
Dems Sell Iran Deal To America

Deal ‘Falls Short’, ‘Deeply Flawed’ And Contains ‘Significant Shortcomings’

Dem. Senators: Deal ‘Didn’t Achieve [Its] Objective, ‘This Deal Is Not The Agreement I Have Long Sought’

SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ): “We joined with our partner nations at the outset of negotiations with the stated intention of preventing Iran from having the capability to get a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, it’s clear we didn’t achieve that objective and have only delayednot blockedIran’s potential nuclear breakout.” (“Supporting The Iran Agreement Is The Better Of Two Flawed Options,” Medium, 9/3/15)

  • “But this deal has clear flaws and substantial risks even beyond the obvious and disturbing short duration of its term. With this deal, we are legitimizing a vast and expanding nuclear program in Iran. We are in effect rewarding years of their deception, deceit, and wanton disregard for international law by allowing them to potentially have a domestic nuclear enrichment program at levels beyond what is necessary for a peaceful civil nuclear program.” (“Supporting The Iran Agreement Is The Better Of Two Flawed Options,” Medium, 9/3/15)

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): “This agreement – at best – freezes Iran’s nuclear enrichment program - it does not dismantle or destroy it as I hoped it would.” (Sen. Coons, Remarks, 9/1/15)

  • “I have a number of serious concerns based on Iran’s past behavior of cheating on nuclear agreements and our experiences trying to block other countries from developing nuclear weapons. The Islamic Republic of Iran has long threatened the United States and Israel in both fiery speeches and terrorist acts, and it continues to support terrorist groups across the region.” (Sen. Coons, Remarks, 9/1/15)
  • “I have deep concern about the scope and implications of Iran’s permitted centrifuge development program after ten years and its nuclear enrichment capacity after fifteen years.” (Sen. Coons, Remarks, 9/1/15)

SEN. GARY PETERS (D-MI): “My core concern with this agreement lies with the basic issue that has always been before us - the enrichment of uranium by Iran. This deal allows Iran, under the same leadership that refers to the United States as the Great Satan and calls for the destruction of Israel, to enrich uranium on its own soil. This core concession is in many ways a stark departure from our country’s past non-proliferation policies, and it concerns me that this agreement could set a dangerous precedent as developing nations around the world look to nuclear power to meet their growing domestic demands for energy and electricity.” (Sen. Peters, Press Release, 9/8/15)

  • “The release of these assets is of even greater concern because in the weeks since the JCPOA was signed, the Iranian regime has restated its commitment to the destruction of the State of Israel.(Sen. Peters, Press Release, 9/8/15)

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): “Most importantly, this agreement cannot be based on hope or trust. History belies both in our experience with Iran. This deal is not the agreement I have long sought.” (Sen. Blumenthal, Press Release, 9/8/15)

SEN. RON WYDEN (D-CO): “This agreement with the duplicitous and untrustworthy Iranian regime falls short of what I had envisioned.” (“My Statement On The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action,” Medium, 9/8/15)

  • “Critics are right that this agreement requires Iran’s leaders to freeze many activities rather than completely destroy or dismantle their nuclear infrastructure, as I and others had called for. When key restraints begin to expire in 10 to 15 years?—?a blink of an eye to a country that measures its history in millennia?—?our country will still have to deal with an Iranian leadership that wants to build an industrial-scale nuclear enrichment program. That’s a big problem.” (“My Statement On The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action,” Medium, 9/8/15)
  • “Critics of this agreement have raised a number of important, serious, and reasonable questions. First, with respect to sanctions relief, Iran is the largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism in the world. It is very disturbing that in all probability, a large portion of the funds derived from sanctions relief will flow to Hezbollah and other groups working to destabilize the region.”

SEN. MICHAEL BENNET (D-CO): “This agreement represents a flawed… step.” (Sen. Bennet, Press Release, 9/4/15)

  • “None of us knows what lies 10 or 15 years on the horizon. I have deep concerns about what the shape of Iran’s nuclear program could look like beyond this horizon.” (Sen. Bennet, Press Release, 9/4/15)

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): “There are legitimate and serious concerns about this deal. For example, I would have liked to see a period shorter than 24 days to resolve disputes over access for inspectors. The U.N. embargoes on the sales of arms and ballistic weapons to Iran should have remained in place permanently, instead of lapsing after five and eight years. Hostages remain in Iranian custody. We will have to work hard to fight Iran’s malign efforts to wreak havoc in the region.” (“Why I’m Supporting An Imperfect Iran Deal,” Medium, 8/6/15)

SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D-OR): “I have not reached this conclusion without reservations. The deal has… significant shortcomings.” (Sen. Merkley, Press Release, 8/30/15)

  • “It does not block Iran’s importation of conventional arms, allowing Iran to acquire conventional arms after 5 years and ballistic missile technology after 8 years. It does not dictate how Iran can spend the dollars it reclaims from cash assets that are currently frozen. It does not permanently maintain bright lines on Iran’s nuclear research or nuclear energy program, lifting the 300 kg and 3.67% enrichment limits after 15 years.” (Sen. Merkley, Press Release, 8/30/15)

SEN. AL FRANKEN (D-MN): “Many have expressed reservations about the deal, and I share some of those reservations. It isn't a perfect agreement.” (“Al Franken: Why I Support Iran Deal,” CNN, 8/13/15)

SEN. JOE DONNELLY (D-IN): “That is why, despite having questions about Iran’s intentions, I am willing to give this agreement the opportunity to succeed. While I share the concerns expressed by the agreement’s critics about what may happen 10, 15, or 20 years from now.” (Sen. Donnelly, Press Release, 8/19/15)



Related Issues: Iran Nuclear Deal, Senate Democrats, Iran