The Leader Board


America’s East Asia Partners Agree That Supporting Ukraine Is Essential For Deterring China

Supporting Ukraine Is An Investment In 'Taiwan's Survival' And International Security Against Chinese Aggression Across Asia, While The Conflict Also Provides A Wakeup Call For America's Defense Posture SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As I've discussed repeatedly, Vladimir Putin's brutal escalation in Ukraine has prompted America's European allies to take their commitments to collective defense more seriously. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Russia's authoritaria… Continue Reading


‘Sheriff Joe’ Biden Still Wants To Deputize Julie Su, Who Lost More Than A Fistful Of Dollars

Despite Previously Emphasizing That His Cabinet Must Use Tax Money 'Efficiently And Effectively,' The Biden White House Continues To Push For Julie Su, Who Presided Over $30 Billion In Unemployment Insurance Fraud, To Head The Department Of Labor As President, 'Sheriff Joe' Biden Emphasized To His Cabinet The Need For Taxpayer Money To Be 'Used Efficiently And Effectively' REUTERS: ''Sheriff Joe' Biden Urges Cabinet To Ensure Fresh Spending Is Used Wisely' ("'Sheriff Joe' Biden Urges Cabi… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Remains Painfully High As Senate Democrats Rubberstamp The Man Who Got It Disastrously Wrong

Jared Bernstein's Policies Have Led To 26 Straight Months Of High Inflation Yet Senate Democrats Are Preparing To Promote Him SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Since President Biden took office, consumer prices have risen more than 16 percent. American families are paying 20 percent more to put food on the table than they did in January 2021. And 36 percent more on energy. But over more than two years of Washington Democrats' runaway inflation, President Biden's top advisors … Continue Reading


RIP Internet, 5 Years Gone

Five Years Ago, The FCC's Repeal Of 'Net Neutrality' Went Into Effect, Causing Democrats And Many Other Liberals To Make Apocalyptic Prognostications, None Of Which Came True FORMER FCC CHAIRMAN AJIT PAI: "Do you remember where you were five years ago today, on June 11, 2018? I'd be surprised if you don't. For that was the day the internet ended - the day the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) repeal of so-called 'net neutrality' regulations went into effect." (Ajit Pai, "The Death … Continue Reading


Biden White House Continues To Push Big Union Ally Julie Su, Part Of A Raft Of Radical And Unqualified Nominees

In Spite Of A 'Full-Court Press' By The White House And Powerful Big-Pocketed Unions, Many Democrat Senators Are Still Reluctant To Support Labor Secretary Nominee Julie Su, Whose Mismanagement Of California's Unemployment Insurance During The Pandemic Looms Large Over Her Nomination SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For someone who campaigned as a moderate and promised to unify our country, President Biden has chosen to staff his Administration with a roster of alarmingly ra… Continue Reading


Democrats Push More Radical Biden Nominees Even After The White House Was Recently Forced To Withdraw Several

Just Weeks After President Biden Was Forced To Withdraw Three Controversial Nominees, Senate Democrats Are Pushing Ahead With More Controversial Far-Left Nominees For Another Judgeship And An Energy Department Post Whose Records Indicate That Their Ideological Activism Will Be Their Overriding Priority Just Last Month, The White House Was Forced To Withdraw The Nominations Of Two Judicial Nominees Who Were So Bad They Lacked Support Among Democrats And A Climate Activist Biden Nominated To… Continue Reading


Republican Unity Forced Democrats To Agree To Cut Government Spending

The Agreement Negotiated By Speaker McCarthy Will Cut Non-defense Spending And Would Save $1.5 Trillion Over A Decade, All Without Any Tax Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "House Republicans stood united behind Speaker McCarthy. They lined up behind the only legislation that addressed the debt limit and out-of-control government deficits. They committed to the direct negotiations that I said repeatedly were the only way to avoid default. And they secured an outcome … Continue Reading


Bipartisan Deal Delivers Significant Conservative Policy Wins For American Families

Thanks To Republicans' Unity, Speaker McCarthy Was Able To Secure Important Conservative Policy Victories In Bipartisan Negotiations That Will Benefit Our Country Including Significant Welfare Reforms, A Pared-Back IRS, A Down Payment On Real Permitting Reform, Expediting A Pipeline That Will Boost Domestic Energy, And Rescinding Unspent COVID Money SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Four months ago, Speaker McCarthy invited President Biden to start negotiating an agreement to… Continue Reading


Far-Left Democrats Hate Fiscal Responsibility So Much They’re Demanding The President Violate The Constitution

Some Far-Left Democratic Senators Care So Little About The Constitution And Are So Wedded To Federal Largesse That They Are Calling On President Biden To Illegally Seize Power And 'Unconstitutionally [Act] Without Congress' In An Attempt To Ignore The Debt Limit SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Everybody knows there is only one way to defuse the looming crisis. The normal and routine thing. Spending negotiations between the President and the Speaker. The American people vote… Continue Reading


While Republicans Stand United, Democrats Are Already Splintering On Debt Limit Negotiations

As Republicans Back Speaker McCarthy's Negotiations On The Debt Limit And Government Spending With The White House, Far-Left Democrats Are Already Sniping At President Biden SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Later today, I will attend a second discussion between President Biden and Speaker McCarthy on the nation's debt limit…. The Biden Administration took three months to reach a conclusion that just about everyone else recognized from the beginning: that the only way for… Continue Reading


A Real China Competition Bill Would Focus On Defense

Senate Democrats Are Talking About Another Bill To Boost U.S. Competition With China, But Are Focused On More Industrial Policy And Domestic Spending, But The United States Must Out-Compete China Most Of All In Military Capabilities And Senate Democrats Keep Failing To Prioritize Defense SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our Democratic friends like to invoke America's competition with China whenever they're seeking to justify huge outlays of domestic spending. But they push t… Continue Reading


Biden Launches Yet Another Assault In His War On Affordable Energy

Sweeping New War On Coal Regulations Announced Today By President Biden's EPA Will Shutter Power Plants, Drive Up The Cost Of Electricity, And Further Reduce The Electric Grid's Reliability, All While Relying On Technology And Infrastructure That Don't Exist Yet And Could Once Again Run Afoul Of The Law SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "By outsourcing his energy policy to the radical left, President Biden is outsourcing away America's energy security and independence. Today, … Continue Reading


The Effects Of Two Years Of Biden’s Persistently High Inflation Are Weighing Down Americans

April's Inflation Report Showed Prices Rising Again, 'Far Above The Federal Reserve's 2% Target Rate,' As They Have Been For Two Straight Years, Leaving American Families Paying Ever More For Their Houses, Their Food, And Their Energy, While They Continue To Express Their Displeasure With Economic Conditions And Lack Of Confidence In President Biden 'Consumer Prices In The United States Rose Again In April, And Measures Of Underlying Inflation Stayed High' "Consumer prices in the United S… Continue Reading


Biden’s Failed Border Policies Have Communities And Law Enforcement Bracing For A Surge Of Illegal Aliens As Title 42 Authority Ends

As Title 42 Authority To Expel Illegal Arrivals Expires This Week, 'Border Agents [And] State And Local Officials … Are All Bracing For The Arrival Of Tens Of Thousands Of Migrants,' Fueled By The Biden Administration's Failure To Properly Enforce The Southern U.S. Border Law Enforcement Is Bracing As Tens Of Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Are Waiting To Cross The Border Once Title 42 Authority Ends Later This Week, 'As Many As 10,000 Migrants To Cross The Southern Border Each Day'… Continue Reading


Chuck Schumer’s Gas Stove Gaslighting

As Progressives Were Advancing Bans On Gas Appliances Earlier This Year, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Mocked Republican Concerns, But 8 Weeks Later, New York Democrats Proved Republicans Right, And Schumer Wrong In February, Schumer Smugly Mocked Republicans Alarmed At Proposals Advanced By Progressives To Ban Gas Appliances SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), February 3: "Nobody is taking away your gas stove. Shameless and desperate MAGA Republicans are showing us they will cook up any distraction t… Continue Reading


WaPo Fact Checker Torpedoes Bogus Biden Debt Limit Talking Points

In Just The Past Week, The Washington Post's Fact Checker Has Agreed That President Biden's Claims Relating To The History Of The Debt Limit, The House-Passed Debt Limit Bill, And His Own Record On The Deficit Are Untrue In His Demands To Raise The Debt Ceiling Without Any Fiscal Reform, 'Biden's Stance Is Pushing Against The Tide Of History' "President Biden has pushed for an increase or suspension of the debt limit without any conditions attached…. Biden consistently says he want… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Are Shoulder-To-Shoulder With Speaker McCarthy On Debt Limit Negotiations

As Democrats Are Fracturing Over Their Leadership's Complete Failure To Act On The Debt Ceiling, Senate Republicans Stand Squarely With Speaker McCarthy SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our Republican colleagues in the House passed a responsible bill. It's the only legislation currently in existence that can pass even one chamber of Congress, let alone both. … Senate Democrats and Leader Schumer can give all the angry speeches they want. But they have no bill. Leader … Continue Reading


After Months Of Delay, Biden Finally Blinks On The Debt Ceiling Following Speaker McCarthy’s Action

Senate Republicans Are United In Supporting Speaker McCarthy, While Senate Democrat Leaders Continue To Offer Absolutely Nothing But Angry Rhetoric And Show Hearings SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]et's be perfectly clear about where we are. The House has passed a bill which raises the debt ceiling and outlines House Republican priorities. Many people thought that wouldn't happen, it has. The message to the President at this point is also pretty clear. You've got a choic… Continue Reading


Powerful Teachers’ Unions Can’t Distort The Facts: They Worked With Democrats To Keep Schools Closed

Randi Weingarten, Teachers' Unions, And Democrats 'Are Trying To Rewrite History' On Pandemic School Closures As The Public Understands Just How Harmful They Were To Children And To Their Educations 'Ms. Weingarten And Others Are Trying To Rewrite History Because They Realize Now, Far Too Late, That Their Lockdowns Are Unpopular … But It's Important For Democratic Accountability That They Don't Get Away With It' RANDI WEINGARTEN, President of the American Federation of Teachers: "W… Continue Reading


Where Did Joe Biden The Negotiator Go?

When He Ran For President, Joe Biden Boasted That He ‘Worked Across The Aisle To Reach Consensus, To Help Make Government Work,’ ‘To Bring Democrats And Republicans Together … To Deal With Big Issues,’ Explaining That There’s ‘No Other Way To Get Anything Done In This Country’   Joe Biden Pitched Himself To Voters As Someone Who Could ‘Bring Democrats And Republicans Together In The United States Congress … To Deal With Big Is… Continue Reading

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