The Leader Board

September 2023
Biden Makes Another Lawless Attempt To Circumvent Congress
Americans Who Need A New Car Come Last After Bidenomics Drives Up Prices And The White House Sides With Big Unions
Under Biden, The Border Is Broken And Americans Know It
Residents Of American Cities Are Still Suffering From A Crime Surge Accelerated By Progressive Soft-On-Crime Policies
Who Are Americans Going To Believe, Their Huge Grocery Bills, Or The White House’s Insulting ‘Bidenomics’ Pitches?
Biden Ensures Americans Will Keep Paying High Gas Prices As He Continues To Shut Down U.S. Energy Production
American Military Strength And Continued Support For Ukraine Are Imperative To Deter ‘A New Axis Of Autocrats’ Centered On Beijing And Moscow
Biden Packs The Government With Big Labor Partisans While A Summer Of Strikes Threatens The Economy
August 2023
Joe Manchin’s Back To Bear-Hugging His Disastrous Law
American Families Who Have Suffered Two Years Of ‘Bidenomics’ Price Increases Reject Democrats’ Rosy Economic Spin
July 2023
NDAA Is Essential To Modernize Our Military, Improve Readiness, And Keep Pace With China’s Rapid Military Buildup
Joe Manchin Runs From Joe Manchin’s Law
One Year Later, Democrats’ Reckless Spending Spree Is Showering Cash On Foreign Companies
Democrats’ Partisan Supreme Court Legislation: ‘We All Know What A Tell Is’
With Julie Su Still Unable To Get The Support Of A Majority Of Senators, The White House Appears Ready To Attempt An End-Run Around The Senate
Democrats’ Phony ‘Ethics’ Legislation Is A Smokescreen For Their Ongoing Attacks On The Legitimacy Of The Supreme Court
Americans Continue Paying The High Price Of ‘Bidenomics’
American Leadership In Supporting Ukraine Is Making A Difference In Europe
June 2023
The Painful Reality Of ‘Bidenomics’
Senate Democrats Vote To Run Over America’s Truckers And Drive Up Grocery Costs For Working Families
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