
One In Four

One Of Every Four Circuit Judges In The Country Has Been Nominated By President Trump And Confirmed By The Republican Senate


SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This president and this Senate have prioritized confirming impressive men and women to these lifetime appointments. Talented individuals who believe in the quaint notion that the job of a judge is to apply our nation’s laws and Constitution as they are actually written, not as they might wish they were written. At the close of business today, it so happens, one in every four judges on the federal courts of appeals will have been nominated by President Trump and confirmed by us here in the Senate.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 11/07/2019)

  • SEN. McCONNELL: “Every American should be proud of this. Citizens deserve a judiciary of fair-minded men and women who don’t confuse their jobs with the job of a legislator. Every member of this body should be proud to confirm federal judges who understand that our job is to make the laws, and their job is to apply them fairly. If the concept of faithful judges fulfilling their proper role strikes anyone as a partisan development, or a threat to their political agenda, I would suggest it is their agenda that needs modifying and not the judicial branch that our founders intended.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 11/07/2019)

‘With Another Flurry Of Senate Judicial Confirmations This Week, The Trump Administration Will Have Placed … One-Quarter Of All Appellate Court Judges’

Authorized Circuit Court Judgeships: 179
Circuit judges confirmed by 115th – 116th Congresses: 45
Percentage of all authorized circuit judgeships nominated by President Trump and confirmed: 25%
(“Judicial Vacancies,” United States Courts Website, Accessed 11/07/2019; Congress.gov, Accessed 11/07/2019)

“With another flurry of Senate judicial confirmations this week, the Trump administration will have placed 45 conservative judges on the nation’s appeals courts — the federal courts where most final rulings are issued. The tally means one-quarter of all appellate court judges will have been installed by Mr. Trump.” (“Trump And Senate Republicans Celebrate Making The Courts More Conservative,” The New York Times, 11/06/2019)

“McConnell’s pace of filling federal court seats has been eye-popping, especially on the powerful appellate circuits.” (“McConnell's Laser Focus On Transforming The Judiciary,” Politico, 10/17/2018)


In Less Than Three Years, The Senate Has Confirmed The Most Circuit Judges In A President’s First Term Since 1980



Circuit Court Judges Confirmed

Donald Trump



Barack Obama



George W. Bush



Bill Clinton



George H.W. Bush



Ronald Reagan



("Biographical Directory of Article III Federal Judges, 1789-present," History of the Federal Judiciary, Federal Judicial Center Website, Accessed 11/07/2019)

“The results have been striking. Mr. Trump has seated about a dozen more appellate court nominees than his most recent predecessor and the most since 1980, when President Jimmy Carter expanded the courts.” (“Trump And Senate Republicans Celebrate Making The Courts More Conservative,” The New York Times, 11/06/2019)


‘Trump Chips Away At Liberal U.S. Appeals Court Majorities’

“Aided by fellow Republicans in the Senate, President Donald Trump is rapidly filling vacancies on U.S. appeals courts, moving some that had liberal majorities closer to conservative control in an ideological shift … These 13 courts wield considerable power, usually providing the last word on rulings appealed from lower courts on disputes involving federal law.” (‘Trump Chips Away At Liberal U.S. Appeals Court Majorities,” Reuters, 9/20/2018)

“[O]ne federal appellate circuit has been flipped from a majority of judges nominated by Democratic presidents to a majority selected by Republicans. A second is about to become majority Republican nominees. The partisan divide has also been significantly narrowed on other circuits, including the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on the West Coast …” (“Trump And Senate Republicans Celebrate Making The Courts More Conservative,” The New York Times, 11/06/2019)

3rd CIRCUIT: Working with President Trump, Senate Republicans have flipped the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals from a majority appointed by Democratic presidents to a majority appointed by Republican presidents. ("Biographical Directory of Article III Federal Judges, 1789-present," History of the Federal Judiciary, Federal Judicial Center Website, Accessed 11/07/2019)

2nd CIRCUIT: Working with President Trump, Senate Republicans have taken the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals from a majority appointed by Democratic presidents to an even split between appointees of Democratic and Republican presidents. (Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Ed Whelan, @EdWhelanEPPC, Twitter, 11/06/2019)

11th CIRCUIT: Working with President Trump, Senate Republicans have taken the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals from a majority appointed by Democratic presidents to an even split between appointees of Democratic and Republican presidents. (The Washington Post’s Seung Min Kim, @seungminkim, Twitter, 11/06/2019)

9th CIRCUIT: President Trump has nominated and Senate Republicans have confirmed more appointees to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals than to any other circuit court. ("Biographical Directory of Article III Federal Judges, 1789-present," History of the Federal Judiciary, Federal Judicial Center Website, Accessed 11/07/2019)


‘President Trump And Senate Republicans Are Leaving An Ever-Expanding Imprint On The Judiciary’

“With another judge confirmed Tuesday by the Senate, President Trump and Senate Republicans are leaving an ever-expanding imprint on the judiciary, nudging powerful appeals courts rightward through a determined effort to nominate and confirm a steady procession of young conservative jurists.” (“Trump Is Putting Indelible Conservative Stamp On Judiciary,” The New York Times, 7/31/2018)


‘McConnell And Trump Are Having Their Biggest Impact On The 13 U.S. Appeals Courts, Which Have Tremendous Influence’

“McConnell and Trump are having their biggest impact on the 13 U.S. appeals courts, which have tremendous influence. While the Supreme Court decides fewer than 70 cases a year, appellate courts ruled on or dismissed 48,515 cases for the year ending March 31, 2019, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in Washington.” (“McConnell, Eyeing Legacy, Turns Senate Into Machine for Conservative Judges,” Bloomberg News, 8/12/2019)

“Aided by fellow Republicans in the Senate, President Donald Trump is rapidly filling vacancies on U.S. appeals courts, moving some that had liberal majorities closer to conservative control in an ideological shift … These 13 courts wield considerable power, usually providing the last word on rulings appealed from lower courts on disputes involving federal law.” (‘Trump Chips Away At Liberal U.S. Appeals Court Majorities,” Reuters, 9/20/2018)


‘The Trump Administration’s Indispensable Partner In Seating Two Supreme Court Justices And [Numerous] Lower-Court Judges,’ ‘McConnell Is Giving The Nation’s Federal Courts A Facelift’

“[Q]uietly and methodically, McConnell is giving the nation’s federal courts a facelift … [a] silent but incredibly consequential judicial overhaul …” (“McConnell’s GOP Haters Are Overlooking His Greatest Achievement,” The Daily Beast, 5/11/2018)

“The judicial renaissance, led by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, has energized a party wowed by the number of judges placed on the federal bench … Mr. McConnell has come to define his legacy by his ability to transform the judiciary, calling the confirmations ‘the most significant, long-term contribution we are making to the country’ in an interview with a Kentucky radio station last week.” (“Trump’s Judicial Nominees Take Heat but Largely Keep Marching Through Senate,” The New York Times, 12/11/2018)

  • “[McConnell] was the Trump administration’s indispensable partner in seating two Supreme Court justices and [numerous] lower-court judges: a generational remaking of the courts that has made McConnell, ‘in my view, the most consequential majority leader, certainly, in modern history,’ says Leonard Leo, the conservative legal activist who serves as executive vice president of the Federalist Society and as an adviser to the Trump administration on the court appointments.” (The New York Times Magazine, 1/22/2019)



Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations