
Tail Wagging The Donkey

‘If Judge Gorsuch Can't Achieve 60 Votes In The Senate, Could Any Judge Appointed By A Republican President’?

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “If Judge Gorsuch can't achieve 60 votes in the Senate, could any judge appointed by a Republican president be approved with 60 or more votes in the Senate?” (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 3/21/17)

“‘If this man doesn’t get 60 votes, then I don’t believe we can ever find a Republican in the country, presidential pick, that would get 60 votes,’ Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said near the end of Wednesday’s hearing.” (“Democrats’ Choice on Bid to Derail Gorsuch: Which Way to Lose,” Bloomberg Politics, 3/22/2017)

Judge Gorsuch ‘Should Be Confirmed’ After A ‘Steady Performance Through Two Grueling Days Of Testimony’

THE DETROIT NEWS: “After two days of … hearings, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is proving himself an even-tempered, deeply knowledgeable nominee who should be confirmed by the Senate.” (Editorial, “Gorsuch Turns Back Democratic Attacks,” The Detroit News, 3/21/2017)

“Federal appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch appeared headed for eventual confirmation to the Supreme Court on Wednesday … Gorsuch's steady performance through two grueling days of testimony lent an air of inevitability to the process…” (“Neil Gorsuch Sails Through Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing, USA Today, 3/22/2017)

Sen. Schumer Decides To Follow The Lead Of Far Left Purity-For-Profit Groups Who Declared Even Speaking With Judge Gorsuch ‘Unacceptable’ ‘Collaboration’

JAMES ROBERTSON, Retired U.S. District Judge & Former Bork Opposition Researcher: “Judge Neil Gorsuch is superbly well-prepared and well-qualified to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. There is no real dispute about that. Nevertheless, it seems that anti-Gorsuch forces are girding their loins for battle. ‘Poor Gorsuch,’ they will say. ‘We’re going to do the best we can to defeat your nomination — but it’s not about you.’ Just what is it about, then? … [one] common reason to oppose Gorsuch: ‘The Democratic base demands it.’ That answer gives new meaning to the term ‘leading from behind.’ It assumes that this ‘base’ is a rabid, unthinking multitude of sans-culottes who must be obeyed. But the real base that Democrats need to find and cultivate is voters who can distinguish outrageous actions from responsible ones. Democrats should want leadership from the front, not mindless obedience to those whose only position is opposition. Responsible leaders should be explaining the function of the third branch in the U.S. constitutional system, the importance of judicial independence and the danger of a politicized judiciary. A base that understands those things will support the prompt and uncomplicated confirmation of Gorsuch.” (James Robertson, “The Judicial Nomination War Started With Bork. Let’s End It With Gorsuch,” The Washington Post, 3/15/17)

 ‘Rabid, Unthinking’ Left Wingers ‘Demand Nothing Less Than Total Warfare’

“[T]here has been palpable frustration among progressive activists that more Democratic senators have not yet publicly declared which way they intend to vote. Progressives wanted commitments even before questioning of Gorsuch is completed.” (“Progressive Groups Demand A Filibuster Against Trump's Supreme Court Pick,” ABC News, 3/20/2017)

“‘We can't have Vichy Democrats,’ says Dan Cantor, the national director of the Working Families Party, a leading outfit in progressive politics which cosigned the Gorsuch letter.” (“Inside the Democrats' Plan to Fight Trump,” Rolling Stone, 3/9/2017)

“Liberal advocacy groups are issuing a sharp rebuke to Senate Democrats, who they say have failed to sufficiently fight President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick. In a letter to be delivered Monday and obtained by POLITICO, 11 progressive groups warn that the 48-member minority ‘must get out in front of this nomination process and refuse to be bullied by President Trump’ Since Neil Gorsuch was nominated on Jan. 31, ‘Democrats have failed to demonstrate a strong, unified resistance to this nominee’ …wrote the groups, led by the abortion-rights advocates at NARAL Pro-Choice America.” (“Liberals To Senate Democrats: Step Up The Gorsuch Fight,” Politico, 3/05/2017)

‘No Democrat In Congress — Not Even [Bernie] Sanders — Currently Meets Their Demands For Wholesale “Non-Compliance”’

“Total war… liberals seeking scalps...” (“Weakened Democrats, Opting For Total War On Trump, Bow To Their Voters,” The New York Times, 2/23/2017)

“[O]rganizers behind #WeWillReplaceYou said they haven’t seen enough, describing any Democratic collaboration as unacceptable… [such as] an offer to speak with Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Sandberg, the co-founder, acknowledged that no Democrat in Congress — not even Sanders — currently meets their demands for wholesale ‘non-compliance.’” (“Bernie Sanders Keeps Quiet On His Supporters’ Plans To Primary Democrats,” BuzzFeed News, 2/22/2017)

“The political arm of the Center for American Progress, called the CAP Action Fund, is one of the central entities in Democrats’ sprawling effort to oppose Trump. In an interview on Thursday, the group’s senior strategic adviser, Adam Jentleson [former deputy chief of staff to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)], outlined an ambitious and wide-reaching plan ... ‘We’ll never reach a point where we say, “OK, that’s enough,”’ he said.” (“Democratic War Room Expands With Plans To Scrutinize Hundreds And Hundreds Of Trump Appointees,” BuzzFeed News, 3/02/2017)


Related Issues: National Security, Senate Democrats, Supreme Court, Judicial Nominations