
The Iranian Record: Post Agreement

International Commitments Violated, Terrorism Support Continues, U.S. Still Called ‘Great Satan’


‘The Iranian Regime Continues To View The U.S. As The “Great Satan”’

AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, Iranian Dictator: ‘Reiterated that America remains the “Great Satan.”’ “Speaking to a group of people in Tehran, Khamenei reiterated that America remains the ‘Great Satan.’ ‘The Iranian nation ousted the Satan. We should not let it back through the window to penetrate’ Iran, he said.” (“Iran's Supreme Leader: No US Negotiations Outside Nuke Deal,” AP, 9/9/15)

HOSSEIN DEHGHAN, Iranian Defense Minister: “…it is only natural that the Iranian regime continues to view the U.S. as the 'Great Satan.'” (MEMRI, “Special Dispatch No.6152,” 9/7/15)

MOHAMMAD ALI JAFARI, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Head: America ‘still the “same Great Satan.”’ “The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, announced plans to expand the reach of Iran’s missiles and warned that despite the nuclear deal, America was still the ‘same Great Satan.’” (“U.S. Remains The ‘Great Satan,’ Hard-Liners In Iran Say,” The New York Times, 9/1/15)


The Iranian Regime Continues To Ignore International Commitments

“The U.S. intelligence community has informed Congress of evidence that Iran was sanitizing its suspected nuclear military site at Parchin, in broad daylight, days after agreeing to a nuclear deal with world powers.” (“Iran Already Sanitizing Nuclear Site, Intel Warns,” Bloomberg View, 8/5/15)

“U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorsed a landmark nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers last month, has called on Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.” (“Iran Unveils New Longer-Range Solid Fuel Missile,” Associated Press, 8/22/15)

  • “Iran unveiled a short-range solid fuel ballistic missile Saturday, an upgraded version that the government says can more accurately pinpoint targets. The surface-to-surface Fateh-313, or Conqueror, was unveiled at a ceremony marking Defense Industry Day and attended by President Hassan Rouhani, who said military might was necessary to achieve peace in the volatile Middle East.” (“Iran Unveils New Longer-Range Solid Fuel Missile,” Associated Press, 8/22/15)

“The head of Iran's elite military Quds Force, who is subject to a United Nations travel ban, has met senior Russian officials in Moscow, an Iranian official said on Friday. Qassem Soleimani, chief of the force which is an overseas arm of the Revolutionary Guards, has been subject to an international travel ban and asset freeze by the U.N. Security Council since 2007. But the Iranian official, who declined to be identified, said Soleimani had made the trip in the second half of July, where he had held talks covering regional and bilateral issues and the delivery to Iran of S-300 surface-to-air missiles and other weapons.” (“Iran Quds Chief Visited Russia despite U.N. Travel Ban: Iran Official,” Reuters, 8/7/15)


Iranian Officials: ‘We Shall Not Refrain From Supporting’ Terrorist Groups

AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, Iranian Dictator: “The Americans say that they expect the Iranian government to act differently. Differently from what? Differently from Iran’s past? No. Such a thing will never happen, [because] it means violating Islamic rules and relinquishing loyalty to Islamic values. This is what they mean by ‘differently’. That will never happen.” (MEMRI, “Special Dispatch No.6151,” 9/4/15)

HOSSEIN DEHGHAN, Iranian Defense Minister: ‘Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah … we shall not refrain from supporting them’ “Today, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah have the capability of producing their own resources and weapons themselves. Nevertheless, we shall not refrain from supporting them.” (MEMRI, “Special Dispatch No.6152,” 9/7/15)

  • DEHGHAN: “They received the technology from us and from others, and today, they produce them themselves. I officially declare that under no circumstances will we refrain from providing material and moral support to Hizbullah, or to any group of the resistance to the U.S. and Israel. We say this loud and clear. We have declared this officially, and we intend to continue on this path.” (MEMRI, “Special Dispatch No.6152,” 9/7/15)

“Bahrain said on Saturday it had foiled an arms smuggling plot by two Bahrainis with ties to Iran and announced the recall of the Gulf island kingdom's ambassador to Tehran for consultations after what it said were repeated hostile Iranian statements.” (“Bahrain Says Foils Arms Smuggling Bid, Recalls Iran Envoy,” Reuters, 7/25/15)



Related Issues: War on Terror, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal