
Dems’ Troop Trifecta

For The Third Time This Year, And Despite The Democrat Leader’s Call To End Filibusters, Senate Dems Will Vote To Block Funding For Our Military

“One of the first items on the Senate's to-do list ... is a third try at prying loose the fiscal 2017 defense spending bill. A cloture vote on the defense appropriations bill is scheduled for next week…” (“Third Time's The Charm? Senate GOP Will Try Again To Move Defense Spending Bill Forward,” Washington Examiner, 9/1/2016)

“Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says… ‘the Senate will have to evolve as it has in the past,’ Mr. Reid told me, referring to a former Senate tradition of rarely mounting filibusters. ‘But it will evolve with a majority vote determining stuff. It is going to happen.’” (“A Democratic Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says,” The New York Times, 9/1/16)

JULY FLASHBACK: ‘Senate Democrats … Block Defense Spending Bill Again’

“Senate Democrats blocked a defense spending bill from moving forward in July...” (“5 Issues To Watch When Congress Returns In September,” Roll Call, 8/3/2016)

“... Democrats before the summer recess sank Republican attempts to pass stand-alone defense spending measures.” (“Congressional Issue Tracker: Return From Recess,” Defense News, 8/25/2016)

“[A] motion to consider the defense spending bill was voted down by Senate Democrats for the second time...” (“Senate Democrats Vote To Go To Conference On NDAA, Block Defense Spending Bill Again,” Morning Consult, 7/14/2016)

Democrats Have Filibustered Defense Funding Bills Five Times This Congress

June 2015: 44 Democrats vote to filibuster Defense appropriations. (H.R. 2685, Roll Call Vote #216: Motion rejected 50-45 : R 49-1; D 1-42; I 0-2, 6/18/2015)

September 2015: 42 Democrats vote to filibuster Defense appropriations. (H.R. 2685, Roll Call Vote #269: Motion rejected 54-42: R 53-0; D 1-40; I 0-2, 9/22/2015)

November 2015: 43 Democrats vote to filibuster Defense appropriations. (H.R. 2685: Roll Call Vote #298: Motion rejected 51-44: R 50-1; D 1-42; I 0-1, 11/05/2015)

July 2015: 43 Democrats vote to filibuster Defense appropriations. (H.R. 5293, Roll Call Vote #124: Motion rejected 50-44 : R 48-1; D 2-41; I 0-2, 7/07/2016)

July 2015, Again: 42 Democrats vote to filibuster Defense appropriations. (H.R. 5293, Roll Call Vote #133: Motion rejected 55-42: R 53-0; D 2-40; I 0-2, 7/14/2016)

Meanwhile, Our Adversaries Aren’t Waiting…

AFGHANISTAN: “Afghan police say at least 13 people are dead and more than 45 wounded after a nearly 10-hour long attack on the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul ended Thursday. Among the dead - seven students, three police officers, two university security guards, and a guard from a nearby school for the blind ... 36 students and university staff were among the injured.” (“At Least 13 Dead, 45 Wounded as Afghanistan University Attack Ends,” Voice of America News, 8/25/2016)

IRAQ & SYRIA: “Islamic State extremists have scattered [mass graves] across Iraq and Syria. In exclusive interviews, photos and research, The Associated Press has documented and mapped 72 of the mass graves ... [E]ven the known victims buried are staggering — from 5,200 to more than 15,000... IS made no attempt to hide its atrocities. In fact it boasted of them.” (“Extensive New Report Finds ISIS Has Buried Thousands In Mass Graves,” The Associated Press, 8/30/2016)

IRAN: “Iran has deployed the Russian-supplied S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system around its Fordow underground uranium enrichment facility, Iranian state media reported on Monday... Russia, under pressure from the West, in 2010 canceled a contract to deliver S-300s to Iran. But Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted that self-imposed ban in April 2015...” (“Iran Deploys Russian-Made S-300 Missiles At Its Fordow Nuclear Site: TV,” Reuters, 8/29/2016)

NORTH KOREA: “North Korea fired a ballistic missile ... that landed unusually close to Japan, drawing a strong protest from Tokyo a day after it warned of Pyongyang’s advancing weapons threat. North Korea frequently tests ballistic missiles in defiance of a United Nations ban ... It appeared to be among the closest a North Korean missile has come to Japan since Pyongyang fired one in 1998 that passed over the country and landed in the Pacific Ocean.” (“North Korean Missile Lands Close to Japan,” The Wall Street Journal, 8/4/2016)

SOMALIA: “A pair of suicide car bombings struck a government building in Somalia on Sunday, killing 23 people... authorities said... The terror group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack...” (“Somali Bombings Leave 23 Dead; Al-Shabaab Claims Responsibility,” CNN, 8/21/2016)


Related Issues: Iraq, North Korea, Al Qaeda, Iran, National Security, Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, War on Terror