
Sen. Schumer: ‘Every Day We Wait … Is Increasing The Risk That We Will Have Problems With Zika’

CDC Chief: ‘To Fully Protect Americans We Must Have The Funds We Need’

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “...the threat from Zika continues to grow larger every day.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.4432, 6/22/16)


‘These Dollars Must Get Out The Door Now’

REP. HAL ROGERS (R-KY): “Mosquito season is upon us; these dollars must get out the door now to help control the spread of the Zika virus, and continue longer-term efforts to stop this disease, such as vaccine and treatment development and deployment.” (“House Approves $1.1 Billion Deal To Combat Zika Virus,” USA Today, 6/23/16)

“The compromise measure's $1.1 billion price tag matches the amount the Senate approved last month…” (“House, Senate GOP Seals Agreement On $1.1B Zika Measure,” AP, 6/22/16)

Dems: ‘We Should Not Go On Recess While There Is No Money For Zika’

PRESIDENT OBAMA: ‘Bottom line is Congress needs to get me a bill. … They should not be going off on recess before this is done’ “So bottom line is Congress needs to get me a bill. It needs to get me a bill that has sufficient funds to do the job. They should not be going off on recess before this is done. And certainly this has to get done over the course of the next several weeks in order for us to be able to provide confidence to the American people that we're handling this piece of business.” (President Obama, Remarks, 5/20/16)

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JOSH EARNEST: “[T]he time to prepare before Zika begins to spread in the continental United States is rapidly closing.  As CDC has said for months, based on historical trends, we expect to see transmission of Zika from mosquitoes inside the United States starting in June or July.” (White House Press Briefing, 5/11/2016)

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): ‘I will say right now, we should not go on recess while there is no money for Zika’ “The Zika virus is extremely serious. It could affect as many as 39 of our United States. There is no money. The President has said, and I will say right now, we should not go on recess while there is no money for Zika.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.3233, 5/26/16)

  • REID: “So every day we wait is a bad day for American and the country -- I'm sorry -- for America and the world. A lot of the world is depending on us and we're not delivering and I'm so disappointed…” (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 5/10/16)

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “Every day we wait, every day is increasing the risk that we will have problems with Zika.” (“Sen. Schumer Calling For Nearly $2 Billion To Fight Zika,” CBS Albany, 6/20/2016)

SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): “Mosquito season is ramping up in some parts of our country already and we cannot delay any longer.” (Sen. Murray, Press Conference, 5/24/16)

Zika ‘Linked To Severe Birth Defects In Babies’

“The virus is linked to severe birth defects in babies of some pregnant women who are infected.” (“Bipartisan Talks On Zika Virus Break Down Ahead Of July 4 Recess,” Washington Post, 6/23/16)

CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL: “Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly, as well as other severe fetal brain defects.” (“About Zika Virus Disease,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website, Accessed 6/23/2016)

DR. THOMAS FRIEDEN, CDC DIRECTOR: “It’s been more than 50 years since we’ve seen a birth defect linked to a virus – and never before have we seen this from a mosquito bite.” (Thomas Frieden, Op-Ed, "CDC Chief: Zika Is Coming. To Fully Protect Americans We Must Have The Funds We Need," FoxNews.com, 4/01/2016)


Related Issues: Health Care, Senate Democrats, Appropriations, Zika Virus