U.S. assistance outlined in the so-called Leahy Law and that they would soon be made public.” (“Israeli Leaders Criticize Expected US Sanctions Against Military Unit That Could Further Strain Ties,” The Associated Press, 4/21/2024)

“Benny Gantz, a former military chief, defense minister and current member of Israel’s War Cabinet, said in a statement that he spoke Sunday evening with Blinken and told him the expected decision is a ‘mistake’ because it would harm Israel’s international legitimacy during wartime and because Israel’s judicial system is ‘strong and independent.’ Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, another member of the War Cabinet, said he delivered a similar message to the U.S. ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, and planned on talking to Blinken as well in hopes of blocking the expected decision. He said punishing the unit could cast a shadow over the entire Israeli military. ‘That’s not the way to behave with partners and friends,’ he said.” (“Israeli Leaders Criticize Expected US Sanctions Against Military Unit That Could Further Strain Ties,” The Associated Press, 4/21/2024)

In March, For The First Time Since October 7, The Biden Administration Allowed An Anti-Israel Resolution To Pass The UN Security Council

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “In his State of the Union address, President Biden made a promise to the families of U.S. hostages held by Hamas: ‘We will not rest until we bring their loved ones home.’ At the United Nations [in March], he undermined that pledge. The U.S. withheld its veto and abstained as the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution that demanded a cease-fire in Gaza but didn’t make the cease-fire contingent on Hamas releasing its 134 hostages. That condition, on which the U.S. had previously insisted, has been dropped.” (Editorial, “Biden Abstains on Israel and Hamas,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/25/2024)

·       Mr. Biden’s initial support for destroying Hamas has faded, such that Vice President Kamala Harris now refuses to rule out ‘consequences’ should Israel invade Hamas’s last stronghold of Rafah. Administration leaks about international isolation and weapons embargoes drive home the point.” (Editorial, “Biden Abstains on Israel and Hamas,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/25/2024)

“And the U.S. abstained from a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, clearing the measure’s approval and prompting Israel to withdraw from coming high-level meetings with the Biden administration.” (“Biden’s Approach to Gaza Conflict Angers Both Sides at Home,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/3/2024)

·       “The resolution also did not include a condemnation of Hamas and did not link as strongly a cease-fire with the release of hostages — both items the U.S. had wanted.” (“US Allows Passage Of UN Resolution Calling For Cease-Fire In Gaza, Prompting Retaliation From Israel,” Politico, 3/25/2024)

Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Shamefully Declared That Israel Could Be ‘Indistinguishable’ From Hamas

SECRETARY OF STATE ANTONY BLINKEN: “Israel is a democracy; Hamas, a terrorist organization. And democracies place the highest value on human life – every human life. As has been said, whoever saves a life, saves the entire world. That’s our strength. It’s what distinguishes us from terrorists like Hamas.  If we lose that reverence for human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront.” (Sec. Blinken, Press Conference, 4/04/2024)

And The White House Has Spent Months Telling Any Reporter Who Will Listen About Biden’s ‘Anger’ And Outrage With The Israeli Government, Hurling Invective, Insults, And ‘Contemptuous References’

“The [Iranian] attack on Israel came after weeks of Biden ratcheting up pressure on the Jewish state to scale back its Gaza military operations.” (“Israel Had Created Enormous Political Trouble for Biden. Then Iran Attacked.,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/15/2024)

·       “Mr. Biden has increasingly taken a harder stance with Israel’s government…” (“How Gaza Protesters Are Challenging Democratic Leaders,” The New York Times, 4/07/2024)

“[In late March], leaders from the Jewish Federations of North America voiced concern in a meeting with White House and National Security Council officials that the administration’s rhetoric criticizing Israel was endangering Jewish people in America, according to a person familiar with the matter.” (“Biden’s Approach to Gaza Conflict Angers Both Sides at Home,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/03/2024)

DECEMBER: “The consequences of the distrust between President Biden and Netanyahu, who have spoken 19 times since Hamas’s Oct. 7 assault, have grown only starker in recent days…. In a tense phone call Sunday over the potential for a full-scale Rafah invasion, Biden pushed Netanyahu to continue negotiations for a hostage release…. Tensions between Biden and Netanyahu had been rising for months…. The relationship reached a boiling point later [in December], according to U.S. and Israeli officials, when Biden abruptly ended their Christmas-week call following a tense exchange about civilian casualties and, in Washington’s view, the need for Israel to shift to a new phase in its war, focused on targeted operations. Biden, who was so angry that he was almost shouting in the Dec. 28 call, according to officials, declared the conversation ‘over’ and hung up.” (“Biden-Netanyahu Relationship at Boiling Point as Rafah Invasion Looms,” The Wall Street Journal, 2/15/2024)

JANUARY: “President Biden and other senior U.S. officials are becoming increasingly frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rejection of most of the administration's recent requests related to the war in Gaza, four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios…. [B]ehind the scenes, there are growing signs that Biden is losing his patience, the U.S. officials said. ‘The situation sucks and we are stuck. The president's patience is running out,’ one U.S. official told Axios.” (“Biden ‘Running Out’ Of Patience With Bibi As Gaza War Hits 100 Days,” Axios, 1/14/2024)

FEBRUARY: “President Biden and his top aides are closer to a breach with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu than at any time since the Gaza War began … The mounting frustration with Netanyahu has prompted some of Biden’s aides to urge him to be more publicly critical of the prime minister over his country’s military operation in Gaza, according to six people familiar with the conversations, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations…. Biden’s private frustration with Netanyahu — which has been building for months — was on display Thursday when he said Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has been ‘over the top,’ his sharpest rebuke yet.” (“Biden Moving Closer Than Ever To A Breach With Netanyahu Over War In Gaza,” The Washington Post, 2/11/2024)

President Joe Biden has been venting his frustration in recent private conversations, some of them with campaign donors, over his inability to persuade Israel to change its military tactics in the Gaza Strip … His descriptions of his dealings with Netanyahu are peppered with contemptuous references to Netanyahu as ‘this guy,’ these people said. And in at least three recent instances, Biden has called Netanyahu an ‘asshole,’ according to three of the people directly familiar with his comments.” (“Biden Disparages Netanyahu In Private But Hasn’t Significantly Changed U.S. Policy Toward Israel And Gaza,” NBC News, 2/12/2024)

MARCH: President Biden on Friday praised Senator Chuck Schumer’s address lashing out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, calling it ‘a good speech’ that raised concerns ‘shared not only by him but by many Americans.’ Even though Mr. Biden did not explicitly endorse any of the specific criticisms in the speech, or Mr. Schumer’s call for elections to replace Mr. Netanyahu, the president’s comments were the latest step in his escalating public critique of the Israeli prime minister…. Mr. Biden could have asked Mr. Schumer to hold back, so that he did not endanger the president’s future ability to deal with Mr. Netanyahu, with whom he now barely speaks. He could have said the United States should not express an opinion on the inner workings of Israel’s democratic processes. He did none of that. Lawmakers and aides who have spoken with Mr. Biden in recent weeks say his anger at Mr. Netanyahu is now eating away at his reluctance to go public with his critiques.” (“Biden Embraces Schumer’s Speech Castigating Netanyahu,” The New York Times, 3/15/2024)

“In recent weeks, after months of Netanyahu openly defying Biden’s calls for restraint in Gaza, the president launched an unprecedented and very public pressure campaign…. he told MSNBC that Netanyahu was ‘hurting Israel more than helping Israel,’ all the while reportedly fuming in private about what an ‘asshole’ Netanyahu had become…. Earlier this month, after his State of the Union speech, Biden said it was finally time to have a ‘come to Jesus’ talk with Netanyahu, and in recent days he praised Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for effectively advocating Netanyahu’s ouster.” (“From ‘I Love You’ to ‘Asshole’: How Joe Gave Up on Bibi,” Politico Magazine, 3/22/2024)

APRIL: “President Biden's phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planned for Thursday morning is expected to be tense as Biden is ‘outraged’ … ‘Biden is pissed. The temperature regarding Bibi is very high,’ one U.S. official said. A second U.S. official confirmed that is the atmosphere at the White House ahead of the call with Netanyahu. ‘I think you could sense the frustration in that statement yesterday,’ White House spokesman John Kirby said in a briefing with reporters on Wednesday …” (“White House Temperature Is ‘Very High’ Ahead Of Biden-Bibi Call,” Axios, 4/03/2024)

“President Joe Biden offered one of his sharpest rebukes of Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza during an interview airing Tuesday, describing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s approach to the conflict as a ‘mistake’ and calling for a halt to the fighting. ‘Well, I will tell you, I think what he’s doing is a mistake. I don’t agree with his approach,’ Biden told Univision …” (“Biden Criticizes Netanyahu’s Approach To War With Hamas As Mistake,” CNN, 4/09/2024)


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