
The Keystone Jobs Bill

American Public, Unions, Republicans & Many Democrats Support ‘The Creation Of Good Paying Jobs’


UNION PRESIDENT: ‘This shovel-ready project will put thousands of hardworking men and women to work’ (William Hite, UA President, Letter To Congress, 1/8/15)

AMERICANS: ‘By Nearly Two-To-One … Public Favors Building The Pipeline’

FOX NEWS: “Most Americans of all political stripes support construction of the long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline, and want President Obama to sign legislation approving it… A 65-percent majority says Obama should sign the Keystone legislation, according to the poll.” (“Voters Want Obama To Sign Bill Approving Keystone Pipeline,” Fox News, 1/14/15)

PEW: “By nearly two-to-one (59% to 31%), the public favors building the pipeline, which would carry crude from Canadian oil sands to ports on the U.S. Gulf Coast…” (“How Americans view the top energy and environmental issues,” Pew Research, 1/15/15)

CNN: “The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21” (“Poll: Majority Of Americans Back Keystone Pipeline,” CNN, 1/15/15)


UNIONS: ‘Strong Support’ For ‘The Creation Of Good Paying Jobs’

TEAMSTERS: ‘Good paying jobs’ “I am writing to express the strong support of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for the Keystone XL Pipeline… The Teamsters Union continues to believe that the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline will contribute to enhanced energy security, economic prosperity and, of critical importance, the creation of good paying jobs.” (James Hoffa, Teamsters President, Letter To Congress, 1/7/15)

ELECTRICAL WORKERS: “At a time when job creation should be a top priority, the Keystone XL Pipeline (KXL) project will put Americans back-to-work and have ripple benefits throughout the economy. During construction the project is expected to support at least 42,000 jobs and contribute $3.4 billion to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product.” (Edwin Hill, IBEW President, Letter To Congress, 1/8/15)

OPERATING ENGINEERS: “The project is expected to generate approximately 3,000 job-years for Operating Engineers alone. With congressional approval of the pipeline, you can unleash this massive economic activity at no cost to taxpayers.” (James Callahan, IUEOE President, Letter To Reps. Boehner & Pelosi, 1/7/15)

PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS: ‘This shovel-ready project will put thousands of hardworking men and women to work at zero cost to taxpayers’ “On behalf of the 370,000 members of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the Unites States, Canada, and Australia (UA), I urge you to support H.R. 3, a bill to approve the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  This shovel-ready project will put thousands of hardworking men and women to work at zero cost to taxpayers.” (William Hite, UA President, Letter To Congress, 1/8/15)

NORTH AMERICA’S BUILDING TRADES UNIONS: “This vote is, pure and simple, a vote for American jobs… The livelihood of thousands of Building Trades members depend on the construction of Keystone XL.” (Sean McGarvey, BCTD President, Letter To Congress, 1/7/15)

LiUNA: “…this legislation is a jobs bill for the thousands of union construction workers that will build this Pipeline.  If Members… want to oppose the Pipeline for partisan political reasons, they should at least have the guts to say so.  To try to justify their pandering to environmental extremists and their billionaire backers by attacking the jobs that the Pipeline would create is cowardly. … Enough is enough!”” (Terry O’Sullivan, LiUNA! President, Letter To Congress, 1/8/15)

  • “To be relevant with the working class, Democratic leaders in Washington should put job creation and the livelihoods of working men and women ahead of the ravings of environmental wing-nuts and their deep pocketed billionaire funders. They should get out and meet the men and women who need real jobs and stop putting politics before people.” (“Senate Democrats Assault On The Working Class,” LiUNA! 11/18/14)

TRUMKA: “AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka urged the new Republican-controlled Congress and the White House to get together and approve the controversial, long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline project, saying it would boost the economy. ‘There are a number of economic issues and job issues that we want them to get done. That happens to be one of them. So the answer is “yes.” We want to get every jobs issue that we can out and as many jobs created as we can to get the economy going,’ Trumka said…” (“AFL-CIO Urges Approval Of Keystone XL Pipeline,” Washington Examiner, 11/5/14)


DEMOCRATS: ‘We Have Everything To Gain By Building This Pipeline’

28 House Democrats Voted In Favor. (H.R.3, Roll Call Vote #16, Bill Passed 266-153: R 238-0; D 28-153, 1/9/15)

11 Senate Democrats Voted In Favor Of Proceeding To The Bill. (S.1, Roll Call Vote #3, Cloture On Motion To Proceed Agreed To 63-32: R 52-0; D 10-31; I 1-1, 1/12/15)

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “We have everything to gain by building this pipeline, especially since it would help create thousands of jobs right here at home and limit our dependence on foreign oil. Every state – including West Virginia – would benefit economically from this activity. It is my sincere hope that we can once and for all move forward with this important project.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 1/6/15)

  • MANCHIN: “It’s simply common sense that America has a lot to gain by opening up this pipeline because it not only addresses energy security, but it helps create thousands of jobs right here at home.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 2/15/13)

SEN. MARK WARNER (D-VA): “I support construction of the Keystone pipeline. ... After six years of study and debate, it is time to approve this project.” (Sen. Warner, Press Release, 11/18/14)

SEN. JOHN TESTER (D-MT): “The Keystone pipeline is a win-win for Montana's economy and our energy security…” (Sen. Tester, Press Release, 1/15/15)

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): ‘I support the pipeline’ “‘I think people care very much about the price of gas,’ said Senator Claire McCaskill, a Democrat facing a tough re-election battle in Missouri. ‘I support the pipeline,’ she said. ‘I disagree with it being used as a political football.’” (“For G.O.P., Pipeline Is Central To Agenda,” The New York Times, 2/1/12)

SEN. HEIDI HEITKAMP (D-ND): “…it's time for the State Department and President to make a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline – how ever they decide – because six years is beyond long enough.” (Sen. Heitkamp, Press Release, 1/9/15)



Related Issues: Keystone XL Pipeline, Jobs, Energy, Labor, Middle Class, Infrastructure