
‘Doubled’: Former Gitmo Prisoners ‘Suspected Of Rejoining Militants’

Obama Administration Bemoans: They’re ‘Not Supposed To Be Doing That’


‘The Number Of Former Guantanamo Bay Prison Inmates Who Are Suspected Of Having Returned To Fighting For Militants Doubled’

“The number of former Guantanamo Bay prison inmates who are suspected of having returned to fighting for militants doubled to 12 in the six months through January, the Obama administration said on Monday. . . According to figures released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), as of Jan. 15 the United States also had confirmed that seven out of 144 Guantanamo prisoners who were freed since Obama took office in January 2009 have returned to fighting. That was up from six since the ODNI's previous release last July.” (“Ex-Guantanamo Prisoners Suspected Of Rejoining Militants Increases: U.S.,” Reuters, 3/08/2016)

Former Detainees ‘Promot[ing] Jihad,’ Rejoining Al Qaeda, Suspected Of Recruiting Islamic State Fighters

“A former detainee at the American military prison in Guantanamo Bay, who once served as Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard and driver, recently released an audio tape in which he promotes jihad in east Africa.” (“Freed Guantanamo Bay Detainee Promotes Jihad in Somalia,” ABC News, 2/26/2016)

  • “In a message released Thursday on the social media messaging app Telegram and attributed to Ibrahim Qosi, Qosi told fighters in Somalia to ‘continue the raid with a raid, and light up the ground beneath the feet of the Crusaders and team them that the lands of Islam are a fortress that is not allowed to the disbelievers, and a graveyard for the invaders,’ according to a translation by the SITE Intelligence Group. ‘Victory is brought by blood and suffering, not by promises and wishes from every libertine,’ he said.” (“Freed Guantanamo Bay Detainee Promotes Jihad in Somalia,” ABC News, 2/26/2016)
  • “Though the detainee file describes Qosi as ‘high risk’ and of ‘high intelligence value,’ he was released from Guantanamo Bay in July 2012 after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and supporting terrorism. He had originally been sentenced to 14 years, but the sentence was reduced to two . . . At the time of his release to Sudan, the Pentagon said the U.S. had coordinated with Sudan’s government to ensure ‘appropriate security and humane treatment measures’ for Qosi. But by late 2014, Qosi had reportedly joined al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, AQAP, and shortly thereafter became one of its senior members.” (“Freed Guantanamo Bay Detainee Promotes Jihad in Somalia,” ABC News, 2/26/2016)

“Former Guantanamo detainee among 4 arrested in Spain, Morocco for Islamic State ties.” (“Former Guantanamo Detainee Among 4 Arrested In Spain, Morocco For Islamic State Ties,” The Associated Press, 2/23/2016)

“The Director of National Intelligence says that of the 653 detainees transferred out of Gitmo through July 2015, 117 are confirmed to have re-engaged as terrorists and another 79 are suspected of re-engaging. Most of the remaining 91 are the worst of the worst, and 46 aren’t even recommended for transfer.” (Editorial, “Guantanamo At Bay,” The Wall Street Journal, 2/24/2016)


Sec. Kerry On Qosi’s Return To Al Qaeda: ‘He’s Not Supposed To Be Doing That’

“Earlier this week Secretary of State John Kerry was asked by Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk about Qosi’s return to al Qaeda, to which Kerry responded, ‘Well, senator, he’s not supposed to be doing that and there are consequences for that.’” (“Freed Guantanamo Bay Detainee Promotes Jihad in Somalia,” ABC News, 2/26/2016)

Obama Administration Previously: ‘We’re Going To Die Trying’ To Close Gitmo

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF DENIS McDONOUGH: “We’ll do audacious executive action throughout the course of the year — I’m confident about that.” (“President Obama May Require Federal Contractors To List Campaign Gifts,” The New York Times, 1/19/16)

  • McDONOUGH: “We will close Gitmo ... That's what the president will do.” (Fox News’ “Fox News Sunday,” 1/10/16)

SUSAN RICE, National Security Adviser: ‘I can tell you we’re going to die trying’ “‘I can’t say with certainty that we’re 100 percent going to get there, but I can tell you we’re going to die trying,’ said Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, in an interview.” (“Obama's Counterterrorism Chief Takes Fresh Stab At Closing Guantanamo,” Reuters, 11/4/15)



Related Issues: National Security, Al Qaeda, Guantanamo Detention Facility, ISIL, War on Terror