
Dems On Keystone: ‘So Important That We Do It Now’

Senate Dems Push For Pipeline Approval: ‘We Have Everything To Gain By Building This Pipeline’


DEMOCRATS: ‘Common Sense To Be For The Pipeline’ 

Nine currently serving democrats voted ‘to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline’ last November—with no amendments. (S.2280, Roll Call Vote #280, Bill Defeated 59-41: R 46-0; D 13-39; I 0-2, 11/18/14)

Keystone bill cosponsored by democrat senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Jon Tester (D-MT), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and Mark Warner (D-VA) (S.1, Cosponsors, Introduced 1/6/15)

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “We have everything to gain by building this pipeline, especially since it would help create thousands of jobs right here at home and limit our dependence on foreign oil. Every state – including West Virginia – would benefit economically from this activity. It is my sincere hope that we can once and for all move forward with this important project.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 1/6/15)

  • MANCHIN: “It’s simply common sense that America has a lot to gain by opening up this pipeline because it not only addresses energy security, but it helps create thousands of jobs right here at home.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 2/15/13)

SEN. JOE DONNELLY (D-IN): “A strong energy economy is critical to both Indiana’s and our country’s economic success, and crucial to our national security.  As a longtime supporter of the effort to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline... I will continue working with Democrats and Republicans to push for approval of this commonsense project.” (Sen. Donnelly, Press Release, 11/18/14)

SEN. MARK WARNER (D-VA): “I support construction of the Keystone pipeline. ... After six years of study and debate, it is time to approve this project.” (Sen. Warner, Press Release, 11/18/14)

SEN. JOHN TESTER (D-MT): “The Keystone pipeline is a win-win for Montana's economy and our energy security…” (Sen. Tester, Press Release, 1/15/15)

  • TESTER: “…bipartisan legislation that creates jobs and increases energy security. We need to seize every common-sense opportunity to move this country forward.” (Sen. Tester, Press Release, 11/18/14)

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): “To me, this has always been common sense to be for the pipeline.” (“Stage Set In Fight Over Pipeline,” St. Joseph News-Press, 1/15/15)

SEN. HEIDI HEITKAMP (D-ND): “…it's time for the State Department and President to make a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline – how ever they decide – because six years is beyond long enough.” (Sen. Heitkamp, Press Release, 1/9/15)

  • HEITKAMP: “When you look at 6 years, we fought World War II and defeated the greatest evil known to mankind, Adolf Hitler, in 4 years, and we cannot site a pipeline in 6 years. The process is broken. … I want to say why it is so important that we do it now. Those of us who live in the northern tier, we know what construction season is, and you cannot put pipeline in the ground in September and October—not without a lot of additional costs with which we have already burdened this pipeline. We need to get this decision done, get this going in the spring as early as possible so plans can be made and people can begin their construction season...” (Sen. Heitkamp, Congressional Record, S.45, 1/7/15)

Related Issues: Jobs, Energy, Keystone XL Pipeline, Labor, Senate Democrats, Economy, Infrastructure, Middle Class