
House Republicans Fight Back Against Biden’s War On American Energy To Lower Energy Costs

In Stark Contrast To Two Years Of The Biden Administration And Democrats In Congress Stymieing American Energy At Every Turn And Raising Energy Costs For American Families And Businesses, House Republicans Passed An Energy Bill This Week Designed To Unleash American Energy, Lower Costs, And Provide Real Permitting Reform


The Lower Energy Costs Act Passed The House Today With Bipartisan Support

The House voted 225-204 to pass H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act. (H.R.1, Roll Call Vote #182: Passed 225-204: R 221-1; D 4-203, 3/30/2023)


Senate Republicans On The Lower Energy Costs Act: ‘A Bold And Comprehensive Step Toward Securing Our Energy Future And Helping Working Families,’ ‘House Republicans Just Took A Critical Step Toward Reversing President Biden’s Anti-American Energy Agenda,’ ‘The Full Senate Must Be Allowed To Consider These Crucial Issues On The Floor’

SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “President Biden and Washington Democrats have raised energy costs and hurt our energy security at every turn. I applaud our Republican colleagues in the House for passing their landmark H.R. 1, a bold and comprehensive step toward securing our energy future and helping working families. The legislation would end the regulatory nightmare that the Biden Administration has created for our domestic energy producers. It would clear the way for new infrastructure through real, serious permitting reform, as opposed to Senate Democrats’ phony ‘permitting reform’ in name only. It would ease financial burdens on our citizens, strengthen our international standing, and help rebuild American supply chains for critical minerals after Democrats’ anti-mining policies have left us at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party…. I applaud our House Republican friends for keeping their promises, standing with the American people, and passing this bill. Democrats must not block commonsense progress because they’re afraid of the radical left. The full Senate must be allowed to consider these crucial issues on the floor.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 3/30/2023)

  • “Leader Schumer has already tried to declare that this commonsense bill is ‘dead on arrival’ in the Democratic Senate. Let’s see if his members agree. It says everything about the far left that when they call the shots, lower gas prices are ‘dead on arrival.’ Cheaper utility bills are ‘dead on arrival.’ Greater energy security is ‘dead on arrival.’ Securing critical supply chains is ‘dead on arrival.’ This knee-jerk liberalism is exactly why more than 70% of Americans say our country is on the wrong track on Democrats’ watch.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 3/30/2023)

SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY), Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member: “House Republicans just took a critical step toward reversing President Biden’s anti-American energy agenda. Reform of our broken permitting process will spur greater energy production, boost economic growth, create jobs, and bring down costs for American families. It will limit the threat posed by hostile nations like Russia and China. I want to thank Chairs McMorris Rodgers, Westerman, and Graves for their leadership. Senator Capito and I are partnering on similar legislation in the Senate. We look forward to working with any Senate Democrat who is serious about fixing our disastrous permitting process.” (Sen. Barrasso, Press Release, 3/30/2023)

SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV), Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Ranking Member: “The anti-energy policies and burdensome regulations of the Biden administration have driven up costs for millions of Americans and made the United States more reliant on foreign nations. Today, the House took an important first step in providing relief for families struggling to fill up their cars and pay their utility bills, making it easier to build key energy and infrastructure projects, and returning America to energy independence. Through the committee process, I’m looking forward to continue working with Democrats and Republicans to find areas of compromise and deliver solutions that make genuine reforms to the permitting process and support energy production here at home.” (Sen. Capito, Press Release, 3/30/2023)

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): “Energy production is the key to America’s national security and economic success. Louisiana has always served our country by helping bring affordable, sustainable energy to market, and this bill would remove the burdensome, bureaucratic handcuffs that have been hurting the industry and millions of Americans.” (Sen. Kennedy, Press Release, 3/22/2023)

House Republicans On The Lower Energy Costs Act: It ‘Boosts Energy Production, Lifts Regulatory Burdens For The Construction Of More Energy Infrastructure, Cuts China Out Of Our Critical Materials Supply Chains, And Lowers Costs Across The Board;’ In Passing The Bill ‘We Will Show The Country How To End The War On American Energy, Become Energy Independent Again, And Lower Costs For Hard-Working Families’

HOUSE SPEAKER KEVIN McCARTHY (R-CA): “For years, President Biden and Democrats have attacked energy producers, blocked new leases on federal land, and ground permitting processes to a halt. Their so called Inflation Reduction Act included a natural gas tax, a $27 billion climate slush fund…. Democrats have sent a clear message about their priorities. They are the party of $5 gas, subsidizing Communist China and the never ending dependence on foreign dictators for minerals we have in America…. Luckily, Congress has the opportunity to change the behavior of Washington by passing the Lower Energy Costs Act. Every Member of this chamber should support it.” (Speaker McCarthy, Remarks, 3/28/2023)

  • “The Lower Energy Costs Act does two important things. One, it restores American energy leadership by repealing unnecessary taxes and over regulation on American energy producers. So we can lead the world in providing clean affordable energy. Two, it makes it easier to build things in America. For example, this bill includes a two-year time limit on environmental impact statements. It also streamlines the process for lawsuits, so activists can’t use the courts to delay projects for years.” (Speaker McCarthy, Remarks, 3/28/2023)
  • “Every time we need a pipeline, a road, or a dam, it gets held up by an average of 5 to 7 years, and adds millions of dollars in costs for the project to comply with Washington’s permitting process. It’s too long, it’s unaffordable, it’s not based on science, and it’s holding us back. It’s time we speed up the time it takes for us to build all kinds of things in America. We could streamline permitting, stop abusive lawsuits, protect the environment, and importantly, lower the price of energy. This is why the Lower Energy Costs Act is H.R. 1. It signals how important the bill truly is.” (Speaker McCarthy, Remarks, 3/28/2023)
  • “When the Democrats were in the majority, you know what their H.R. 1 was? Elections. They tried to guarantee a right to be elected. You see, they looked after themselves. When Republicans took the majority our H.R. 1 is about lowering energy costs for all of Americans.” (Speaker McCarthy, Remarks, 3/28/2023)

HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER STEVE SCALISE (R-LA): “For the last two years, President Biden and his extremist friends in Washington have waged a war on American energy, and hard-working families across the country are paying the price. Gas and utility costs have skyrocketed to record highs, with the average American paying over 40 percent more for gas at the pump since President Biden took office. Voters gave Republicans the majority in Congress to stop this radical anti-American energy agenda, and to take action that will lower prices, and House Republicans listened. I am proud to introduce today H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to cut red tape and increase energy production here at home so we can lower energy costs and stop our dependence on hostile foreign countries for our energy and minerals. With today’s introduction of the Lower Energy Costs Act, we will show the country how to end the war on American energy, become energy independent again, and lower costs for hard-working families who are struggling under the weight of President Biden’s radical agenda.” (Rep. Scalise, Press Release, 3/14/2023)

REP. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS (R-WA), House Energy And Commerce Committee Chair: “From the gas station to the grocery store, President Biden’s war on energy is making life unaffordable for the hardworking people of this country and forcing us to be dangerously reliant on supply chains controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. We must reverse course. H.R. 1 boosts energy production, lifts regulatory burdens for the construction of more energy infrastructure, cuts China out of our critical materials supply chains, and lowers costs across the board. All of this will ensure we build a better and more secure future in America.” (Rep. Rodgers, Press Release, 3/14/2023)

REP. BRUCE WESTERMAN (R-AR), House Natural Resources Committee Chair: “Energy security is national security. Republicans are delivering on our promises to the American people by unleashing the full power of our energy and minerals, cutting permitting delays, creating jobs, growing our economy, and dealing a blow to China and Russia. At long last, H.R. 1 will give Americans the tools to tap into our resources and build stronger, more resilient communities than ever before. When families no longer have to worry about how they'll afford to fill up their gas tanks or turn on a light switch, they have the necessary breathing room to invest in our economy. I believe our best years as a country are still ahead, but we won't get there by taking a backseat and outsourcing an ever-growing demand for natural resources to our foreign adversaries. We are taking back control, putting America first and unlocking access to the cleanest, safest energy production the world has ever seen.” (Rep. Westerman, Press Release, 3/14/2023)

REP. SAM GRAVES (R-MO), House Transportation And Infrastructure Committee Chair: “Addressing America’s ongoing energy crisis is one of the most important actions this Congress can take. The last thing we need is to be dependent on foreign energy, especially when we can produce and distribute energy here in the United States and maintain our environmental standards at the same time. This legislation will prevent federal water regulations from being hijacked and weaponized to block important energy projects, and I’m proud to have the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s work included as part of H.R. 1’s commonsense and comprehensive approach to solidifying our energy independence.” (Rep. Graves, Press Release, 3/14/2023)

The House Republicans’ Energy Bill Will Lower Costs By Unleashing Affordable American Energy For Global Markets, Reforming Burdensome Permitting Regulations, And Cutting The Biden Administration’s ‘Pure Green Pork’

House Republicans’ Lower Energy Costs Act is designed to increase domestic energy production, roll back Democrat tax increases on energy, and provide real permitting reform to improve American infrastructure:

  • “Prohibits President Biden from banning hydraulic fracturing
  • Repeals all restrictions on the import and export of natural gas, including LNG
  • Prevents liberal states from blocking interstate infrastructure projects
  • Repeals President Biden’s $6 billion natural gas tax that would increase energy bills for families
  • Rolls back President Biden’s $27 billion EPA slush fund for Democrat special interests
  • Disapproves of President Biden’s canceling of the Keystone XL pipeline
  • Requires the Department of the Interior to resume lease sales on federal lands and waters
  • Repeals harmful royalties and fee increases imposed on energy production that drive up prices for families
  • Ensures parity in energy revenue sharing for states with onshore and offshore energy development
  • Requires publication of the 2023-28 offshore oil and gas lease sales plan/sets deadlines for future 5-year plans
  • Reforms the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) permitting process to streamline federal reviews for
  • all sectors of the economy, including at our international borders
  • Limits scope of environmental review under NEPA to reasonably foreseeable and economically feasible impacts
  • Sets deadlines for completion of NEPA reviews at one year for environmental assessments and two years for environmental impact statements
  • Provides certainty by imposing a 120-day deadline on filing litigation on final agency actions concerning
  • energy and mining projects
  • Requires that certain low-impact activities and activities in previously studied areas on public lands are not
  • major federal actions under NEPA
  • Ends the abuse of the water quality certification process by streamlining the permitting process under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and limiting review to water quality impacts only
  • Enhances America’s ability to develop critical energy resources by improving the environmental permitting processes at critical minerals refining and process facilities” (House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Press Release, 3/14/2023)

“House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s new energy bill aims to help families struggling under President Biden’s ‘anti-American energy agenda.’ The Louisiana Republican caught up with Fox News Digital in a phone interview about his new bill, the Lower Energy Costs Act, that he introduced with his House GOP colleagues last week. The Lower Energy Costs Act is denoted as H.R. 1 in the House, making it the top-line agenda item for Republicans this Congress. Scalise said the bill is ‘focused on making more energy in America so we don’t have to be dependent on foreign countries for our oil and natural gas.’ ‘And especially to lower costs for families who are struggling under the weight of President Biden’s radical, anti-American energy agenda,’ Scalise continued.” (“Scalise Rails Against Biden's 'War On American Energy' With New Bill Aimed At Lowering Costs For Families,” Fox News, 3/20/2023)

  • “Scalise said that building more pipelines will cut down on the U.S.’ reliance on foreign tanker transportation for oil and lower costs for American families. … ‘And all they’re doing is trying to kill projects by dragging them out,’ he continued. ‘Kind of a death by a thousand cuts approach just because they’re against American energy.’ … ‘By adding a one-stop shop, you still have the same protections in place, but you don’t allow for abuses by allowing multiple agencies to go after and try to kill projects,’ Scalise added.” (“Scalise Rails Against Biden's 'War On American Energy' With New Bill Aimed At Lowering Costs For Families,” Fox News, 3/20/2023)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s Lower Energy Costs Act includes reforms to unburden energy producers and cut costs for consumers. It would repeal the Energy Department’s power to block cross-border purchases and sales of natural gas, letting producers import and export without months of preapproval. The move is inspired by Congress’s elimination of the oil-export ban in 2015, which helped U.S. producers become the global leader as domestic drilling surged. Progressives urged President Biden to ban natural-gas exports last year before an expected price spike in the winter, but trade amid global shortages boosts investment and increases supply. The bill also promotes the production of minerals that are critical to manufacturing, especially for electric vehicles. It allows the Energy Department to grant easements lasting up to 50 years for mineral extraction, and it reduces the federal fee on sales.” (Editorial, “The House GOP Moves on Energy,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/26/2023)

  • “The bill’s most important plank reforms permitting, which stymies projects of all kinds—renewable energy and fossil fuels—and has become a national embarrassment. The bill mandates a one-year time limit to determine whether a project will have a significant environmental impact, and a two-year maximum for extensive reports on certain projects’ effects. It also streamlines the process for lawsuits that activists use to kill projects by delaying them for years. The bill requires opponents to opine during the public comment period before suing, limits their suit to the topic of their comment, and gives them 120 days to file. House Republicans also plan to block wasteful and counterproductive programs in the Inflation Reduction Act. Their bill would repeal the fee that the last Congress imposed on methane emissions, which takes effect next year at $900 per metric ton and rises to $1,500 in 2026. The fee will be an obstacle to production for smaller companies. The new bill would also cancel the $27 billion ‘green bank,’ which is gearing up to fund local climate-friendly investments with federal dollars. It is pure green pork.” (Editorial, “The House GOP Moves on Energy,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/26/2023)

American Energy Producers Know ‘Energy Security Is National Security’ And ‘H.R. 1 Will Help Position The United States To Meet This Global [Energy] Demand,’ ‘Modern Infrastructure Can Ensure Energy Remains Reliable And Affordable For American Consumers’

MIKE SOMMERS, American Petroleum Institute President and CEO: “The American Petroleum Institute (API) writes in support of H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act. Ensuring our country's energy security has never been more critical, and the fact that the first major legislation of the 118th Congress is focused on energy issues reflects a commitment to providing reliable, affordable energy for the American people. … ‘Energy security is national security’ has become a common refrain, and with good reason. Demand for energy will continue to rise in the coming decades, and independent analysis shows that oil and natural gas are going to play an important role in fulfilling global energy needs for the foreseeable future. The question is whether these resources will come from here in the U.S., where they are produced under some of the strictest environmental standards in the world, or if the U.S. will cede our position as a global energy leader and instead become reliant on foreign sources to supply our energy needs. H.R. 1 will help position the United States to meet this global demand, to the benefit of Americans and our allies around the world.” (American Petroleum Institute, Letter to Speaker McCarthy and Rep. Jeffries, 3/14/2023)

  • “One particular focus of API and our members is enacting serious, bipartisan permitting reform. Too many projects have been scuttled because of onerous regulations and uncertainty. The delays and denials of permits, stemming from lengthy regulatory reviews and drawn-out judicial proceedings, have stifled needed investments and increased costs. Modern infrastructure can ensure energy remains reliable and affordable for American consumers; create good-paying jobs; give U.S. manufacturers a competitive advance through lower energy and raw material costs; and provide revenue to local, state and federal governments. Permitting reform not only supports our ability to increase oil and natural gas production safely and effectively but could also allow renewable and other infrastructure projects to move forward instead of languishing in a regulatory maze. Members of both parties in Congress, administration officials and President Biden agree that permitting reform is necessary. … Real, lasting change comes from bipartisan, common-sense, economically-sound solutions. We all share the common goals of providing reliable energy to Americans; enhancing our energy security; cementing our energy independence for years to come; and making energy safer, cleaner, and more affordable. API and our members are encouraged by this Congress' efforts to enact such change, which will make a measurable and meaningful impact in the lives of many.” (American Petroleum Institute, Letter to Speaker McCarthy and Rep. Jeffries, 3/14/2023)

MARTY DURBIN, President of the U.S. Chamber’s Global Energy Institute: “We applaud Leader Scalise, Chair McMorris Rodgers, Chair Westerman and Chair Graves for the introduction of H.R. 1, the 'Lower Energy Costs Act.' This bill would advance important policies to improve the permitting process, ensure strong domestic energy production, protect energy exports and increase production and processing of our own critical minerals.” (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Press Release, 3/15/2023)

Even Renewable Energy Producers Support The Lower Energy Costs Act, ‘This Legislation Would Create A Predictable And Timely Federal Permitting Framework Which Is Critical To The Future Development Of America’s Vast Clean Energy Resources’

AMERICAN CLEAN POWER ASSOCIATION CEO JASON GRUMET: “The Lower Energy Costs Act contains important provisions and reforms that will help advance clean energy in the United States. This legislation would create a predictable and timely federal permitting framework which is critical to the future development of America’s vast clean energy resources. Additionally, encouraging the development of clean energy infrastructure on public lands will create thousands of jobs, reduce energy costs, strengthen grid reliability, and improve energy security. Failure to enact critical permitting reforms and lift barriers that are hindering our ability to build much-needed transmission puts an estimated 150,000 clean energy jobs at risk. We look forward to working with Congress to build on this important effort.” (American Clean Power Association, Press Release, 3/17/2023)



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