
Obamacare: Skyrocketing Premiums

New HHS Report: ‘Average Premiums Were 105% Higher In 2017 Than In 2013’

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “A new report released last night from the Department of Health and Human Services revealed startling new numbers showing just how substantial premium increases have been under Obamacare. … These figures, which are based on the Obama Administration’s own data, show just how the health care law has hurt too many hardworking families — a reality that Obamacare’s champions never wanted the American people to see.” (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 5/24/2017)

Raw Premium Increases: $2,928 Per Year, $244 Per Month

“The cost of an individual ObamaCare policy has increased by an average 105 percent from 2013 to 2017 in all 39 states that have used the federal exchange, the Trump administration said Tuesday. … average premiums were 105% higher in 2017 than in 2013…” (“Obamacare On Federal Exchanges Increased By Average 105% Since '13: Report,” Fox News, 5/23/2017)

HHS: “Increase in Individual Market Monthly Premiums in Healthcare.gov States: Raw Increase: $244, Percent Increase: 105%.” (Emphasis Added; “Individual Market Premium Changes: 2013 – 2017,” Department Of Heath And Human Services, 5/23/2017)

‘Cost Doubled In 20 Of The States And Tripled In Three’

“The HHS official said the cost doubled in 20 of the states and tripled in three of them.” (“Obamacare On Federal Exchanges Increased By Average 105% Since '13: Report,” Fox News, 5/23/2017)

HHS: “All 39 states using Healthcare.gov experienced an increase in individual market premiums from 2013 – 2017. In 2017, 62% of States using Healthcare.gov saw premiums double from 2013 rates. Three states – Alaska, Alabama, and Oklahoma – saw premiums triple from 2013-2017.” (“Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Since 2013,” Department of Heath and Human Services, 5/23/2017)


Related Issues: Middle Class, Obamacare, Health Care