
‘Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else’

Senate Democrats Praised William Barr As ‘An Independent Voice’ And Confirmed Him To High-Level Justice Department Positions 3 Different Times


Biden And Leahy: Barr Has A ‘Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else’ And Would Be ‘An Independent Voice For All Americans’

“[Sen. Pat] Leahy [D-VT] said he believes that Barr, as attorney general, will be ‘an independent voice for all Americans -- not just the President.’” (“Judiciary Panel Approves Barr For Attorney General,” Los Angeles Times, 11/16/1991)

THEN-SEN. JOE BIDEN (D-DE): “In my view, this commitment to the public interest, above all else, is a critical attribute in an Attorney General, and I will vote to confirm Mr. Barr…. For all the reasons I have mentioned today and one other, I will vote for Mr. Barr to be Attorney General for the United States. The other reason is Mr. Barr, I believe, in my working with him in the past, is one who wishes to accommodate a coequal branch of Government and assist it in its responsibility of oversight. I look forward to working with Mr. Barr. I plan on supporting him, and I anticipate and hope that he will be a fine Attorney General.” (Sen. Biden, Congressional Record, S. 17228, 11/20/1991)

  • BIDEN: “Mr. Barr, you have appeared before this committee twice before, each time winning confirmation to a position within the Department of Justice for which you were appointed. As Deputy Attorney General and more recently as Acting Attorney General, you have had substantial contact with this committee. From my personal perspective, the contact has been harmonious, and you have always been cooperative.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 11/12/1991)
  • BIDEN to William Barr: “I personally like you. I think you are a heck of an honorable guy. I think that you are someone we can work with and you have demonstrated that.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 11/13/1991)

SEN. PAT LEAHY (D-VT) to William Barr: “[L]et me join those who commended you on handling the Talladega [prison] hostage incident. We have discussed this in private, and you know the high regard I have for your handling of that. Your judgment and willingness to make a tough decision during that crisis were exemplary.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 11/12/1991)


Between 1989 And 1991, The Democrat-Controlled Senate Confirmed William Barr Three Different Times To High-Level Justice Department Positions Without Opposition

In 1989, the Senate confirmed William Barr to be an Assistant Attorney General by unanimous consent. (PN196, 101st Congress)

In 1990, the Senate confirmed William Barr to be Deputy Attorney General by unanimous consent. (PN1310, 101st Congress)

In 1991 the Senate confirmed William Barr to be Attorney General by voice vote. (“Party Division,” U.S. Senate Website, Accessed 1/04/2019; PN734, 102nd Congress)



Related Issues: Nominations, Senate Democrats, Law Enforcement