
Iran ‘Getting Worse’

Despite Obama Administration Rhetoric, The Iran ‘Deal Has Not Resolved Many Concerns About Iranian Behavior’

“Secretary of State John Kerry said the Iran nuclear agreement ‘has lived up to its expectations’ ...” (“One Year On, Kerry Satisfied With Iran Nuclear Deal,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/2016)

 Iran’s Provocative Behavior Has Increased

‘The Navy Has Counted At Least 31 Interactions With Iranian Naval Forces Deemed “Unsafe,” “Unprofessional,” Or Both’

“A US Navy patrol craft fired three warning shots at an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps boat Wednesday after US officials said it had harassed that patrol craft, CNN has learned... In an encounter Tuesday, a US Navy official told CNN four Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps vessels conducted a ‘high-speed intercept’ of the USS Nitze in waters near the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday, deeming the incident ‘unsafe and unprofessional.’” (“First On CNN: US Fires Warning Shots At Iranian Vessel After Close Encounter,” CNN, 8/25/2016)

  • “Iran has stepped up its harassment of U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf, angering the U.S. military ... Since the international nuclear deal with Iran was implemented in early January, the number of incidents involving U.S. and Iranian ships in the Gulf has approximately doubled. The Navy has counted at least 31 interactions with Iranian naval forces deemed ‘unsafe,’ ‘unprofessional,’ or both, according to a defense official.” (“US Military: Iranian Behavior Getting Worse In Persian Gulf,” The Hill, 9/10/2016)

‘Iran Threatened To Shoot Down Two US Navy Surveillance Aircraft’

“Iran threatened to shoot down two US Navy surveillance aircraft flying close to Iranian territory in the Persian Gulf over the weekend, the latest in a series of recent provocations between Iran and the US military in the region, three US defense officials with knowledge of the incident told Fox News. . . At some point during the flight, the Iranian military warned the two aircraft to change course or risk getting shot down. The US military planes ignored the warning and continued flying in international airspace . . . ‘It’s one thing to tell someone to get off your lawn, but we weren’t on their lawn,’ the official continued.” (“Iran Threatened To Shoot Down US Navy Spy Planes In The Persian Gulf,” Fox News, 9/13/2016)

‘Iran Has Deployed The Russian-Supplied S-300 Surface-To-Air Missile Defense System Around Its Fordow Underground Uranium Enrichment Facility,’ ‘Making Sensitive Parts,’ And ‘Building A Second Nuclear Plant With Russian Help’

“Iran has deployed the Russian-supplied S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system around its Fordow underground uranium enrichment facility, Iranian state media reported...” (“Iran Deploys Russian-Made S-300 Missiles At Its Fordow Nuclear Site: TV,” Reuters, 8/29/2016)

“UN nuclear report notes Iran is making sensitive parts... [T]ouching on one potentially sensitive area, the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a review issued Thursday that Iran had begun manufacturing rotor tubes for centrifuges, the spinning machines used to enrich uranium.” (“UN Nuclear Report Notes Iran Is Making Sensitive Parts,” The Associated Press, 9/08/2016)

“Iran began building a second nuclear plant with Russian help on Saturday, in a $10 billion project which follows Tehran's landmark nuclear deal with world powers last year, state media reported. . . Iran already runs one Russian-built nuclear reactor at Bushehr, its first. Russia signed a deal with Iran in 2014 to build up to eight more reactors in the country.” (“Iran, Russia Start Construction Of New Iranian Nuclear Plant,” Reuters, 9/10/2016)

GOP Senators Seek Answers: Do Russian Strikes From Iranian Bases Violate Iran Arms Embargo?

LETTER TO SEC. KERRY FROM REPUBLICAN SENATORS: “It is being widely reported, and essentially acknowledged by your Department’s spokesman, that Russia recently used Iran as a launching point to carry out airstrikes against moderate opposition forces in Syria. Thus, we write to ask for one of three things: 1. a submission of evidence that the Security Council approved this use of Iranian airspace; 2. an explanation as to how this action does not violate Security Council Resolution 2231; or 3. an outline of policy steps that will be taken to enforce this Resolution.” (Sen. Barrasso, Press Release, 9/19/2016)

  • REPUBLICAN SENATORS: “In July 2015, the U.N. Security Council adopted Resolution 2231 endorsing the JCPOA. As part of that Resolution, the Council took a decision binding on all states that the ‘use’ of ‘combat aircraft’ in Iran required prior approval of the Security Council. This is part of the arms embargo you and President Obama said would remain in place for five years after JCPOA Adoption Day. The Obama Administration promised vigorous enforcement of the JCPOA regime in general—of which U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 is clearly a part—and the arms embargo specifically.” (Sen. Barrasso, Press Release, 9/19/2016)



Related Issues: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal