
‘Confirm Mike Pompeo’

Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright: ‘He Will Be Somebody That Replenishes The State Department’

THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORS: “Confirm Mike Pompeo (Editorial, The Washington Post, 4/12/2018)


Democrats: ‘The State Department Needs A Secretary Of State Quickly,’ Director Pompeo Is ‘A Nominee Who Really Answers Our Questions’

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: “He has been a member of Congress. And he’s had a job recently that has put him in a position of knowing an awful lot. So I do think the State Department needs a Secretary of State quickly, and that he will be somebody that replenishes the State Department so that there really are people that can do the job of diplomacy. You can’t do diplomacy without diplomats.” (“The Hugh Hewitt Show,” 4/12/2018)

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): “I’m confident that you would be a good advocate for the career professionals at the State Department and USAID.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. BEN CARDIN (D-MD): “I would like to compliment the nominee for giving concise answers. It’s refreshing to have a nominee who really answers our questions.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)


Senate Committee Chairmen: Director Pompeo Is ‘A Natural Fit’ With ‘The Personal Characteristics To Lead The State Department’

SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman: “Based on my personal meetings, and the phone calls, and certainly your outstanding testimony today, I think you’re a person of high intellect… I think your background could not be better to serve in this capacity. I think you have the personal characteristics to lead the State Department in a way that generates the kind of culture and levers that we need around the world for active diplomacy. And for that reason, I plan to avidly support your nomination and confirmation.” (Sen. Corker, Press Release, 4/12/2018)

SEN. JOHN McCAIN (R-AZ), Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman: “Director Pompeo has the experience & understanding needed to reassert strong American leadership, confront complex global challenges, restore morale [at the State Department] & ensure human rights is central to diplomacy. The Senate should move quickly to confirm this highly qualified nominee.” (Sen. McCain, @SenJohnMcCain, Twitter, 4/13/2018)

SEN. RICHARD BURR (R-NC), Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman: “[D]uring his confirmation hearing I asked Mike to lead the CIA in an ethical, moral, and legal manner and I am here to tell you that he did exactly that. Mike’s honorably represented and aggressively supported the employees of the CIA and I think what we need right now is an individual that can bond those great diplomats within the State Department while carrying out the message of this Administration’s policies abroad. Mike has been responsive and he’s been transparent with the Intelligence Committee and more importantly has always spoken the truth. Mike’s intellectual rigor, his honorable service, and his outstanding judgment make him a natural fit for the Department of State.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

Fellow Kansans: ‘Mike Will Represent American Ideals And Values Backed By The Strength Of Leadership Of The Free World,’ ‘He’ll Hit The Ground Running’

FORMER SENATE MAJORITY LEADER BOB DOLE (R-KS): “Well one thing about Mike Pompeo … he’ll hit the ground running. He knows the territory. He knows people…. [S]o he is ready to go and he will be our top diplomat. And what we would like to urge is you know, a quick confirmation because he is needed by the president and the rest of us who live in this wonderful country.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. PAT ROBERTS (R-KS): “I say to those who serve our country here and in Washington and at diplomatic posts around the world, Mike Pompeo will work hard to earn your trust. He will seek to build bridges, to rely upon expertise, to debate and discuss but always, always with respect whether it’s managing crises in Syria or North Korea, complex relationships with Russia or China, or humanitarian disasters in Myanmar or Yemen. Mike will represent American ideals and values backed by the strength of leadership of the free world…. We need Mike Pompeo at the State Department and we need him now. It is my fervent hope that this committee and the full Senate will proceed with a swift confirmation for the President’s nominee. I know that Mike Pompeo will serve us proudly.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)


Senators: ‘He’s Got The Intelligence, He’s Got The Integrity, And He’s Got The Experience To Serve As America’s Secretary Of State’

SEN. JIM RISCH (R-ID): “I can tell all of you on this committee that Mike Pompeo has been candid when he came in before the Intel Committee. He has been helpful, and he has always been straightforward with us. So thank you for your service, there. You’ve earned my respect in that regard and you’ll certainly get my vote for confirmation on this job. I think that that service, as head of the CIA, is going to serve you very well.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): “I think one of the critical components to be a successful Secretary of State is that when Secretary of State comes to town, leaders and diplomats need to know that this someone who is in the inner circle of the president, that has the president’s trust and speaks for the administration. And I can just tell you from experience from the work that we’ve done with Director Pompeo that when -- if confirmed, when he comes to town, leaders around the world will know that someone who has not just access to the president but is part of the president’s trusted inner circle and speaks for the president and for his policies is just critical for the success of a Secretary of State.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. TODD YOUNG (R-IN): “I want to emphasize the importance of having a smart, experienced individual as our next Secretary of State. Based on my time serving with you in the House of Representatives, you’ve certainly check[ed] those boxes and we also need a leader who is credible not just with our own president but with leaders around the world. And you’ve also checked that box. So, I want to encourage you and I anticipate supporting you…. We have an Article One responsibility which you understand very well…. You indicated in your prepared statements that you’re prepared to pick up our calls on the first ring. I think that’s exactly the sort of message that you ought to be sending.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): “He’s got the intelligence, he’s got the integrity, and he’s got the experience to serve as America’s Secretary of State…. I’ve traveled with Mike Pompeo to meet world leaders, national security conferences. He knows the issues, he knows the people, and he is the right person for this job. I met with him just last month after he was nominated. We talked about some of the specific issues. The issues going on around the world, and how they affect our nation’s national security. We had a very good conversation, I am extremely confident that he is the right person for this job.” (Sen. Barrasso, Floor Remarks, 4/11/2018)

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): “Mike Pompeo, I think, is a person of real integrity. He is a brilliant man. Now he’s got the experience not only in Congress, but in the military, but now as CIA director. He knows his stuff. I think he will make an excellent secretary of state.” (Sen. Johnson, Press Release, 4/11/2018)

SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): “Director Pompeo thank you again for your testimony. I think you’ve done an incredible job today challenging us and also … being very forward in your answers and I appreciate that today and it will serve you well as Secretary of State and I look forward to supporting you.” (U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing, 4/12/2018)

SEN. LINDSAY GRAHAM (R-SC): “I think Mike Pompeo is outstanding choice to be secretary of state…. He was first in his class at West Point, an army officer, went to Harvard Law School, been CIA director, been a member of Congress, traveled all over the world with myself and Senator McCain…. He has the confidence of the president … I think is highly qualified and I hope he gets bipartisan support.” (Fox News’ “The Daily Briefing,” 04/12/18)



Related Issues: Nominations, National Security