
‘America Will Be Better Off If Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed’

Editorial Pages On Mike Pompeo: ‘Solid Knowledge Of The World,’ ‘A Professional,’ ‘Has Gained The President’s Trust’


USA TODAY EDITORS: “Unless a nominee has clear ethical or competency failings, presidents should be accorded wide latitude to select top aides whom they trust and agree with. Pompeo passes that test and merits approval…. Pompeo has a strong record for being tough on Moscow's recent history of malign behavior … Pompeo is no dummy — he graduated from Harvard Law School and at the top of his class at West Point. He served as a cavalry officer in Europe during the Cold War.” (Editorial, “Confirm Mike Pompeo To Fill The Void At State,” USA Today, 4/22/2018)

CHICAGO TRIBUNE EDITORS: “Pompeo knows well how to work with both Congress and the president — who trusts him so much he sent him on a secret mission to Pyongyang to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Pompeo would undoubtedly be a stabilizing presence in a department that needs one…. Pompeo has performed ably in his current job … Presidents are entitled to choose their own advisers, and nothing that has emerged about Pompeo is disqualifying. The State Department could use a secretary equipped for the job of advancing U.S. interests in concert with the president — and the sooner the better.” (Editorial, “Why The U.S. Senate Should Confirm Mike Pompeo,” Chicago Tribune, 4/22/2018)

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE EDITORS: “Given the importance in the conduct of foreign relations of presenting a consistent position to countries around the world, America will be better off if Mike Pompeo is confirmed as secretary of state…. He seems dedicated to putting it once again in the business of formulating America’s foreign policy at home and conducting it with America’s friends and enemies overseas.” (Editorial, “Pompeo’s Promise: He Is Bound To Rebuild The Diplomatic Corps,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/15/2018)

NY DAILY NEWS EDITORS: “Confirm Mike Pompeo: President Trump needs a secretary of state … Pompeo also has solid knowledge of the world, the discipline to oversee complex diplomacy and … the trust of a President …” (Editorial, “Confirm Mike Pompeo: President Trump Needs A Secretary Of State,” New York Daily News, 4/23/2018)

NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER EDITORS: “The United States is facing several complicated foreign policy challenges, and this President needs mature, independent, and qualified foreign policy advisers around him … As CIA director, he has been a professional, demonstrating his competence and qualification to be secretary of state…. Pompeo deserves Senate confirmation.” (Editorial, “Opposing Pompeo: Shaheen's Skewed Priorities,” New Hampshire Union Leader, 4/18/2018)

THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORS: “Confirm Mike Pompeo … Mr. Pompeo should be deployed to Foggy Bottom in the hope that he will fulfill his promise to revive and reassert U.S. diplomacy.” (Editorial, “Confirm Mike Pompeo,” The Washington Post, 4/12/2018)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORS: “Sens. Feinstein and Kaine and 12 other Democrats voted to confirm Mr. Pompeo as CIA director—he was confirmed 66-32—perhaps because he’s so well qualified. Mr. Pompeo is a West Point and Harvard Law graduate who served three terms in Congress … He has invigorated the CIA clandestine service, tried to give Mr. Trump options on North Korea, and has gained the President’s trust.” (Editorial, “Who Needs a Secretary of State?,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/18/2018)


Former Secretaries Of State: ‘We Cannot Be Without A Secretary Of State’

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: “He has been a member of Congress. And he’s had a job recently that has put him in a position of knowing an awful lot. So I do think the State Department needs a Secretary of State quickly, and that he will be somebody that replenishes the State Department so that there really are people that can do the job of diplomacy. You can’t do diplomacy without diplomats.” (“The Hugh Hewitt Show,” 4/12/2018)

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HENRY KISSINGER: “We cannot be without a secretary of state for very much longer.” (The New York Times, 4/19/2018)



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