
Dems: Let’s ‘Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal’

A Filibuster ‘Would Stop All Of You From Knowing How We Voted On This’ And The ‘Democratic Caucus Does Not Like That Position At All’


98 Senators voted for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (H.R. 1191, Roll Call Vote #174, Bill Passed 98-1, R 53-1, D 43-0, I 2-0, 5/7/15)


Senate Democrats: ‘Go To The Floor And Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal,’ ‘It's Important Because The Stakes Are High’

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): “As a caucus that was opposed to games with filibusters over the last four years, I would think it would be really regrettable if we didn't ultimately go to the floor and cast our votes for or against this deal.” (CNN, 9/2/15)

  • Q: “Do you think there needs to be an up or down vote in the Senate on this?” COONS: “I think there should be.” (CNN, 9/2/15)

SEN. TIM KAINE (D-VA): ‘I worked on the drafting of it to guarantee Congress a vote. And I think it's important because the stakes are high… So there's no way that Congress is not going to weigh in’ Q: “…do you think the …Senate or both houses of Congress, however you can figure it out, you will get an up or down vote on this deal. That's what they both want, as you well know. Do you think that it can be done?” SEN. TIM KAINE (D-VA): “Absolutely. Chris, I am the co-sponsor of the bill with Senator Corker and I worked on the drafting of it to guarantee Congress a vote. And I think it's important because the stakes are high, as you suggest, but also fundamentally this is negotiation about what must Iran do to get out from under Congressional sanctions. So there's no way that Congress is not going to weigh in.” (CNN, 4/6/15)

SEN. CHRIS MURPHY (D-CT): ‘We should just … look at an agreement and decide whether we want to move forward on it with an up-or-down vote’ “I think what the administration is saying is that they understand that Congress has the ability to weigh in on a deal once it is signed, and I don`t think there`s really any question that Republicans in the Senate and House are going to structure a approval or disapproval vote once an agreement is reached. … We should just have the good sense and the maturity to wait and let these negotiations play out so that we can look at an agreement and decide whether we want to move forward on it with an up-or-down vote.” (MSNBC, 3/31/15)

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin said … that he would not support a filibuster that would block a Senate vote on a Republican resolution opposing the accord. ‘That would stop all of you from knowing how we voted on this,’ said Manchin, speaking at a town hall meeting at the University of Charleston. ‘My Democratic caucus does not like that position at all. I just think it’s too important to circumnavigate that thing because of political posturing, and I won’t do that.’” (“Manchin Close To Decision On Iran Nuclear Deal But Won’t Support Filibuster,” Charlestown Gazette-Mail, 9/3/15)

SEN. BEN CARDIN (D-MD): “The stakes are too high to allow partisan rancor to overtake national consensus that endorses Congressional review of any final deal.” (Sen. Cardin, Press Release, 5/7/15)


Dem Leadership: ‘Not Giving Up Hope’ On Mounting A Filibuster

“Democrats will try to mount a filibuster to block the Iran nuclear deal from even having to reach President Obama’s desk for a veto, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid signaled Saturday in a statement.” (“Harry Reid Confirms Senate Democrats Will Filibuster Iran Nuclear Deal,” Washington Times, 9/5/15)



Related Issues: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Senate Democrats