
Democrats’ Cynical Partisan Stunt Can’t Change The Fact That Biden Created The Border Crisis

Senate Democrats Have Telegraphed That Their Stunt To Force A Vote This Week On A Border Security Proposal Is Nothing More Than An Attempt To Gain Political Advantage On ‘A Critical Issue That Polls Show Is A Major Potential Liability’ For Them And The President

SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Going soft on border security may have started as just a short-sighted campaign strategy. A reckless debate-stage promise to ‘surge’ asylum seekers to the border might have been just a cynical play to court left-wing voters. But after three years on the job, President Biden’s failure to perform one of the most basic functions of his office isn’t endearing. It’s not some impressive sign of left-wing bona fides. It’s a glaring, avoidable failure. A profound moral embarrassment. And even Washington Democrats are beginning to recognize it as a tremendous political liability. The American people are telling poll after poll that they’re alarmed by the border crisis and want to see real solutions. Fortunately, the quickest way for the President to start undoing the damage he invited is to restore and use the authorities he already has at his disposal, like Remain-in-Mexico and border wall construction. And any of our Democratic colleagues who recognize that the President must act ought to start telling him so. It’s time for the Biden Administration to start exercising its immense authority to restore sanity and start cleaning up the mess at our southern border. The time for distractions is long past.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 5/21/2024)

SENATE REPUBLICAN WHIP JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “Mr. President, after three years of half-measures, deflections, and outright ignoring the raging crisis at our nation’s border, the president and Democrats appear to have finally woken up to the fact that their border crisis might be a major political liability for them in the upcoming election. And fear for their election prospects is doing what three years of chaos at the southern border could not – get them focused on illegal immigration. Sort of. Because the vote on border legislation the Democrat leader has announced for this week isn’t really about addressing illegal immigration. It’s about giving the American people the impression that Democrats care about illegal immigration. If the Democrat leader were serious about addressing the crisis at our southern border, he would be bringing up legislation that actually stood a chance of making it out of both houses of Congress and to the president’s desk. But he’s not. Instead he’s bringing up a vote that he knows will fail in the hope of giving political cover to vulnerable Democrats – and with the side benefit, he hopes, of putting Republicans in a difficult spot. Political theater at its finest.” (Sen. Thune, Remarks, 5/21/2024)

·       SEN. THUNE:Vote for me, and I’ll clean up the historic mess I made is hardly an effective campaign pitch, and a few meaningless Senate votes won’t erase my Democratic colleagues’ long records of enabling illegal immigration. In this Congress alone, Senate Democrats have banded together to protect taxpayer-funded flights for illegal immigrants to different states in the U.S. and keep federal dollars flowing to sanctuary cities. Democrats blocked votes on a litany of common-sense border-security and enforcement measures, including a proposal from Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) that would have let state and local law enforcement detain criminal illegal aliens until ICE can deport them. They even stopped legislation from Sen. Ted Budd (R., N.C.) that would deem assaulting a law-enforcement officer a deportable offense. Not one Senate Democrat supported H.R. 2, House Republicans’ signature border bill, after Senate Republicans twice forced it to be considered. But now Democrats need voters in Montana, Ohio, Nevada and Pennsylvania to believe they’re serious about the border. They aren’t motivated by national security. They’re concerned about their own political vulnerability. They’ve recognized, albeit too late, that the chaos of an open border is a political liability.(Sen. Thune, Op-Ed, “Suddenly Democrats Care About the Border,” The Wall Street Journal,  5/20/2024)


Chuck Schumer And Democrats Have Boasted To Reporters For Weeks About Their Cynical Political Maneuver

THE NEW YORK TIMES: ‘Senate to Vote Again on Border Deal as Democrats Seek Political Edge’ (The New York Times, 5/20/2024)

·       “Democrats hope to use the failed vote to sharpen an election-year contrast with the G.O.P. on a critical issue that polls show is a major potential liability for President Biden and their candidates.” (“Senate to Vote Again on Border Deal as Democrats Seek Political Edge,” The New York Times, 5/20/2024)

“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is seriously considering bringing the failed bipartisan border deal back to the floor for a vote later this month … Democrats are launching a border offensive…. Schumer plans to force Republicans to again reject the border package, according to three Democratic Senate aides familiar.” (“Schumer Plans To Revive Bipartisan Border Deal,” Axios, 5/08/2024)

‘Democrats Are Trying To Flip The Script On An Issue That Has Long Bedeviled Them Politically’

Democrats are trying to flip the script on an issue that has long bedeviled them politically, as record numbers of illegal migrants have crossed the southern border since President Biden took office. Immigration has emerged as voters’ top concern …” (“House Democrats’ Surprise Campaign Play: Embracing Border Security,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/10/2024)

·       “Democrats have downplayed the political threat they face this year due to the huge surge of migrants across the southern border, but their recent actions show they are increasingly nervous about the political liability of the issue, which polls at the top of voters’ concerns. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is stepping up his messaging effort on border security, and he has told colleagues he plans to bring the bipartisan Senate border security deal back to the floor for a vote next week.” (“Anxiety Grows Among Democrats Over Biden Border Issues,” The Hill, 5/14/2024)

‘Weakening Republicans’ Attacks Over The Border Could Be Critical For Democrats To Hold On To Power,’ It’s ‘An Issue The Party Seeks To Capitalize On Ahead Of The November Election’

“At a meeting in the Senate last week, key administration officials and top Democratic lawmakers discussed a path forward that would include forcing votes that Republicans would be likely to oppose, two sources said…. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York attended the meeting … The purpose of the discussion was to ensure alignment between Democrats on an issue the party seeks to capitalize on ahead of the November election …” (“Democrats Prepare To Go On Offense On Immigration In The Coming Weeks,” NBC News, 5/06/2024)

·       “Immigration continues to be the top concern for American voters, and it’s having an impact in key 2024 races up and down he ballot — even in states hundreds of miles from the border. Weakening Republicans’ attacks over the border could be critical for Democrats to hold on to power.” (“Schumer Plans To Revive Bipartisan Border Deal,” Axios, 5/08/2024)


Sen. Lankford: ‘Everybody Sees This Is Political,’ ‘If We Are Going To Solve The Border Issues, It Is Not Going To Be By Doing Competing Messaging Bills’

SEN. JAMES LANKFORD (R-OK): “We all understood the problem is serious, and there are very real threats to our national security, our economy. It was spiraling out of control on the border…. October was the highest month ever in the history of our country. November was the highest number ever in the history of our country. December was the highest number ever in the history of our country, with the largest day of illegal crossings in the history of our country, in December, of 12,000 people in a single day. Things were spiraling out of control at the border, and they continued.” (Sen. Lankford, Congressional Record, S.3761, 5/16/2024)

·       “Now I am hearing rumors that next week, the folks I was sitting down with to be able to have serious dialogue to fix it may bring bills back up again and to say: Let’s do a political thing on the other side of the aisle. Listen, if we are going to solve the border issues, it is not going to be by doing competing messaging bills…. If there is a messaging bill that comes back--even the bill that I helped negotiate--next week just to bring it up again to try to be able to poke Republicans in the eye for some sort of messaging piece, why are we doing this? All the American people see it. Everybody sees this is political, but everyone in the country also sees: Why don’t you guys and ladies fix this instead? Why don’t you actually resolve it?” (Sen. Lankford, Congressional Record, S.3761, 5/16/2024)

·       “We are in a Presidential election year. Everybody in America is watching what is happening on the border and saying something needs to be fixed…. Listen, the American people expect us to actually solve this, not just do politics on it. So here is my counsel: Stop doing all the political games. Let’s stop bringing up the messaging bills. This is a national emergency.” (Sen. Lankford, Congressional Record, S.3761-3762, 5/16/2024)


FLASHBACK: Biden Campaigned On Lax Border Enforcement: ‘I Would In Fact Make Sure… We Immediately Surge To The Border All Those People Are Seeking Asylum,’ ‘You Should Come,’ ‘Come To The United States’

JOE BIDEN: “What I would do as president is several more things because things have changed. I would in fact, make sure that there is we immediately surge to the border all those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We are a nation that says if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression you should come.” (ABC News Democratic Presidential Debate, 9/12/2019)

JOE BIDEN: “All of the bad things are coming through ports of entry right now. We don’t need a wall and by the way I would immediately as president surge to the border. I would end this notion for the first time in history the people seeking asylum have to be in squalor on the other side of the river and--and desperate situation. They should be-- be-- come to the United States and have a judgment made as to whether or not they qualify. I would also surge to the border immigration judges to make--make decisions immediately and no one, no one would be put in jail while waiting for their hearing.” (CNN and Univision Democratic Presidential Debate, 3/15/2020)

‘And Those Who Come Seeking Asylum, We Should Immediately Have The Capacity To Absorb Them’

JOE BIDEN: “But the fact is that, look, we should not be locking people up. We should be making sure we change the circumstance, as we did, why they would leave in the first place. And those who come seeking asylum, we should immediately have the capacity to absorb them, keep them safe until they can be heard.” (NBC News Democratic Presidential Debate, 6/27/2019)


REMINDER: The Biden Administration Systematically Dismantled Border Control Policies ‘During The President’s First Days In Office’

When he took office, President Joe Biden loosened rules at the border, letting children without parents cross — but agents were supposed to expel all other undocumented migrants. The policy allows the Biden administration to say, ‘The border is closed.’ In reality, the border is not closed.” (“Under Biden, Crossing The Border Has Become Like A Lottery For Migrants. Timing Is Everything.,” NBC News, 6/02/2021)

“During the president’s first days in office, his administration announced it would not use the Title 42 policy to turn back unaccompanied minors who arrive without a parent or guardian. Their numbers began to shoot up almost immediately, and images of migrant children and teens packed shoulder-to-shoulder in detention facilities produced the administration’s first border emergency.” (“Trump Vs. Biden On Immigration: 12 Charts Comparing U.S. Border Security,” The Washington Post, 2/12/2024)

The department also announced that asylum seekers who attempt to enter the United States will no longer be part of a controversial policy enacted under former President Donald Trump that has forced tens of thousands to wait in Mexico for American court hearings. The deportation moratorium and changes to the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as ‘remain in Mexico,’ come on President Joe Biden’s first day in office.” (“Biden Administration Pauses Deportations For 100 Days And Suspends “Remain In Mexico” Policy For Asylum Seekers,” The Texas Tribune, 1/20/2021)

“On Biden’s first day in office his administration ordered a pause on most arrests and deportations from the interior of the United States by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).” (“Trump Vs. Biden On Immigration: 12 Charts Comparing U.S. Border Security,” The Washington Post, 2/12/2024)

·       “Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule. Biden revoked a Trump executive order that massively expanded immigration officials’ interior enforcement work and broadened the categories of who they should try to detain and deport. His acting DHS secretary then issued a memo pausing deportations for 100 days beginning on Jan. 22.” (“The 17 Things Joe Biden Did On Day One,” Politico, 1/21/2021)

Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall. Biden declared an immediate termination of the national emergency declaration that the Trump administration used to divert federal funding to building the U.S.-Mexico border wall, and ordered a pause on its construction while the new administration reviews the funding and contracts.” (“The 17 Things Joe Biden Did On Day One,” Politico, 1/21/2021)

‘Biden Transition Officials Understood The Risks,’ ‘Yet Biden Immediately Embarked On An Aggressive Strategy To Roll Back’ Stronger Enforcement Policies ‘That Increased The Flow Of Migrants And Encouraged More To Try Their Luck’

The situation at the border — which Biden and his advisers steadfastly refuse to call a crisis — is the result of an administration that was forewarned of the coming surge, yet still ill-prepared and lacking the capacity to deal with it. Administration officials have been plagued by muddled messaging, sometimes making appeals that seem directed more at liberal activists than the migrants they need to dissuade from coming to the country.” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

·       “Biden transition officials understood the risks, as well, identifying a surge of unaccompanied minors and a dearth of shelter space exacerbated by the pandemic as the most pressing problems. Yet Biden immediately embarked on an aggressive strategy to roll back Trump administration policies.” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

·       “Biden did not have adequate preparations in place when he began rolling back some of Trump’s policies and sounding a welcoming note.” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

“During his first week in office, Biden signed a slew of executive actions aimed at undoing Trump’s immigration policies and released comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Most notable among the changes has been the decision to no longer expel unaccompanied minors who show up at the border, resulting in more children coming into US custody. Those policy changes, some argue, sent a signal to migrants that it was the time to come to the United States, despite administration officials warning them it wasn’t.” (“How The Border Problem Caught The Biden Team Off Guard, And How They’ve Scrambled To Fix It,” CNN, 3/20/2021)

“The administration also took several steps — including saying it would allow unaccompanied minors into the country — that increased the flow of migrants and encouraged more to try their luck.” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

‘These Are All Self-Inflicted Wounds’: The Biden Administration Was Warned Repeatedly That A Surge Of Migrants Could Result From Their Policies And Messaging, From Both The Prior Administration And Career Homeland Security Officials

“The warnings began before Biden even took office. During the transition period, career officials at U.S. Customs and Border Protection tried to issue sober alarms to the Biden team about the likelihood of a crisis at the border that could quickly overwhelm the nation’s capacity. Senior CBP officials delivered Zoom briefings to the Biden transition team that included modeling projections showing a steep increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors if Trump’s policies were suddenly lifted, according to one current and two former Department of Homeland Security officials.” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

·       “Chad Wolf, the acting DHS secretary at that time, did not participate in the meetings, but said he talked to transition officials about the risks they faced, and that career officials … briefed the Biden team to help underscore the legitimacy of the crisis. ‘It’s one thing to hear it from political appointees, but career folks were telling them the same thing. They should have been better prepared,’ Wolf said. ‘And I know they were briefed in detail by CBP.’” (“‘No End In Sight’: Inside The Biden Administration’s Failure To Contain The Border Surge,” The Washington Post, 3/20/2021)

“[Former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark] Morgan said the Biden transition team was ‘specifically warned again and again and again,’ adding that officials had worked on modeling to project the jump in encounters if Trump policies were pulled back.” (“How The Border Problem Caught The Biden Team Off Guard, And How They’ve Scrambled To Fix It,” CNN, 3/20/2021)

“Republicans have assailed Biden’s handling of the situation, blaming his early actions to overturn some of the Trump administration’s draconian border enforcement policies for inducing what is shaping up to be a historic surge of migrants to the border. ‘These are all self-inflicted wounds,’ a Homeland Security official said.” (“How The Border Problem Caught The Biden Team Off Guard, And How They’ve Scrambled To Fix It,” CNN, 3/20/2021)

“The gap between the number of migrants taken into CBP custody versus the number of people who are sent back or deported has widened each of the last three years.” (“Trump Vs. Biden On Immigration: 12 Charts Comparing U.S. Border Security,” The Washington Post, 2/12/2024)


The Results: Since President Biden Took Office, Over 7.8 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed The U.S. Southern Border

CBP chart of Southwest Land Border Ecnounters by Month for FY 2021-2024 

(“Southwest Land Border Encounters,” U.S. Customs And Border Protection, Accessed 5/21/2024)

“The number of people taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol has reached the highest levels in the agency’s 100-year history under Biden, averaging 2 million per year.” (“Trump Vs. Biden On Immigration: 12 Charts Comparing U.S. Border Security,” The Washington Post, 2/12/2024)

·       Arrests for illegal crossings topped 2 million for the first time each of the U.S. government’s last two budget years …” (“Illegal Crossings Surge In Remote Areas As Congress And The White House Weigh Major Asylum Limits,” The Associated Press, 12/19/2023)

“The Biden administration has released more than 2.3 million border crossers into the United States since 2021.” (“Trump Vs. Biden On Immigration: 12 Charts Comparing U.S. Border Security,” The Washington Post, 2/12/2024)

These Staggering Numbers Include Record Number Of Encounters For A Single Month And A Single Day In December 2023

The besieged U.S. southern border saw a record number of migrant encounters in a single day on Monday, as thousands flooded into Eagle Pass, Texas, amid a broader surge in recent weeks that has left authorities overwhelmed. There were over 12,600 migrant encounters on [December 18th], Customs and Border Protection sources told Fox.” (“Southern Border Hit By Record Number Of Migrant Encounters In A Single Day As Thousands Flood Into Texas,” Fox News, 12/19/2023)

The U.S. southern border saw its highest rate of illegal migrant encounters [in December 2023], blowing away previous statistics. Sources with Customs and Border Protection told Fox News Digital that migrant encounters hit a staggering 300,000 incidents in the last month of 2023, reaching a level thought unimaginable just years ago. Between Dec. 1 and December 31, more than 302,000 migrants were documented attempting to cross the U.S. southern border. It is the highest total for a single month ever recorded. It is also the first time migrant encounters have exceeded 300,000.” (“Migrant Encounters At Southern Border Hit Record 302K In December, Sources Say,” Fox News, 1/01/2024)

·       “The current spike in migration peaked before Christmas, during the week starting on Dec. 14 and ending on Dec. 20, when Border Patrol averaged 9,773 daily apprehensions, according to the data. On several days that week, the agency processed more than 10,000 migrants in 24 hours.” (“Migrant Crossings At U.S. Southern Border Reach Record Monthly High In December,” CBS News, 12/28/2023)

Known Gotaways ‘Have *Exploded* Under The Biden Admin’: Over 1.6 Million In Three Years

“Internal CBP data I obtained via FOIA request reveals 13 years of known gotaways data at the border, showing gotaways have *exploded* under the Biden admin compared to the Trump & Obama years. This is the first time these numbers have ever been revealed.” (Fox News’ Bill Melugin, @BillMelugin_, Twitter, 5/15/2024)


(Fox News’ Bill Melugin, @BillMelugin_, Twitter, 5/15/2024)

“For perspective, in the decade of FY 2010 through FY 2020 under both Obama & Trump, CBP recorded over 1.4 million known gotaways. In the three years of FY 2021 through FY 2023, CBP recorded over 1.6 million known gotaways.” (Fox News’ Bill Melugin, @BillMelugin_, Twitter, 5/15/2024)


Under The Biden Administration, ‘The U.S. Asylum System Has Become A Proxy Process For Migrants To Stay And Work In America, Irrespective Of Whether They Have Valid Claims Or Not’

“Over the past few years, however, the U.S. asylum system has become a proxy process for migrants to stay and work in America, irrespective of whether they have valid claims or not.” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

“A mounting backlog of roughly 3 million pending cases has crippled the federal immigration court system’s ability to adjudicate claims in a timely fashion.” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

·       “Most migrants are not screened for asylum at the southern border anyway…” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

·       “Consequently, most of those who are not deported are generally released with court cases that typically take years to complete.” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

‘Many Expect To Be Released Into The U.S.’

“A remote desert region along the southern border has become a makeshift international arrivals area for thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia and Latin America hoping to work and reunite with family members in the U.S.” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

·       “Many expect to be released into the U.S. after being vetted by local Border Patrol agents…” (“Migrants From Around The World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis At The Border,” CBS News, 12/08/2023)

“At a sprawl of white tents near Tucson International Airport that was built for about 1,000 people, some migrants are flown to the Texas border for processing. Others are released within two days, as mandated by a court order in the Tucson sector. CBP policy limits detention to 72 hours. Most are released with notices to appear in immigration courts, which are backlogged with more than 3 million cases.” (“Illegal Crossings Surge In Remote Areas As Congress And The White House Weigh Major Asylum Limits,” The Associated Press, 12/19/2023)


Every Step Of The Way, Schumer And Senate Democrats Enabled Biden’s Open Border Policies

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “I urge President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to immediately put a stop to these expulsions and to end this Title 42 policy at our southern border…” (“Schumer Whacks Biden Administration Over Handling Of Haitian Migrants,” Politico, 9/21/2021)

·       SCHUMER: “We must allow asylum seekers to present their claims at our ports of entry and be afforded due process.” (“Schumer Whacks Biden Administration Over Handling Of Haitian Migrants,” Politico, 9/21/2021)

SCHUMER: “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the ‘Dreamers’ and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the ‘Dreamers,’ but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here. And we will be pursuing that in the next Senate.” (“Democrats Fire Up Push For DACA Amnesty In Lame Duck Session Before GOP Takes House,” Fox News, 11/19/2022)

Over The Last 3 Years, Senate Democrats Voted Repeatedly Against Policies Designed To Tighten Border Security


·       Every Senate Democrat voted against preventing Biden’s Department of Homeland Security from ending the use of Title 42 at the border. (S.Amdt. 3781 to S.Con.Res. 14, Roll Call Vote #344: Amendment Rejected 49-50: D: 0-49; R 49-0; I 0-1, 8/11/2021)

·       47 Senate Democrats voted against implementing policies that prioritize taking into custody illegal immigrants who have been charged with a crime that resulted in the death or serious bodily injury of another person. (S.Amdt. 132 to S.Con.Res. 5, Roll Call Vote #25: Motion rejected 52-48, D 1-47, R 50-0, I 1-1, 2/04/2021)

·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against withholding federal funding from sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with enforcing immigration laws. (S.Amdt. 553, S.Con.Res. 5, Roll Call Vote #20: Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 2/04/2021)

·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against funding border security and ensuring the enforcement of all immigration laws. (S.Amdt. 872 to S.Con.Res. 5, Roll Call Vote #42: Rejected 50-50, D 0-48, R 50-0, I 0-2, 2/05/2021)

·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against ensuring the enforcement of the Trump Administration’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. (S.Amdt. 651 to S.Con.Res. 5, Roll Call Vote #51: Rejected 50-50, D 0-48, R 50-0, I 0-2, 2/05/2021)



·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. James Lankford’s (R-OK) amendment to shift money to maintain Title 42 authority in order to address the crisis on the southern U.S. border. (S. Amdt. 5384, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #294: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022)

·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-FL) motion to prohibit hiring any new IRS agents via Democrats’ reckless taxing and spending spree until 18,000 new border patrol agents are hired. (H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #297: Motion rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022)

·       All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Dan Sullivan’s (R-AK) amendment to provide $500 million for construction of fences and barriers along the southern border. (S.Amdt. 5435, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #320: Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022)



·       All 51 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) amendment to prohibit federal funding for sanctuary cities that refuse to notify the Department of Homeland Security when illegal aliens in local custody are due to be released. (S.Amdt. 1706, H.R. 2882, Roll Call Vote #110: Motion to table agreed to 51-47: D 48-0; R 0-47; I 3-0, 3/23/2024)

·       All 51 Senate Democrats voted against a motion to offer Sen. Ted Budd’s (R-NC) amendment to prohibit granting legal status or citizenship to illegal aliens who have assaulted law enforcement officers. (H.R. 2882: Roll Call Vote #111: Motion rejected 47-51: D 0-48; R 47-0; I 0-3, 3/23/2024)

·       All 51 Senate Democrats voted against a motion to offer Sen. Ted Budd’s (R-NC) amendment prohibit granting legal status or citizenship to illegal aliens who have committed burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting. (H.R. 2882, Roll Call Vote #113: Motion rejected 47-51: D 0-48; R 47-0; I 0-3, 3/23/2024)



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