
Growing Number Of Law Enforcement Organizations Oppose The Nomination Of Adeel Mangi

With A Fuller Understanding Of Mangi’s Associations With Radical Groups Like The Alliance Of Families For Justice And The Legal Aid Society Of New York That Have Repeatedly Advocated For Notorious Cop-Killers, Law Enforcement Organizations From The 3rd Circuit And Across The Country Have Increasingly Called On The Senate To Reject His Nomination


SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “I’ve spoken repeatedly about Adeel Mangi, nominee to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals: both his shocking ties to anti-police and anti-Israel radicals, and Democrats’ increasingly frantic efforts to whitewash them. Nineteen different law enforcement groups have written in opposition to this nominee. As the Senior Senator from Nevada noted, ‘Mr. Mangi’s affiliation with the Alliance of Families for Justice is deeply concerning. This organization has …advocated for the release of individuals convicted of killing police officers.’ No wonder law enforcement is aggravated.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/09/2024)

·         LEADER McCONNELL: “[T]he situation for this nomination has become so dire that Mr. Mangi took the almost unprecedented step of writing to the Junior Senator from New Jersey to disclaim any real knowledge of an organization on whose advisory board he sits. Mr. Mangi tried to justify his association with cop-killing domestic terrorists by claiming ignorance of the full extent of AFJ’s radicalism. It’s the same see-no-evil excuse he attempted for his moral and financial support for the anti-Semitic center at Rutgers. Is this the defense of an aspiring appellate judge? That he was ignorant and careless? … There are only two explanations: either Mr. Mangi is so careless that he repeatedly neglected to conduct the simplest due diligence before joining advisory boards of radical groups, or he joined these groups intentionally. Either one makes him unfit for this lifetime appointment.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/09/2024)


REMINDER: Adeel Mangi Served On The Boards Of Groups That Supported Cop-Killers And Advocated For Defunding Police

Alliance of Families for Justice: An Organization With Ties To A Notorious Weather Underground Member That Has Advocated For Infamous Cop-Killers

“President Joe Biden’s latest judicial nominee, whom the White House is hailing as ‘historic’ due to his Muslim faith, serves on the advisory board of a left-wing group with extensive ties to convicted cop killers, the Washington Free Beacon has found.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “Adeel Abdullah Mangi, whom Biden tapped to serve on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, is an advisory board member of Alliance of Families for Justice. The organization, which works to end ‘mass incarceration,’ was formed in 2016 with Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin as a founding director.”  (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “Boudin pleaded guilty to the murder of two police officers and a security guard during an armored truck robbery in 1981. The FBI named Weather Underground a domestic terrorist organization following a string of bombings and robberies in the 1970s and ‘80s.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

“The Alliance of Families for Justice, where Mangi has served since 2019, organized an event in 2021 to urge the release of six Black Panther and Black Liberation Army members serving life in prison for murdering police officers.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

·         “The Alliance referred to the cop killers—including Black Panther members Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Rap Brown, and others—as ‘freedom fighters’ and claimed they were illegally targeted by the FBI.” (“‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist,” Washington Free Beacon, 12/15/2023)

Legal Aid Society Of New York: Another Organization That Has Repeatedly Defended And Advocated For The Release Of Notorious Cop Killers

“The Legal Aid Society says members of its board of directors ‘provide crucial guidance that strengthens’ the organization’s work. When President Joe Biden's embattled judicial nominee Adeel Mangi served on the board, that work included defending some of New York’s most notorious cop killers…. During that period, the ‘social justice law firm’ represented a Black Liberation Army duo who assassinated a pair of New York City police officers in 1971, securing parole for one and keeping the other from having his parole reversed. The cop killers’ parole was opposed by the New York City police department and former mayor Bill de Blasio (D.), who said the duo had murdered the officers ‘for no other reason than the uniforms on their backs and the shields on their chests.’” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi Served on Legal Aid Society Board as It Defended Notorious Cop Killers,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/09/2024)

·         “Lawyers for the Legal Aid Society represented Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim, former members of the Black Liberation Army who assassinated New York City police officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones in May 1971 after luring them with a fake 911 call to a housing project in Harlem. Bell and Muntaqim murdered San Francisco police sergeant John Young inside a patrol station in August 1971.” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi Served on Legal Aid Society Board as It Defended Notorious Cop Killers,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/09/2024)

·         “The Legal Aid Society secured parole for Muntaqim, also known as Anthony Bottom, in 2020, claiming he was being ‘left to die’ in prison because of the coronavirus pandemic. In 2019, the Legal Aid Society represented Bell against an appeal from Piagentini’s widow, Diane Piagentini, who sued to reverse his parole the previous year. Piagentini, who has spoken out in favor of police in the decades since her husband's murder, said Mangi ‘doesn't belong on the Court of Appeals due to his affiliations.’” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi Served on Legal Aid Society Board as It Defended Notorious Cop Killers,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/09/2024)

“In 2020, Legal Aid Society called for the release of Christopher Ransom, who was in jail awaiting trial for the murder of New York City detective Brian Simonsen…. The Legal Aid Society said Ransom should be released from jail until trial because of the heightened risk from coronavirus. After Ransom pleaded guilty in November 2021, his Legal Aid Society lawyers portrayed him as a victim …” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi Served on Legal Aid Society Board as It Defended Notorious Cop Killers,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/09/2024)

“The Legal Aid Society has represented Bruce Lorick, who murdered New York City police officer Joseph Keegan in 1980 after he was stopped for jumping a turnstile in the New York City subway. The organization submitted documents in favor of Lorick’s parole, according to court records. He was released in 2021 but has since been arrested on charges of cocaine possession, shoplifting, and strangulation. The Legal Aid Society sued on behalf of Lorick in December to have him released from Rikers Island, claiming the cop killer was ‘unlawfully detained.’” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi Served on Legal Aid Society Board as It Defended Notorious Cop Killers,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/09/2024)

The Legal Aid Society Of New York Was Also ‘Behind Campaigns To Defund Police And Shut Down U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement’

“A Biden judicial nominee under fire for his work with an anti-Israel think tank has another radical left-wing group on his resume. Adeel Mangi, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, served on the board of the Legal Aid Society of New York from 2017 to 2021. The organization is best known for representing indigent clients in New York City, but it has also been behind campaigns to defund police and shut down U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Helped Lead Anti-Police Nonprofit,” Washington Free Beacon, 1/24/2024)

·         In June 2020, the Legal Aid Society urged supporters to ‘join the movement to #DefundNYPD,’ and promoted a ‘March to Defund the NYPD’ rally. In 2021, the Legal Aid Society called on the Biden administration to ‘end immigration detention’ and for a ‘moratorium’ on all deportations for one year. The group helped free hundreds of prisoners from Rikers Island because of the coronavirus pandemic, including a career criminal charged with murdering his girlfriend, and another man who was charged with attempted rape 10 days after the Legal Aid Society secured his release.” (“Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Helped Lead Anti-Police Nonprofit,” Washington Free Beacon, 1/24/2024)


Over the Last Several Weeks, An Increasing Number Of Concerned Law Enforcement Organizations Wrote To Senators Urging Them To Reject Mangi’s Nomination

“Several law enforcement groups, including the National Sheriffs' Association and the National Association of Police Organizations, have announced they oppose Mangi and have criticized his involvement with the Alliance of Families for Justice. Republicans and the law enforcement groups opposed to Mangi have portrayed it as an association that advocates for ‘cop-killers to be freed from prison,’ as the head of the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association said in a Feb. 14 letter.” (“Third US Senate Democrat To Vote Against Muslim Judicial Nominee Mangi,” Reuters, 3/28/2024)

Law Enforcement Groups In The 3rd Circuit Are Particularly Concerned

 STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION OF NEW JERSEY, INC.: “Beyond Mr. Mangi’s experience, we have very serious concerns regarding his position as an advisory Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice…. The Alliance has also been involved in events that advocated for the release of individuals who were convicted in a court of law of the cold-blooded killing of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973. These were both horrific and pre-meditated executions of law enforcement officers. It is an affront to the men and women of the State Troopers NCO Association and New Jersey State Police that cop-killers who were convicted beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law could be held as heroes and icons to some. We strongly condemn any group who advocates in favor of those who have attacked and killed law enforcement officers. Advocating for unrepentant cop-killers in the name of justice is an insult to all those who don the uniform everyday to serve and protect.” (Daniel Oliveira, Letter to Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, Graham, Menendez, and Booker, 2/15/2024)

NEW JERSEY STATE POLICEMEN’S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC.: “What Mr. Mangi lacks in judicial experience he makes up for with a long resume in promoting anti-police causes. His leadership and association with the Alliance of Families for Justice makes it clear he cannot be impartial in dealing with law enforcement officers. The Alliance advocates for cop-killers to be freed from prison including some of the most notorious murderers in the history of policing…. This attitude is a slap in the face of every cop and an insult to the families of the officers left behind by the people the Alliance fights for. We can respect a lawyer who represents criminal defendants to the best of their ability. But we can’t respect, and can never support, a lawyer who so blatantly promotes the opinion that the police are criminals, and the cop-killers are the victims.” (Pat Colligan, Letter to Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 2/14/2024)

ASSOCIATION OF FORMER NEW JERSEY STATE TROOPERS, INC.: “Beyond Mr. Mangi’s experience, we have very serious concerns regarding his affiliation and position as an advisory Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice. One of the founding board members of the Alliance was Kathy Boudin, who pled guilty to felony murder for her role in the 1981 Brink’s robbery by members of the Weather Underground, a crime which was carried out to provide monetary funds for the group’s Political activities. The Police Officers were executed by Boudin and her fellow terrorist in Nyack in 1981. We are among countless Law Enforcement entities that protested Boudin’s parole, her appointment as a professor at Columbia University, and the paroling, commuting, and granting of clemency to her co- terrorists. For a legal professional such as Mr. Mangi to support and work with a person like Boudin shows his lack of care for life and the rule of law. The Alliance has also advocated for the release of individuals who were convicted in a court of law of the execution-style killing of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973. It is pure disrespect to current and former members of the New Jersey State Police, that terrorist cop killers who were convicted beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law could be held as heroes and icons to a man seeking the great responsibility of upholding the rule of law…. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns with Mr. Mangi and strongly urge you to oppose his nomination to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.” (George J. Wren Jr., Letter to Sen. Durbin, 3/06/2024)

PENNSYLVANIA STATE TROOPERS ASSOCIATION, PENNSYLVANIA FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, and PHILADELPHIA FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE #5: “[W]e’re writing today to ask that you reject the nomination of Adeel A. Mangi for Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit…. One of the people [the Alliance of Families for Justice] celebrated [at an event in 2021] was [Mumia] Abu Jamal. We’re telling you this story because Mr. Mangi is an Advisory Board member of the Alliance…. Mr. Mangi’s affiliation would set a dangerous precedent that supporters of cop killings can rise to a bench that is one step from the United States Supreme Court. On behalf of our active and retired law enforcement members, we respectfully ask that you stand up for law enforcement – and justice. Please oppose Mr. Mangi’s nomination to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.” (Joseph Regan, Steven Polishan, and Roosevelt Poplar, Letter to Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, Graham, Fetterman, and Casey, 2024)

Organizations From New York Expressed Alarm That The Groups Mangi Served On The Boards Of Defended Infamous Crimes Committed In New York And Distorted The Truth About 9/11

POLICE CONFERENCE OF NEW YORK: “The fact that the Alliance [of Families for Justice], with Mr. Mangi’s support, praises these cop-killers as leaders to follow and is calling for their release is an affront to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities. Above all, it is an insult to the survivors of their heinous crimes and similar crimes against law enforcement: the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (Michael O'Meara, Letter To Sen. Schumer, 3/07/2024)

ROCKLAND COUNTY PATROLMEN’S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC.: “[We] have very serious concerns regarding his position as an advisory Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice. A founding board member of the Alliance was Kathy Boudin, who pled guilty to felony murder for her role in the 1981 Brink’s robbery by members of the Weather Underground, a crime which was carried out to provide monetary funds for the group’s Political activities. The Police Officers that were executed by Boudin and her fellow terrorist in Nyack in 1981 were members of the RCPBA; these were our members!” (Larry Ayers, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, Graham, Menendez, and Booker, 2024)

POLICE CHIEF’S ASSOCIATION OF ROCKLAND COUNTY, INC.: “We have recently become aware that Adeel Abdullah Mangi serves as an advisory board member of the Alliance of Families for Justice. It is worth noting that this organization was established with the involvement of Kathy Boudin, a founding director and Weather Underground member. Ms. Boudin, as you may be aware, pleaded guilty to the heinous murder of Police Officer Sgt. Edward O’Grady, Police Officer Waverly Brown, and Brink’s security guard Peter Paige during an armored truck robbery. The FBI has designated Weather Underground as a domestic terrorist organization, and its actions continue to reverberate throughout the communities of Rockland County. The gravity of this association gives rise to serious concerns regarding Adeel Abdullah Mangi’s character, discernment, and capacity to serve with impartiality on the Court of Appeals. In light of these deeply troubling facts, we implore you to oppose his nomination to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.” (James Hurley, Letter to Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, Graham, Menendez, and Booker, 3/01/2024)

SERGEANTS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT: “While Mr. Mangi does not have any prior judicial experience that would recommend him to an appellate court position, he does have a long resume working with organizations that, among other things, glamorize individuals convicted of brutally murdering police officers and distort the truth about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We therefore strenuously object to his confirmation to a lifetime seat on the federal bench…. At a time when communities around our nation are struggling to recover from declining respect for the rule of law that has fueled rising crime and lawlessness in cities across America, it sends the wrong message to appoint someone like Mr. Mangi, who has fed lies and distortions that encourage such despicable and irresponsible behavior.” (Vincent Vallelong, Letter to Sens. Schumer and McConnell, 3/07/2024)

National Law Enforcement Organizations Have Also Written To Express Their Opposition To Mangi’s Nomination

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS: “[Mangi’s] work as a Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice should be disqualifying.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

·         “The fact that the Alliance of Families for Justice, of which Mr. Mangi is an Advisory Board member, raises these cop-killers as leaders to follow and is calling for their release is an affront to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities as law enforcement officers.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

·         “Above all, it is an insult to the victims of their heinous crimes and similar crimes against law enforcement: the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (William J. Johnson, Letter To Sens. Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham, 1/25/2024)

“The National Association of Police Organizations, which represents 241,000 police officers, said Mangi had ‘made his choice’ to associate with a group that ‘exalt[s] unrepentant killers who were convicted following legal trials in courts of law.’” (“Police Groups Slam Biden Judicial Pick for Ties to Group That Celebrated Cop Killers as Freedom Fighters,” Washington Free Beacon, 2/28/2024)

NATIONAL SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION: “The fact that Mr. Mangi, as an Advisory Board member, aligns himself with an organization advocating for the release of convicted cop-killers is seriously disturbing. This stance is not only tone-deaf to the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers, but also disrespectful to the victims of heinous crimes, as well as the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (Jonathan Thompson, Letter To Sens. Schumer and McConnell, 1/26/2024)

NATIONAL TROOPERS COALITION: “On behalf of the National Troopers Coalition (NTC) and our 47,000 state troopers across 43 member states, we are writing in opposition to the nomination of Adeel A. Mangi to be a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit…. [W]e believe his previous and continued work and role as an Advisory Board Member of the Alliance of Families for Justice is disqualifying. Specifically, this organization was founded by a leader of the Weather Underground, a person convicted for their direct role in the 1981 Brink’s robbery in which two police officers were executed in cold blood. This same organization has in the past, and continues today, to advocate for the release of at least six other cop-killers. We believe that Mr. Mangi’s work with this organization represents a bias against law enforcement that is cause for serious concern; therefore, the NTC opposes his nomination …” (Nate Johnson, Letter to Sens. Schumer and McConnell, 3/12/2024)

As Have A Number Of Police Organizations Across The Country

“Andrew Regenbaum, executive director of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers, said in a statement that ‘Mangi’s affiliation with the Alliance for Families for Justice makes him unfit to serve.’” (“With 3rd Democratic Senator Opposed, Biden Judicial Nominee In Jeopardy,” The Washington Post, 3/28/2024)

MASSACHUSETTS COALITION OF POLICE: “It is with great concern and to be quite honest great confusion, as to why we would even have to author this letter to our delegation. We write to make sure you are aware and respectfully request you assist us in opposing the nomination of Adeel A. Mangi to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Mr. Mangi is woefully unprepared for this prestigious nomination/appointment.” (Scott A. Hovsepian, Letter To Sens. Warren and Markey, 3/07/2024)

·         “The Alliance of Families for Justice that Boudin founded and that Mangi was a board member, defends and advocates for the release of murderers that have killed police officers. The Alliance refers to them as ‘elder freedom fighters’, while the reality is that they are cold blooded cop-killers who have been convicted in a court of law. We possess the understanding that a lawyer vigorously advocating for a client is proper, but the fact that Mangi willingly associates and participates in an organization that was founded by a domestic terrorist and murderer, should on its face be disqualifying for this nomination.” (Scott A. Hovsepian, Letter To Sens. Warren and Markey, 3/07/2024)

LAS VEGAS POLICE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION METRO, INC. and THE PHOENIX LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATION: “The fact that the Alliance of Families for Justice, of which Mr. Mangi is an Advisory Board member, raises these cop-killers as leaders to follow and is calling for their release is an affront to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities as law enforcement officers. It is profoundly tone-deaf to the cries for justice from citizens of all walks of life, suffering from mayhem and violence in our streets. Above all, it is an insult to the victims of their heinous crimes and similar crimes against law enforcement: the family and friends of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.” (Steve Grammas, Letter To Sens. Cortez Masto and Rosen, 3/12/2024; Darrell Kriplean, Letter to Sen. Sinema, 2/23/2024)

·         “It is one thing to stand up for the rights of those shunned or mistreated by society. It is a far different thing to exalt unrepentant killers who were convicted following legal trials in courts of law. Mr. Mangi is smart enough to know the difference and has made his choice.” (Steve Grammas, Letter To Sens. Cortez Masto and Rosen, 3/12/2024; Darrell Kriplean, Letter to Sen. Sinema, 2/23/2024)

STATE OF HAWAII ORGANIZATION OF POLICE OFFICERS: “We strongly oppose those who serve in leadership positions or align themselves with any groups or organizations that advocate in favor of people who have been convicted of attacking, injuring, and/or killing law enforcement officers. The role of a federal appeals court judge demands an unwavering commitment to impartiality, fairness, and respect for the law. Mr. Mangi has never served as a judge at any level of our justice system. Not only does he lack the requisite judicial experience, but he also lacks the judgment to act with complete impartiality.” (Robert Cavaco, Letter To Leaders Schumer and McConnell, Sens. Durbin, Graham, Schatz, and Hirono, 3/14/2024)

·         “Our judiciary must prioritize the principles of justice, fairness, and respect for the rule of law. At a time when our society strives for harmony and mutual respect between law enforcement and civilians, appointing someone with an established philosophy contrary to these principles will only work to exacerbate tensions and undermine the credibility of our judicial system. If Mr. Mangi were to be confirmed by the Senate, we would be compromising these principles and eroding public trust in our courts.” (Robert Cavaco, Letter To Leaders Schumer and McConnell, Sens. Durbin, Graham, Schatz, and Hirono, 3/14/2024)


Mangi’s Troubling Associations Have Finally Convinced Some Democrat Senators To Oppose His Nomination

‘Multiple Democratic Senators And Their Staff Have Privately Warned The White House In Recent Days That There Does Not Appear To Be Enough Votes In The Senate’

“Multiple Democratic senators and their staff have privately warned the White House in recent days that there does not appear to be enough votes in the Senate to confirm Adeel Mangi, President Joe Biden’s Muslim-American judicial nominee, sources familiar with the conversations tell CNN – appearing to suggest that the confirmation of one of Biden’s top-priority judicial picks is in peril.” (“Democratic Senators Have Privately Warned White House That Votes Aren’t There To Confirm Biden’s Muslim Judicial Nominee,” CNN, 3/14/2024)

“President Joe Biden's appeals court pick Adeel Mangi's nomination is in peril in the Senate, with a key Democratic senator coming out against the nomination on Tuesday evening. The opposition of Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) may mean Democrats need to hold the rest of its caucus together to confirm Mangi. In a statement on Tuesday she said ‘I cannot support this nominee.’”  (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

·         “‘Mr. Mangi’s affiliation with the Alliance of Families for Justice is deeply concerning. This organization has sponsored a fellowship in the name of Kathy Boudin, a member of the domestic terrorist organization Weather Underground, and advocated for the release of individuals convicted of killing police officers,’ Cortez Masto said.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

·         “In interviews, two other Democrats expressed reservations with the nomination of Mangi for a seat on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

The Biden administration’s push to appoint the first Muslim American federal appeals court judge has run into more trouble in the Senate confirmation process, as Sen. Jacky Rosen of Nevada became the latest Democrat to announce she would not support the nominee…. Rosen, in a one-line statement [March 28th], said she does not plan on voting to confirm Mangi, given ‘the concerns I’ve heard from law enforcement in Nevada.’” (“Muslim American Appeals Court Nominee Loses Democratic Support,” Roll Call, 3/28/2024)

·         “Rosen will vote against the nomination of Adeel Mangi to be a federal appeals judge. ‘Given the concerns I’ve heard from law enforcement in Nevada, I am not planning to vote to confirm this nominee,’ Rosen said in statement.” (The Nevada Independent’s Gabby Birebaum, @birebomb, Twitter, 3/27/2024)

“Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who sometimes votes with Republicans on judicial nominees, has said he would also vote no, citing a policy he has adopted aimed at fostering bipartisanship by requiring judicial nominees to win at least one Republican over to secure his vote.” (“Third US Senate Democrat To Vote Against Muslim Judicial Nominee Mangi,” Reuters, 3/28/2024)


Yet Other Key Democrats Still Have Not Said Whether They Will Support Or Oppose Mangi

“[Pennsylvania Sen. Bob] Casey, who has not said how he’ll vote, has been of particular interest given Mangi would have jurisdiction over federal cases in Pennsylvania if confirmed.” (“‘Deeply Concerning’: Democratic Senator Opposes Biden Judicial Nominee Over Anti-Police Ties,” Washington Free Beacon, 3/20/2024)

·         SEN. BOB CASEY (D-PA): “I’m looking at it. Still looking at it.” (Burgess Everett, @burgessev, Twitter, 3/20/2024)

“Democratic Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) also declined to say they’d back the pick in interviews …” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)

·         SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): “We’re still taking input and I have not developed a position yet…” (“Judicial Nominee's Chances Take A Hit As Senate Dem Announces Opposition,” Politico, 3/19/2024)



Related Issues: Law Enforcement, Nominations, Judicial Nominations, Crime