
Dems Praised Bipartisan Appropriations Bills For Funding ‘Vital Programs’


SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “If they want to get appropriation bills, here's how you do it. Have it bipartisan, that's how we got it done for many years I've been here and many, many years before I got here.” (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 9/22/15)


Agriculture: Includes ‘Key Wins To Help Farming Communities … Across The Country’

“The Senate Appropriations Committee advanced Thursday the draft 2016 Agriculture, Rural Development and FDA spending bill that would provide $20.5 billion in discretionary spending… The committee voted to favorably report the bill 28-2.” (“Senate Appropriators Advance 2016 Agriculture-FDA Bill,” CQ Roll Call, 7/16/15)

  • SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D-OR): “Today, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley announced several key wins to help farming communities in Oregon and across the country. ... This week, the Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2016 Agriculture Appropriations Bill. … ‘…this bill will do well by Oregon…’” (Sen. Merkley, Press Release, 7/17/15)


Commerce-Justice-Science: Funds ‘Key’ & ‘Top Priorities’

“The Senate Appropriations Committee advanced the fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill as amended… The vote for approval was 27-3.” (“Senate Panel Puts Marijuana Into Commerce-Justice-Science Bill,” CQ Roll Call, 6/11/15)

  • SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): “‘Supporting Delaware law enforcement and keeping our communities safe is one of my top priorities, but to do that, the federal government needs to provide strong federal funding in the annual spending bills,’ said Senator Coons.  ‘The Appropriations process is far from over, but I’m very glad that we were able to boost funding for critical law enforcement programs in the Appropriations Committee.’” (Sen. Coons, Press Release, 6/12/15)
  • SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH): “These bills include key priorities for New Hampshire… ‘I’m pleased that New Hampshire priorities have been recognized in these funding bills,’ said Shaheen.” (Sen. Shaheen, Press Release, 6/10/15)


Defense: ‘Bill Is A Win-Win-Win,’ Includes ‘A Well-Deserved Pay Raise For Our Troops’

“The Senate Appropriations Committee approved Thursday a Defense spending bill for fiscal 2016… The committee vote was 27-3 in favor of the measure, which would allocate nearly $576 billion, including $86.9 billion for Pentagon overseas operations.” (“Senate Appropriators Advance Defense Bill Amid Partisan Spats,” CQ Roll Call, 6/11/15)

  • SEN. BRIAN SCHATZ (D-HI): “‘The funding for defense programs that the Appropriations Committee passed today is a key investment in our national security and is further indication of the important role Hawai‘i plays in our defense strategy,’ said Senator Schatz. ‘Within the constraints of the sequester, a number of Hawai‘i’s defense priorities were funded.  These are critical if we are going to have a successful strategy to rebalance to the Asia Pacific.’” (Sen. Schatz, Press Release, 6/11/15)
  • SEN. CHRIS MURPHY (D-CT): ‘Today, the payoff is big,’ “Murphy Calls Defense Appropriations A Victory For Connecticut… ‘I fought for a seat on the Appropriations Committee – the one committee that controls how our government spends taxpayer dollars – so I could make sure that Connecticut taxpayers see their hard earned money returned to our state. I’ve listened to the needs and concerns of residents all across Connecticut and have worked hard on their behalf, and today, the payoff is big. I voted for the Defense Appropriations Bill because it will directly protect and grow Connecticut’s defense manufacturing industry and the hundreds of thousands of jobs it supports across our state. This bill recognizes Connecticut’s contribution to America’s national security by investing in our state-of-the-art submarines, helicopters, and jet engines and adding hundreds of millions of dollars to the local economy. It provides more Blackhawk helicopters, F135 engines, and research and development of new submarines critical to manufacturing in towns like Groton, Middletown, and Stratford. It will also expand access to behavioral health counseling for our servicemen and women and implement a well-deserved pay raise for our troops who put their lives on the line each and every day.” (Sen. Murphy, “Murphy Calls Defense Appropriations A Victory For Connecticut,” 6/11/15)
  • SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH): “As you are aware, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2016 Defense Appropriations bill … This bill included $20 million for Beyond Yellow Ribbon programs, which was one of my top priorities.” (Sen. Shaheen, Press Release, 6/12/15)
  • SEN. BARBARA MIKULSKI (D-MD): DoD Approps bill includes ‘one of the most important tools we have to support and promote the health and well-being of our military families in this country’ “…today the Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously passed her amendment to restore $322 million in commissary funding to the Senate Defense Appropriations bill. ... ‘The commissary is one of the most important tools we have to support and promote the health and well-being of our military families in this country,’ said Senator Mikulski, a member of the Senate Military Families Caucus.” (Sen. Mikulski, Press Release, 6/11/15)
  • SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): “As Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, I have worked with my colleagues to maintain our state’s leadership and to ensure that Illinois servicemembers, their families, and our military and civilian workforce have the support they need and deserve.” (Sen. Durbin, Press Release, 6/9/15)
  • SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ): “‘The inclusion of this funding in the Senate’s defense bill is a deserving victory for our U.S. Air National Guard - especially New Jersey’s courageous 177th Fighter Wing, who were immediately engaged in securing airspace over New York and Washington following the tragic events on 9/11,’ Sen. Booker said. ‘Just as we have called on them to protect us, they are calling on us to provide them with the resources they need to effectively protect and defend our homeland. Today marks significant progress in meeting this vital need.’” (Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) & Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Press Release, 6/17/15)
  • SEN. BOB MENENDEZ (D-NJ): ‘Securing this funding in the DOD appropriations bill is a win-win-win’ “‘New Jersey's military preparedness plays an important role in the defense of our nation, and these investments will help ensure our F-16 fighters based in Atlantic City are properly upgraded,’ Sen. Menendez said. ‘Securing this funding in the DOD appropriations bill is a win-win-win: For the Air National Guard, New Jersey’s 177th Fighter Wing and the American people.’” (Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) & Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Press Release, 6/17/15)


Energy-Water: ‘A Step Forward,’ ‘Includes Critical Funding’ For ‘Vital Programs’

“The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved, 26-4, a $35.4 billion Energy-Water spending bill for fiscal 2016…” (“Senate Appropriators Advance Energy-Water Bill,” CQ Roll Call, 5/21/15)

  • SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA): “This bill provides robust funding for nuclear weapons modernization and environmental cleanup, vital programs that deserve to be funded.” (Sen. Feinstein, Press Release, 5/19/15)
  • SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH): “This appropriations bill, while not perfect, increases funding for important energy efficiency advances in our military and for low-income families. It also includes critical funding for New Hampshire’s North Country.” (Sen. Shaheen, Press Release, 5/22/15)
  • SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D-OR): “Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced today that the Senate Appropriations Committee passed a bill including $50 million for small, remote ports and $135 million for deep draft ports. … ‘We can’t keep shortchanging our future by severely underfunding our water infrastructure. Today we took a step forward in ending this cycle by putting $50 million aside for small, remote ports. The bill that passed out of committee today will help to provide coastal jobs and keep our small ports up and running.” (Sen. Merkley, Press Release, 5/21/15)


Military Construction-VA: ‘Bill Ensures That The Military Will Have The Facilities, Capabilities, And Infrastructure It Needs’

“Senate appropriators approved their fiscal 2016 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs funding bill Thursday with a proposal that would make it easier for veterans to access medicinal marijuana in states where it is legal. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the legislation by a 21-9 vote…” (“Appropriators OK VA Funding With Medical Marijuana Language,” CQ Roll Call, 5/21/15)

  • SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH): “Yesterday, provisions supporting New Hampshire veterans … were included in the Senate Appropriations Committee bill for FY 2016 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies. ... ‘We owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women who have served our country and that includes making sure they have access to the services they need,’ Shaheen said.” (Sen. Shaheen, Press Release, 5/22/15)
  • SEN. BRIAN SCHATZ (D-HI): “This appropriations bill ensures that the military will have the facilities, capabilities, and infrastructure it needs to sustain Hawai‘i’s long-term role in the rebalance to Asia.” (Sen. Schatz, Press Release, 5/21/15)


Four Other Appropriations Bills Also Strongly Bipartisan

Legislative Branch: “Senate appropriators Thursday approved a $4.3 billion Legislative Branch spending bill for fiscal 2016, one of the early appropriations bills to be sent to the Senate floor. In a 27-3 vote, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted to approve the measure that funds Senate activities and a number of legislative branch agencies…” (“Legislative Branch Spending Bill Advanced By Senate Panel,” CQ Roll Call, 6/11/15)

State-Foreign Ops: “The Senate Committee on Appropriations today approved the FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill [external link], a $49.0 billion bill to strengthen federal programs and operations that support national security and American values abroad. The legislation, approved 27-3, is now available for consideration by the full Senate.” (U.S. Senate, Appropriations Committee, Press Release, 7/9/15)

Homeland Security: “The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the 2016 Homeland Security spending bill on Thursday… The bill received broad support on both sides of the aisle, with committee members voting 26-4 to approve the draft measure, subject to amendment.” (“Senate Appropriations Committee OKs Homeland Spending Bill,” CQ Roll Call, 6/18/15)

Transportation-HUD: “The Senate Appropriations Committee advanced a $55.65 billion fiscal 2016 spending bill Thursday that would increase funding for rail and aviation programs but make deep cuts to certain housing programs and transit. The measure advanced by a 20-10 vote and now heads to the full Senate.” (“Senate Appropriators Approve Transportation-HUD Spending Bill,” CQ Roll Call, 6/25/15)



Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Appropriations