
Americans Place The Blame For Inflation And Soaring Gas Prices Right Where It Belongs: On President Biden’s Policies

Recent Polls Show Americans Aren’t Buying The Lame Spin From The White House And Democrats In Congress About Inflation And High Gas Prices Being The Fault Of Everything But Their Own Policies


SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “America’s working families continue to face strong headwinds as they try to make ends meet. The historic inflation kicked off by runaway liberal spending last year is still taking its toll, one paycheck at a time…. Unfortunately, Washington Democrats’ response to these hardships has been as misguided as the war on American energy and runaway spending that helped create them. Several weeks ago, the Biden Administration entertained the idea of suspending the gas tax… but only long enough to give Democrats cover at the polls this November. This week, we learned the White House considered sending out gas cards through the IRS… even as they keep up their war on domestic energy production. The Biden Administration seems to be willing to try anything but walking back their own disastrous economic policies.” (Leader McConnell, Remarks, 3/22/2022)


In Multiple Polls, Most Respondents Blame President Biden’s Policies For Increasing Inflation And Rising Gas Prices

NBC NEWS POLL: “Asked whom or what they blame the most for increasing inflation, a plurality of Americans — 38 percent — pointed the finger at Biden and his policies.” (“Biden’s Job Approval Falls To Lowest Level Of His Presidency Amid War And Inflation Fears,” NBC News, 3/27/2022)

EMERSON COLLEGE POLL: “Eighty-three percent (83%) of voters say they are experiencing some hardship due to increased prices on everyday items, with 40% reporting significant hardship, and another 43% reporting some hardship…. When asked about who they blame for an increase in gas prices, a plurality (39%) blame the Biden Administration, 21% blame the sanctions on Russia, and 18% blame gas and oil companies.” (“National Poll March 2022: US Voters Report Increased Hardship as Prices Rise, Blame Biden for Gas Prices,” Emerson College Polling, 3/22/2022)

FOX NEWS POLL: “A 53% majority thinks Biden has made the economy worse …” (“Fox News Poll: Biden’s Inflation Troubles Persist As Voters Cite High Gas Prices, Spending Woes,” Fox News, 3/24/2022)

ARIZONA VOTER: “I blame the Biden administration…. There is no other way to look at it.” (“In America’s No. 1 Inflation Hotspot, Democrats Face Restive Voters,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/24/2022)


‘Overwhelming Majorities’ Of Americans ‘Believe The Country Is Headed In The Wrong Direction And Disapproved Of The President’s Handling Of The Economy’

NBC NEWS POLL: “[D]uring the nation’s largest inflation spike in 40 years, overwhelming majorities said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapproved of the president’s handling of the economy.” (“Biden’s Job Approval Falls To Lowest Level Of His Presidency Amid War And Inflation Fears,” NBC News, 3/27/2022)

NBC NEWS POLL: “Approval of Biden’s handling of the economy is declining as the cost of living has jumped to become Americans’ most important issue in the poll …” (“Biden’s Job Approval Falls To Lowest Level Of His Presidency Amid War And Inflation Fears,” NBC News, 3/27/2022)

FOX NEWS POLL: “The president’s marks are underwater by 21 points for his handling of the economy (38% approve, 59% disapprove) and a staggering 35 points on inflation (31% approve, 66% disapprove).” (“Fox News Poll: Biden’s Inflation Troubles Persist As Voters Cite High Gas Prices, Spending Woes,” Fox News, 3/24/2022)


‘The Root Cause Is Homegrown: Two Years Of Historically Easy Monetary Policy, And Explosive Federal Spending … The Prices Of Oil And Other Commodities Have Been On An Inflation-Inspired Tear For Months’

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “Mr. Biden can blame Mr. Putin for many things, but not U.S. inflation. The root cause is homegrown: Two years of historically easy monetary policy, and explosive federal spending that fed economic demand even though the economy had long ago emerged from the pandemic recession.” (Editorial, “It’s Joe Biden’s Inflation,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/10/2022)

  • “The White House was locked and loaded for the bad news… and blamed, no surprise, Mr. Putin. ‘Today’s inflation report is a reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike,’ President Biden said in a statement. ‘Putin’s price hike’ quickly became a Democratic and media meme. It won’t wash. Russia’s invasion has certainly contributed to rising oil and gasoline prices in recent weeks and, as villains go, he’s top of our list. But inflation had already hit 7.5% on an annual basis in January before Russia invaded Ukraine. The prices of oil and other commodities have been on an inflation-inspired tear for months. Gasoline prices were up 6.6% in February, but they’re up 38% over 12 months.” (Editorial, “It’s Joe Biden’s Inflation,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/10/2022)



Related Issues: Economy, Inflation, Energy