
ICYMI: Highlights Of Administration-Pelosi Bipartisan Budget Deal

Washington Post: “Trump announces support for two-year bipartisan budget deal…”

“Trump lauds deal with no ‘poison pills’”

“Also as part of the deal, Democratic leaders agreed not to include controversial policy changes, known as ‘riders,’ in future spending bills. Those measures, which can be tied to hot-button issues such as abortion and immigration, can imperil spending legislation. Opponents of these measures often call them “poison pills.”

“There will be no poison pills, additional new riders . . . or other changes in policy or conventions,” congressional leaders wrote in an outline of the deal.”


Wall Street Journal: “White House and Congress Reach Deal on Spending, Debt Ceiling”

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said he was encouraged by the deal, adding that it ‘secures the resources we need to keep rebuilding our armed forces.’ He said he intended to have the Senate vote on it before the chamber departs for recess.”


CNN: “Trump, congressional leaders clinch sweeping deal on budget and debt ceiling”

“But along with the significant boost to defense spending, the President and administration officials touted an agreement to limit policy riders in future spending bills and didn't include a commitment that the administration would halt efforts to fund its border wall through re-programming of appropriated funds.”


Fox News: “Trump announces 'real compromise' on budget deal…”

“The Trump administration and congressional leaders, including Democrats, have reached a critical debt and budget agreement that all but eliminates the risk of another government shut down this fall…”

“’Poison pills’ generally refers to undesirable attachments stuck onto budget bills, and in this context, Trump was likely referring to the fact that the budget compromise keeps the Hyde Amendment -- which bars government funding for most abortions -- intact. Additionally, the bill gives Trump latitude to fund border wall construction.”


The Hill: “Trump, Pelosi strike budget deal”

“The agreed-upon package includes enough sweeteners for both sides to claim victory, including a bump in defense spending — a top priority for Republicans…”


The Hill: “Trump applauds two-year budget deal…”

“President Trump was the first to announce the accord between the sides, which he touted as ‘another big victory to our Great Military and Vets,’ calling the agreement ‘a real compromise.’ The deal also puts off another government shutdown after the 35-day partial closure earlier this year and the pending risk of default on U.S. debt.”


Politico: “Trump and congressional leaders reach sweeping budget agreement”

“But the deal also comes with new restrictions for Democrats in the next round of funding negotiations this fall: No ‘poison pill’ riders. Under the agreement, Democrats won't be able to push for policy priorities, like scrapping the so-called Hyde Amendment prohibition on using federal funds for abortion, or further restricting Trump's use of Pentagon money for his border wall project until legal challenges on the issue are resolved.


Roll Call: “White House, Hill leaders agree on two-year budget deal”

“The agreement also includes language that the 12 annual spending bills won’t include any policy riders or changes to transfer authority, such as the administration's ability to move money to Trump's border wall project, unless there is bipartisan agreement on those issues.”


Washington Times: “Trump, Congress reach deal…”

“President Trump and congressional leaders reached a deal Monday evening to boost spending by hundreds of billions of dollars, while carving out trillions of dollars in new debt space for future borrowing. The deal clears the path for Congress to write spending bills this year and next year, with increases in both defense and domestic spending.”


USA Today: “Donald Trump, congressional Democrats reach two-year budget deal…”

“McConnell said he intended to have the Senate vote on the agreement before the start of the annual August recess. McConnell said the Republicans’ top priority was military funding.”


Vox: “Democrats and the White House strike a budget and debt ceiling deal”

“As budget deadline pressure builds, Congress and the White House have struck a budget deal, moving one step closer toward staving off an economic crisis.”




Related Issues: America's Military, Budget, Defending Life, Appropriations