
‘Scrambling To Release As Many Prisoners As Possible’

SEC DEF: ‘We're Not Going To Be Able To Close Gitmo By Magically Making Safe Everybody Who's In There’

“Obama administration rushing to shrink ranks at Guantanamo: The Obama administration … officials are scrambling to release as many prisoners as possible…” (“Obama Administration Rushing To Shrink Ranks At Guantanamo,” AP, 6/5/16)

“[T]here have been Americans that have died because of Gitmo detainees.” (Defense Department Special Envoy For Guantanamo Closure, 3/23/16)


‘Obama Administration Rushing To Shrink Ranks At Guantanamo’

“Of the 80 remaining detainees, 30 have been cleared for an overseas transfer. Most will leave starting in late June and continuing into July, according to a U.S. official. Those prisoners will go to a number of countries, including at least one in Europe, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the administration had not authorized public release of the information.” (“Obama Administration Rushing To Shrink Ranks At Guantanamo,” AP, 6/5/16)

But Who Are Potentially Some Of The Thirty ‘Cleared For An Overseas Transfer’?

Members Of Al-Qaida With ‘Training In Explosives, Chemical Agents And Poisons Production,’ Who Call To ‘Kill All Americans To Include Men, Women, Children And Babies’


The Guantánamo Review Task Force Or The Periodic Review Board Have ‘Recommended Him For Transfer’

Mohammed Nasir Yahya Khusruf (Yemen): “Detainee is assessed to be a member of al-Qaida. Detainee participated in hostilities against US and Coalition forces and served as an al-Qaida sub-commander in Usama Bin Laden’s (UBL) Tora Bora Mountain complex. … A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies. … Detainee’s account indicates he was with the first group of al-Qaida fighters who attempted to flee Tora Bora in mid-December 2001.” (“Mohammed Nasir Yahya Khusruf,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

Mustafa Abdul Qawi Abdul Aziz al Shamyri (Yemen): “Detainee is assessed to be a member of al-Qaida with specific affiliation to the Yemen-based al-Qaida cell responsible for the attack on the USS Cole. … A HIGH risk, as he is likely to post a threat to the US, its interests and allies.”” (“Mustafa Abdul Qawi Abdul Aziz al Shamyri,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

Omar Hamzayavich Abdulayev (Tajikistan): “Detainee has reported associations with senior al-Qaida operatives… [such as] senior al-Qaida explosives and poison expert Abu Khabab al-Masri… captured with numerous documents detailing training in explosives, chemical agents, and poisons production. … A HIGH risk, as he is likely to post a threat to the US, its interests and allies.” (“Omar Hamzayavich Abdulayev,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

Ridah Bin Saleh al Yazidi (Tunisia): “Detainee is a member of al-Qaida. … Detainee is a veteran of jihad in Bosnia with extensive ties to a number of extremist groups. He is reported to have numerous connections to senior al-Qaida officials, including Usama Bin Laden (UBL). Detainee has extensive training in the use of weapons and explosives, and participated in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan as a member of UBL’s 55th Arab Brigade. Detainee was captured in Tora Bora with 29 other mujahideen fighters identified as either bodyguards of UBL, al-Qaida operatives, or both. Detainee has verbally affirmed his commitment to jihad while in detention… A HIGH risk, as he is likely to post a threat to the US, its interests and allies.” (“Ridah Bin Saleh al Yazidi,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

Mohammed Kamin (Afghanistan): “Detainee admitted to weapons trafficking, explosives training, and participating in operations supporting the Taliban and the Al-Qaida terrorist network. … It is assessed the detainee poses a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies.” (“Mohammed Kamin,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

Muieen A Deen Jamal A Deen Abd al Fusal Abd al Sattar (Unknown): “Detainee is assessed to be a committed member of al-Qaida. Detainee participated in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Usama Bin Laden’s (UBL) Tora Bora Mountain Complex in Afghanistan (AF) where he was also seen encouraging others to fight. … since transfer to JTF-GTMO, detainee assumed a leadership position… and made motivational speeches to ‘fight against the infidels; and to kill all Americans to include men, women, children and babies.” (“Muieen A Deen Jamal A Deen Abd al Fusal Abd al Sattar,” The New York Times’ “The Guantanamo Docket,” Accessed 6/7/16)

‘There Have Been Americans That Have Died Because Of Gitmo Detainees’

SEC. OF DEFENSE ASH CARTER: “We're not going to be able to close Gitmo by magically making safe everybody who's in there.” (CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” 1/24/16)

PAUL LEWIS, Defense Department Special Envoy For Guantanamo Closure: “Sir, what I can tell you is unfortunately, there have been Americans that have died because of Gitmo detainees.” (U.S. House Of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee, Hearing, 3/23/16)

30% Of Former Gitmo Prisoners Are Confirmed Or Suspected Of Reengaging In Terrorist Activities

“…118 of 676 former prisoners released under both presidents that are now confirmed to be reengaging in terrorism, while another 86 are suspected of doing so. The report warns that some detainees being held at Guantanamo could rejoin militant groups if released in the future.” (“Number Of Obama-Released Gitmo Detainees Suspected Of Returning To Terrorism Doubles: Report,” The Washington Times, 3/8/16)


Related Issues: War on Terror, Guantanamo Detention Facility, Al Qaeda, National Security