
Iran: ‘Strong Support’?

Fact-Checker: ‘It Is Difficult To Support The Claim That There Is “Strong Support” For The Iran Deal Among Lawmakers And Citizens’

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike.” (President Obama, Statement, 9/10/15)


Bipartisan, Bicameral Opposition

58 Senators voted for a resolution of disapproval of the President’s agreement with Iran. (S.Amdt.2640, Roll Call Vote #264, Cloture Motion Rejected 58-42: R 54-0, D 4-40, I 0-2, 9/10/15)

269 Congressmen voted against approving the President’s agreement with Iran. (H.R.3461, Roll Call Vote #293, Bill Failed 162-269, 9/11/15)


‘Public Support For The Deal Has Declined,’ ‘Polls Also Reflect Declining Support Among Democrats’

PEW: “As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement…” (“Support For Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls,” Pew, 9/8/15)

CNN: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling:  The U.S. relationship with Iran? … Disapprove: 59%” (CNN / ORC Poll, 9/4-8/15)

WASHINGTON POST’s ‘Fact-Checker’: “As you can see, support for the agreement consistently dropped over the summer, even as the White House was picking up enough votes from Democratic lawmakers to thwart a resolution nullifying the agreement. … the polls also reflect declining support among Democrats. By the beginning of September, there was barely a poll that, outside the margin of error, indicated majority support for the deal, let alone ‘strong’ support.” (“Obama’s Claim That The Iran Deal Has ‘Strong Support’ From Lawmakers And Citizens,” The Washington Post’s ‘Fact-Checker,’ 9/14/15)



Related Issues: Iran Nuclear Deal, Iran