
Democrats Blocking Important Federal Funding For Vaccine Distribution

Following Speaker Pelosi’s Lead In Refusing Any New COVID Relief Unless Liberals Get Their Full ‘Far-Left Ideological Wish List,’ Senate Democrats Have Twice Blocked A Republican Proposal That Featured Tens Of Billions Of Dollars For COVID Vaccine Production And Distribution


SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Senate Republicans have spent months trying to get another bipartisan rescue package passed and signed into law for the American people. For months, our position has been consistent: We want to reach agreement on all the areas where compromise is well within reach, send hundreds of billions of dollars to urgent and uncontroversial programs, and let Washington argue over the rest later. There is no reason why doing right by struggling families should wait until we resolve every difference on every issue. But unfortunately, both Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic Leader have been equally consistent. And they don’t think Congress should do anything unless they get to cash out a far-left ideological wish list, including things with zero relationship to the present crisis.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 11/18/2020)

  • LEADER McCONNELL: “The pace of our economic recovery and the promise of vaccines on the horizon give us reasons for major hope. But we are nowhere near out of this woods yet. Vaccines will need to be distributed nationwide, and quickly. Republicans’ targeted proposal provided billions of dollars to make that happen. But Democrats blocked it.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 11/18/2020)


In Recent Days, There Have Been Hopeful Reports On The Development Of Potentially Effective Vaccines Against COVID-19

“An experimental Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE was 95% effective in final results from a pivotal study and is showing signs of being safe, key pieces of data as the companies prepare to ask health regulators to authorize use. Pfizer plans to seek authorization for the vaccine within days, the companies said Wednesday, leaving the shot on track to go into distribution by the end of the year if health regulators permit…. The resulting 95% effectiveness rate puts the shot’s performance on par with shingles and measles vaccines. It is also consistent with the vaccine’s showing in a peek last week at how it did in an analysis of the first 94 subjects to fall sick. Researchers haven’t found any serious safety issues, the companies said. The vaccine appeared to be well tolerated following a review of data from 8,000 study subjects, the companies said.” (“Pfizer Says Vaccine Is 95% Effective in Final Data, Will Seek Authorization,” The Wall Street Journal, 11/18/2020)

“Moderna Inc. said its experimental coronavirus vaccine was 94.5% effective at protecting people from Covid-19 in an early look at pivotal study results, the second vaccine to hit a key milestone in U.S. testing. Ninety-five people in a 30,000-subject study developed Covid-19 with symptoms; of those, 90 had received a placebo and only five Moderna’s vaccine. The findings move the vaccine closer to wide use because they indicate it is effective at preventing disease that causes symptoms, including severe cases.” (“Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine Is 94.5% Effective in Early Results, Firm Says,” The Wall Street Journal, 11/16/2020)

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday it had approved the first COVID-19 self-testing kit for home use that provides results within 30 minutes. The single-use test, made by Lucira Health, has been given emergency use authorization for home use with self-collected nasal swab samples in individuals aged 14 and older who are suspected of COVID-19 by their health care provider, the FDA said.” (“FDA Approves First COVID-19 Test Kit For Home Use,” Reuters, 11/17/2020)


Unfortunately, Senate Democrats Twice Voted To Block Tens Of Billions Of Dollars For COVID Vaccine Production And Distribution

“The Republicans’ proposal includes … $20 billion for the manufacturing, production, and purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics; $6 billion to prepare for, distribute, administer, and track coronavirus vaccines; and $16 billion that would go almost entirely to states, localities, health service providers, and other groups for testing, contact tracing, and surveillance.” (Bloomberg, 8/18/2020)

Following Speaker Pelosi’s Lead, Senate Democrats Twice Blocked Moving Forward On A Targeted COVID Relief Bill

In October, 44 Senate Democrats voted to block the targeted COVID relief bill. (S. 178, Roll Call Vote #207: 51-44, R 51-0, D 0-42, I 0-2, 10/21/2020)

In September, 46 Democrats voted to block Senate action on the relief bill. (S.178, Roll Call Vote #168: Motion Rejected: R: 52-1; D: 0-44; I: 0-2, 9/10/2020)



Related Issues: Appropriations, Health Care, Senate Democrats, COVID-19