The Leader Board


Keeping Pace With Russian And Chinese Military Buildups And Defending American Interests Requires Congress To Urgently Approve Crucial Security Funding

As Russia Re-Arms And Continues Its Assault On Ukraine And China Boosts Weapons Production, America’s Ability To Respond To Threats And Protect Ourselves And Our Allies Depends On Congress Appropriating More Funding For National Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Here’s the truth: threats to U.S. national security are growing, and the Biden Administration’s habit of proposing real-dollar cuts to defense funding is a streak that must end at three. With its forthcoming bud… Continue Reading


Iran And Its Proxies Have Attacked American Forces And International Commerce With Impunity For Three Months

In The Middle East, Time And Time Again, The Only Thing The Biden Administration Has Managed To Deter Is Itself As Iran And Its Proxies Brazenly Continue Attacking U.S. Bases And Maritime Trade SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he reality of facing interconnected threats isn’t unique to Israel. Around the world, our adversaries are colluding in new and aggressive ways…. [T]he best way we can help our friends is to restore our own credibility in the region, and take bolder ste… Continue Reading


Border Crisis Escalates Because Of Biden’s Disastrous Policies

With Record Numbers Of Illegal Aliens Entering The Country, CBP Is Overwhelmed And Senate Republicans Are Fighting To Enact Border Security Reforms That Can Begin Restoring Order SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over the weekend, our colleagues continued to make progress toward an agreement on border security. I’m especially grateful to Senator Lankford for stewarding Senate Republicans’ efforts to produce meaningful policy changes, fix our broken asylum system, and secure the … Continue Reading


‘Bidenomics’ Saddles American Families With Another Expensive Holiday Season

‘Prices For Just About Everything Are Still Higher Than They Were Before The Pandemic’: ‘The Damage Has Been Done After A Long Stretch Of Rising Prices’ Prices Rose Again In November, ‘Still Well Above’ The Fed’s Target Rate “Prices across a broad range of goods and services edged higher in November … The consumer price index, a closely watched inflation gauge, increased 0.1% in November, and was up 3.1% from a year ago, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.” (CNBC, 12/12/2023) “The Nove… Continue Reading


Congress Must Pass This Year’s NDAA So America Can Confront Worldwide Security Challenges

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘The NDAA Is Our Most Significant Opportunity To Set Priorities For Competition With Adversaries Like China And Russia … It’s Our Time To Lay The Groundwork For Robust Investments In Hard Power’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The NDAA is our most significant opportunity to set priorities for competition with adversaries like China and Russia. It’s our chance to keep the Biden Administration focused on critical missions like rebuilding America’s defense indus… Continue Reading


Democrats Still Refuse To Take Biden’s Border Crisis Seriously

Instead Of Working With Republicans To Seriously Address The Biden Administration’s Border Crisis, Democrats Are Dragging Their Feet And Echoing Far-Left Activist Groups Who Want No Border Enforcement At All, Threatening To Tank Bipartisan Border Talks   Border security isn’t extraneous to national security - it’s essential. It’s time for Democrats to get serious. — Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) December 5, 2023   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER M… Continue Reading


Americans Are Fed Up With President Biden Gaslighting Their Economic Struggles

President Biden Keeps Trying To Spin Americans’ Economic Reality Of High Prices And High Interest Rates, But Voters Aren’t Having It: ‘It’s A Huge Slap In The Face’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “President Biden is on the road today, and he’s facing an uphill battle to convince the American people that ‘Bidenomics’ is working. For months, the President has been touring the country with a rosy assessment of the economy on his watch. He’s been telling working Americans about wh… Continue Reading


Democrats Prefer Conditioning Aid To Israel While Refusing To Address America’s Border Crisis

As More And More Democrats Fall In Line With Far-Left Calls For Conditioning Aid To Israel, Many Of The Same Democrats Reject Including U.S. Border Security In A Supplemental Spending Bill That Simultaneously Addresses Multiple Critical American National Security Challenges SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “America needs to stand with our friends and stand up to aggressors. And Senate Republicans have been working for weeks to ensure that supplemental legislation includes robust… Continue Reading


United Senate Republicans Push To Change Biden’s Disastrous Border Policies

The Biden Administration’s Border Security Failures Are Drawing Record Numbers Of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World, Leaving American Law Enforcement Overwhelmed SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “It is impossible to ignore the crisis at our southern border that’s erupted on Washington Democrats’ watch: Back-to-back record-setting years that saw millions upon millions of illegal arrivals at the border. And historic quantities of fentanyl and other lethal drugs pouring across… Continue Reading


Understandably Angry With Stubbornly High Prices, Americans Heap Scorn On ‘Bidenomics’

Americans’ Frustration With High Prices For Food, Housing, And More Shows Up In Poll After Poll, And Their Disdain For ‘Bidenomics’ Has Even Democrats Desperate To Distance Themselves From The White House’s Insulting Economic Spin As Inflation Remained Higher Than Normal In October SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This morning’s October inflation report tells a story that has become familiar on President Biden’s watch. Prices remain stubbornly high, and well above the Federal R… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Cynical And Partisan Campaign To Attack The Supreme Court Now Trains Its Fire On Private Citizens

Senate Democrats’ Threats Of Subpoenas For Friends Of Supreme Court Justices And Legal Activists Are Nothing More Than A Partisan Witch Hunt, Driven By Their Anger At The Court’s Refusal To Do Their Political Bidding SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “For the past several months, when they’re not rubber-stamping radical nominees for the federal bench, Senate Democrats have been laser-focused on punishing a co-equal branch of government and bending it to their own political will. … Continue Reading


America Has A Border Security Crisis, Not An Immigration Reform Crisis

Senate Republicans Proposed Badly-Needed Border Security Policy Changes To Address The Southern Border Crisis, But Democrat Leaders Dismissed Them And Substituted Talk Of Unrelated Immigration Reform Measures SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “After three straight years of record-shattering overall border apprehensions, the alarming details of the national security crisis unfolding at the southern border on this Administration’s watch are coming into clearer focus. Last fiscal ye… Continue Reading


Growing Number Of Democrats Cave To Extremist Calls For A Ceasefire

Under Pressure From Loud Voices On The Far Left Of Their Party, President Biden, Members Of His Administration, And Prominent Congressional Democrats Are Beginning To Call On Israel For A Ceasefire In Their War Against Hamas Terrorists SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Headlines are already warning about the indiscernible ‘cycle of violence’ and amplifying morally bankrupt calls for a ceasefire. For anyone who needs a reminder, a ceasefire is what Israel thought it had with Hama… Continue Reading


A Strong, Comprehensive Security Supplemental Invests In American Defense And American Jobs

A National Security Supplemental Supporting America’s Partners In Ukraine, Israel, And Asia Not Only Helps Those Countries, It Strengthens The United States Defense Industrial Base, Which Enhances American Security While Creating Jobs And Revitalizing Communities Across The Country SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over and over again, history has taught us that the costs of disengaging from the world are far higher than the costs of engaging. And just as the threats we face are… Continue Reading


This Halloween, Americans Can’t Afford A House To Greet Trick-Or-Treaters

Thanks To Bidenomics, Inflation Is Eating Away At Budgets, Halloween Candy Costs More, And The High Interest Rates Required To Tame Inflation Mean Many Families Can’t Afford To Buy A House The White House’s ‘Bidenomics’ Sales Pitch Is Failing Spectacularly Americans Continue To Tell Pollsters How Inflation Has Eroded Their Financial Situation “About 2 in 3 Americans say their household expenses have risen over the last year, but only about 1 in 4 say their income has increased in the same p… Continue Reading


Biden’s Weakness On Iran Cannot Continue

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘Ultimately, President Biden Must Also Accept That The Fundamental Assumptions Of His Administration’s Iran Policy Were Morally And Practically Bankrupt…. The Biden Administration’s Previous Iran Policy Is Now History. The President Must Go Back To The Drawing Board’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he United States must continue to provide maximum support to Israel’s counter-terrorist operation, as long as it takes. And just as importantly, we have to re-e… Continue Reading


Bidenomics In Action: Inflation Continues To Wreak Havoc On The Economy

Despite Desperate White House Spin, Americans Are Still Feeling The Devastating Effects Of Democrats’ Inflation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[Americans are] continuing to face the painful reality of Washington Democrats’ historic inflation. Across the country, working families continue to report that soaring prices are their top concern. Among workers and small businesses owners alike, just 28% of Americans say they’re satisfied with the state of the economy. And 59% disap… Continue Reading


Now Even Democrats Aren’t Buying The White House’s Bidenomics Spin

As Americans Remain Deeply Pessimistic Over The State Of The Economy And Their Personal Finances, Democrats Are Starting To Wake Up To The Reality That The White House’s Bidenomics Sales Pitch ‘Is Backfiring’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The American people are absolutely sick, sick and tired, of living under Bidenomics. According to one recent survey, nearly 70% of Americans think the economy is actually getting worse. And support for President Biden’s handling of the econ… Continue Reading


CR Ensures Steady Funding For Law Enforcement Responding To Biden’s Border Crisis

If Border Agents Aren’t Paid And Law Enforcement Agencies Lack Funding, The Already Difficult Jobs Of CBP, ICE, And DEA Agents Responding To The Crisis On The Southern Border Will Become Nearly Impossible SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[L]et’s be clear: there are a number of important discussions on additional funding priorities that are still unresolved. Many colleagues are eager to make real progress in bringing the Democrats’ reckless spending to heel; to force the Adminis… Continue Reading


This Week In The Failures Of Bidenomics

Americans Who Can’t Afford A New House Or Car And Keep Paying Ever-Higher Grocery Bills Know They’re Paying For ‘Bidenomics in Action’ And Overwhelmingly Give The President Abysmal Reviews On His Handling Of The Economy Bidenomics: Americans’ Deep Dissatisfaction With Joe Biden’s Handling Of The Economy Is Reflected In Polls Showing ‘The Highest Disapproval Rating Of His Presidency’ “Biden has spent recent weeks promoting his economic record — ‘Bidenomics,’ as he calls it — and has cited low… Continue Reading

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