
‘Pompeo Is The Right Man’

30 Bipartisan Former National Security Officials Say ‘Director Pompeo Is A Strong Choice To Lead The Department Of State’


“Thirty former government officials with national security experience have written a letter to the top Republican and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Sens. Bob Corker and Bob Menendez, endorsing the current CIA Director and former Kansas Congressman [Mike Pompeo]. The authors cite the ‘hot wars’ in Syria and Afghanistan, emerging crises in Iran and North Korea, as well as humanitarian disasters in Venezuela and across Africa, arguing that Pompeo is the right man to confront those challenges…. The list of signatories includes Keith Alexander, who served as the director of the National Security Agency under President George W. Bush and President Obama, and former attorney general Michael B. Mukasey.” (“Group Of Former National Security Officials Endorse Pompeo To Lead State,” CBS News, 4/11/2018)

  • THIRTY FORMER SENIOR NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS: “We have no doubt that if confirmed, Director Pompeo would work diligently to restore the Department of State to its rightful place and would serve with honor and distinction as he has in his previous service for our nation.” (Thirty Former National Security Officials, Letter to Sens. Corker and Menendez, 4/11/2018)

THIRTY FORMER SENIOR NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS: “We write today in support of the nomination of CIA Director Mike Pompeo to serve as Secretary of State. We are all former senior government officials with national security experience in administrations of different parties or on Capitol Hill. We believe that Director Pompeo is a strong choice to lead the Department of State at a time of great uncertainty in the world, where robust leadership from the Department and our nation is needed.” (Thirty Former National Security Officials, Letter to Sens. Corker and Menendez, 4/11/2018)

  • “Following his service in the House, Director Pompeo was nominated to serve as head of the CIA and was confirmed on a bipartisan 66-32 vote. When Director Pompeo arrived at CIA in January 2017, he faced an anxious workforce…. Director Pompeo quickly took the pulse of the building, determined what was working and what wasn’t and moved forward smartly. He has used his strong relationships within the National Security Council and the Congress to maintain strong support for CIA’s core missions. He has ... empowered—and listened to—the professionals. For this, he earned the respect of the agency and its people. We are confident that Director Pompeo can do the same thing at the State Department, should the Senate confirm him.” (Thirty Former National Security Officials, Letter to Sens. Corker and Menendez, 4/11/2018)


Director Pompeo Previously Garnered Bipartisan Support

Mike Pompeo was confirmed as CIA Director by a vote of 66-32, with 15 Democrats voting to confirm him. (PN43, Roll Call Vote # 32: Confirmed 66-32 : R 51-1; D 14-30; I 1-1, 1/23/2017, Sens. Schumer, Reed, and Warner voted Yea)

  • Among the Senate Democrats who voted for Director Pompeo were Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA), and Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-RI).

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “Today I voted to confirm Mike Pompeo as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. As a former Governor, I understand how crucial it is for an executive leader to have his team in place, especially his security team, as soon as possible. Director Pompeo has had a distinguished career in public service and I believe he will provide wise counsel and objective advice to President Trump on our nation's security.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 1/23/2017)

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA): “When I met with Congressman Pompeo in person, he provided straightforward answers to my questions, which I appreciated. And those who work closely with him, including Congressman Adam Schiff on the House Intelligence Committee, say he is smart, hard-working and devoted to protecting our country.” (Sen. Feinstein, Press Release, 1/23/2017)


Director Pompeo’s Outreach To Former Secretaries Of State And Career Diplomats ‘Well Received’

“The calls were placed quietly to top American diplomats who had resigned in droves over the past year. The message: Mike Pompeo, nominated to become the next secretary of state, wanted them back. Mr. Pompeo, currently the director of the C.I.A., also telephoned Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, the last two Democrats to run the State Department. The gestures … were similarly well received by career diplomats … At the State Department, Mr. Pompeo’s nomination has, like the blossoming cherry trees along the nearby National Mall, been greeted as a harbinger of new life.” (“Pompeo Vows To Embrace Diplomacy, But Pledges Tougher Line On Russia,” The New York Times, 4/11/2018)



Related Issues: National Security, Nominations